Hello - I'm Reaelle
That's me, looking pretty as a fairy - I just love dressing up, don't all girls? I'm 5 years old, and I have one big brother, Jay. He's okay I suppose, as far as brothers go, but don't tell him I said that.
See? I told you I liked dressing up! My favourite things in this life are The Wiggles, Barbie dolls, and teasing my brother Jay. But I like putting Mummy's make-up on too, and her perfume, and wearing her shoes. I'm getting bigger and bigger and bigger, but I'm not a chatterbox, really I'm not. I make Mummy blow-dry my hair everyday, even though all I have is all I've ever grown. We had a little disaster a few months back, where a friend of mine cut my hair at the top to the scalp, and my Mummy cried for 2 days! I don't know why, it'll grow back! I tell Mummy it's going to be long down to my bottom soon. She just laughs at me. I love my Daddy very much too, and he will do just about anything for me, especially when I smile at him and tilt my head to the side. Men are easy to manage really, aren't they?
My favourite movie is Grease - and I just love watching it over and over and over. I sing all the songs, and I like wearing tight leg-ins - and I call them my "Sandy pants". I want to know why people laugh at me in the supermarket when I sing - "You'd better shape up.....'cause I need a man", some people are strange aren't they? I told Mummy that I'm gonna marry Danny when I grow up, and when I'm having my baby, he can rub my back. I learn karate, and I'm very good for my age, and I'm also in swimming squad, and I do that once a week all year round. I swim about 700 metres in 3/4 of an hour, not bad eh? Mummy says I might be in the Olympics one day!
As well as Grease, I'm rather keen on "The Little Mermaid" at the moment, and here's a picture of me dressed up just like her! But remember, I'm not really Ariel, just Reaelle, but it nearly sounds the same doesn't it?
A lovely friend of my Mum's, named
sent me this award. I wonder how she knew I loved the DALAmations! Mummy always laughs when I say that word! I wonder why?
Well I'd better go, you come back soon and I'll tell you what else I've been up to. Don't forget to sign my guestbook - I'm using that to learn to read! Tata!
The Wiggles (My favourite band)
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My big brother Jay
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