10/04/00 20:25:19
Name: Kenny Byers | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: Hattiesburg, MS |
Age: 2 months shy of 30 | Faith: Protestant/ Presbyterian PCA |
You have a really neat site. Sometimes it's hard to find trustworthy religious views/resources on the net, I'm glad I found one in your site.
09/13/00 04:24:47
Name: Shirley Cole | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: West Rutland, VT 05777 |
Age: 65 | Faith: Reformed Baptist |
I enjoyed your site and hope to revisit from time to time. I read Christian Audio Books for the edification and encouragement of the Body of Christ. Please visit me at www.atwhatpricetruth.com. Shirley Cole
05/25/00 20:46:23
Name: Wayne Olson | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: Southern California |
Age: 22 | Faith: Christian (Presbyterian) |
Hi... I just wanted to say that you have a nice site here. Keep up the good work!
05/04/00 17:38:26
Name: Joe Novak | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: Altoona, PA |
Age: 42 | Faith: Increasing daily |
I'm confused about divorce. Any help will be appreciated
02/20/00 07:39:32
Name: pepsi | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Faith: Child of GOD! |
ttrails I keep getting your Emails back
11/12/99 11:09:45
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Website de Nice. Merci pour me laisser signer votre guestbook
07/09/99 11:52:03
Name: Rev. Bob L'Aloge | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: Las Cruces, New Mexico US of America |
Age: over 21 | Faith: Particular Strict Baptist |
Greetings in the name of a Most Sovereign God
Christ Jesus.
We found you because we are now members of the
Reformed Webring and are visiting some of our
fellow elect brothers and sisters in Christ.
We have enjoyed what we have seen thus far of
your site and will be back later to view more.
We live in Las Cruces, NM US of America.
We would also like very much to invite you to
come visit our family and all others at:
We ask you to sign our guest book and explore
the many wonderful items we offer.
God's Free Grace be with you.
Rev. Bob L'Aloge
04/06/99 17:13:41
Name: Steven Tani | My URL: Visit Me |
From: USA | Age: thirtysomething |
Faith: Christian |
I like the comparison section. I'm sure as I browse the other sections, I'll find more great stuff!!
03/19/99 19:55:44
Name: jj@joypals.com | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Faith: Christian/OPC |
Thanks for a very excellent page and sites! The issues you have covered are exactly what is needed today! "Go ye..." and that is what your page is doing. May Christ richly bless you! Because of Christ, jj
03/11/99 19:56:53
Name: glory57 | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: Montana |
Age: young at heart | Faith: bride of Christ |
Thanks for the invitation. Have it bookmarked and will visit again.
2 Pet 3:9
9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
03/03/99 17:38:09
Name: Brandi Bergeron | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: Huguenot |
Age: not saying! | Faith: Calvinistic, Postmillenial, Reconstructionist, preterist, christian |
Love all the work you have done, my friend, keep up all the great work. Love your resources...!
10/07/98 03:25:36
Name: Rev Richard E Pot | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: Canada |
Age: 26 | Faith: Canadian Reformed Church |
I came across your page via the Reformed Web Ring.
Feel free to visit or link with my site.
10/05/98 19:50:30
Name: Robbie | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: SC |
Age: 38 | Faith: SBC |
Hello! I have been here before, but as a member of the Reformed Webring, I wanted to invite you to
a new discussion forum at His By Grace Homepage. No software is required, you just post or reply to a message much in the same way you would post in a guestbook.
So if you are interested in discussing reformed theology, please feel free to contribute.
A Reformed Southern Baptist,
08/29/98 20:30:58
Name: Robbie | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: SC |
Age: 38 | Faith: Southern Baptist |
I am new to the webring. I was surfing the WR and ran across your site. I like it very much. Good stuff here.
I have a site as well, and hope you can visit sometime.
A Reformed Southern Baptist,
08/19/98 21:23:32
Name: Tony Warren | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: Darby, Pa. |
Faith: Reformed |
Was just surfing the Christian reformed Web and came across your site. God Bless. It's always nice to see solid biblical teachings on the web.
06/26/98 14:56:01
Name: Rev Richard Pot | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: Canada |
Age: 25 | Faith: Canadian Reformed Church |
Hyper jump
06/25/98 00:53:25
Name: rob martinez | My URL: Visit Me |
From: west virginia | Faith: reformed |
Folks, love your site, especially the pig story complete with hometown melody! ;)
when's the next story comin'? God bless your faithfulness to the Word. x0x0x0x
06/07/98 01:42:08
Name: rene alegre | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: Greencastle,PA |
Age: old but not older | Faith: living a holy life |
just dropped by..checking the neighborhood..
keep it up...more power to you.
05/17/98 19:47:59
Name: Bill Fox | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: St. Louis |
Age: Me and Methusala | Faith: Presbyterian |
Lovely, thoughtful site. Nice place to retreat for a little quies meditation
05/08/98 08:29:10
Name: Kathryn Jackson | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: Australia |
Age: I've already told you | Faith: Believer |
G'day it's me again... pressed the wrong key and sent you a nothing message, so I'm back. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday (whenever it was!). Happy Trails to you and may God keep you wrapped in light and peace. Toodles, Kathryn, Adelaide, Sth Austral
05/08/98 08:21:38
Name: Kathryn Jackson | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: Australia |
Age: Wouldn't you like to know! |
05/04/98 06:07:38
Name: ChosenB4 | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 27 |
Faith: Reformed Presbyterian |
Just wanted to drop a line to let you know I enjoyed your page. Keep up the good work.
