Adoption, what an interesting thing. You are too young, usually, to have any say in the procedure. Therefore adults decide. They decide to place you with this family instead of that one. Sounds OK so far, you are going from a family, or individual, that feels that it would be better for you to live with someone else. This other family wants you, supposedly.

Fast forward to YOU being an adult. You want to meet that family, or individual that gave you up. Shouldn't be a problem, right? Wrong! You are still considered not to have any say in the procedure. You can't get your records because they are sealed. They are trying to keep you from knowing your heritage. Is this fair? Shouldn't we (adoptees) be allowed the same rights as others? Anyone else can go down and get a copy of their original birth certificate. Try that if you are an adoptee. We aren't asking for special rights, just equal rights.

Enough of the soapbox. I have found both my birthfather and birthmother. It took me about 2 years to do all of this. I was lucky enough to have a pretty good store of information and a LOT of good friends that helped. Further down this page are links to many other resources that are out on the web for you. At the end of the page you will find a gallery of pictures of people from the California Adoptees Mailing list that have made contact. You can put a face to the people that you have seen posting to the list!

I will be putting my adoption story here soon, but for now I will put some pictures of my birthmother's side of my family.

In this first photo, I am on the left in the top row. Kathy, my birthmother, is to my left. Karen, my oldest birthsister is on her left and Sharon, the youngest, is kneeling.

This picture has the same players in the back row, but the front row adds my birthgrandmother Helen and birthgrandfather Frank.

This is currently the ONLY picture that I have of Pete LaRock, my birthfather. He is the one in the center.

Here is the 'gallery' of pictures of people from the California Adoptees Mailing List

This is Jay Byron Sanders (birthname: Todd Alan Lau) and his recently found birthfamily. This picture has his birthmother, birthsister and birthnephew. He was reunited by phone and in-person on 6/3/97 just in time to get a hug from his birthmother on his 30th birthday (6/4/97).

If you have something that I may like let me know.

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