04/27/98 00:29:45
Name: Brian Gordon | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: Gainesville, GA |
Age: 43 | Faith: Calvinistic Baptist |
Enjoyed the page, will come back again. Found you through the "Reformed Webring"
I read your article on head coverings, I disagree, but then, I find most don't agree with me on that either. 8-)
04/07/98 00:12:03
Name: Amy Beasley | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Faith: Reformed |
It was great to talk to you today! Thanks for the encouragement about our book, and we're delighted you're planning to quote from it. After you called, I couldn't resist "stopping by" to say hello. Great page! Keep spreading the Word!
Amy Beasley
03/14/98 06:09:56
Name: cliff Frazer | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: California |
Age: 65 | Faith: Christian |
Good web-site, thanks.
02/24/98 16:02:05
Name: RSS |
My URL: Visit Me |
Faith: Christian! |
Plan to browse around this site today. Looks like a great place to visit often. Hoping to install mIRC some time this week too and try it out.
12/21/97 03:14:14
Name: Mark | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: ?? forgot |
Faith: Baptist |
Great witness. Keep studying, it is the only way to stay strong in the Lord. Love you all.
12/12/97 00:01:51
Name: Cliff Talbot | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: Hamilton,Ont |
Age: 27 | Faith: Baptist |
I finally got to your home page!!!!!
The E-mail address above doesn't have an extension, because I forgot it, but I will get to you at a later date
12/06/97 07:49:17
Name: Tony | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: North Carolina |
Age: 19 | Faith: Firm believer in JESUS |
Trust in the Lord and seek him with all your heart.
11/30/97 12:04:31
Name: mel | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: hawaii |
Age: 17 | Faith: christian |
I was wondering how to get into your chatrooms. Thank you and GOD bless!
11/14/97 23:39:57
Name: tofuman | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 12 |
Faith: Seventh-Day Adventists |
10/20/97 06:07:23
Name: Tammie(Gracie O'Neal) | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: Tammie(Gracie O'Neal) |
Age: 13 | Faith: Penticostal |
This is a really awesome page Mr.& Mrs.TT.
I love it!
God Bless!
10/19/97 04:25:25
Name: lesle | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: here@home |
Age: hmmm | Faith: Christian |
10/18/97 06:46:11
Name: nothing |
My URL: Visit Me |
09/24/97 21:16:41
Name: Bill Fox | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: St. Louis |
Age: older than dirt | Faith: Presbyterian |
Interesting--have only read a portion, time does not permit a complete perusal at this time but will be back.
09/16/97 22:32:30
Name: John Reason | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: Elwood, IL |
Age: 18, 19 in January | Faith: It is a bit complicated |
Maybe you could give me some advice....
My mother is an ordained PCUSA minister. I feel called to the ministry also, but as a Baptist minister. Right now, I am finacially dependent on my parents to put me through college. I am unsure of what their reaction will be, but I fear the worst.
To complicate matters, I am engaged to a Southern Baptist, which my parents are fine with. We will be married 3/13/99.
She will not marry me unless I receive a believer's baptism, and the church will not baptize me until I tell my parents of my decision.
I want to tell them, but I am afraid.
I will begin learning more of the Southern Baptist faith starting tomorrow and on Wednesdays at a bible study. I think being able to logically defend myself may give me more courage.
08/31/97 06:37:30
Name: renae | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: alaska |
Age: 15 | Faith: penticostal |
i think its great that christians are taking a stand against the world. keep the faith.
08/27/97 01:46:11 GMT
Name: Joan Pryor | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Faith: United Baptist |
Hi there...just wanted to let you know I came in here to visit you homepage. You have done a great job but I am not even done looking at it.
08/20/97 04:36:04 GMT
Name: Eric Ashley | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: Elkhart, IN |
Age: 22/m | Faith: Christian |
Congrats on a great and well-organized page! May
God richly bless you daily!
07/23/97 00:46:12 GMT
Name: Judi (Jude1) | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: AB, Canada |
Age: over 40 | Faith: Baptist |
I have enjoyed reading your pages and giving you some "helps" along the way....hehehe
07/23/97 00:44:55 GMT
Name: Judi (Jude1) |
My URL: Visit Me |
07/20/97 16:46:22 GMT
Name: Jim Crawford | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: Canada |
Age: thirtybloodysevenalready | Faith: Backsliding Bhuddist |
Hi Trevor!
Nice page - shame about the music :]
Looks like you've been busy. What's up with the Mr. Tt thing? Why not just Mr. T?
Buenos Tacos!
07/13/97 16:35:24 GMT
Name: kindness(polly) | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: wv |
Age: 39 | Faith: Pentecostal |
love you guys....
07/03/97 16:53:45 GMT
Name: STAR | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 29 and Holding |
Faith: Shine for Jesus |
Hey wonderful page here ... so that is what keeps
you so busy ....hehehhhe ...God Bless all you
put your hand to!!!
Love in Christ!!!!!
07/03/97 08:41:04 GMT
Name: GloryBound | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | From: Tennessee, USA |
Age: 32 | Faith: Christian |
Good job. Keep up the good work. PTL & PTA! I
like what you've done here. I do disagree with
one of your pages, though. The New Testament
circumcision you referred too was not physical but
descriptive of the spiritual change that takes
place in salvation. Also, baptism without
salvation is nothing more than swimming or bathing
because it is a sign of the change that has already taken place in your life. If there is no
change; then how can you identify with the death,
burial and resurrection through the act of baptism? Infant baptism, is it a bad thing? No.
But is it a necessity or a command ... no. Love
ya' Brother. Keep studying, keep sharing. The
world needs more pages like this! Here's a big
GloryBound amen from the choir --
See you here, there or in the air -- I'm GloryBound!
06/26/97 07:31:38 GMT
Name: ttrails |
My URL: Visit Me |
just want to see if this works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!