Welcome To The Hills Homepage!

Aloha! If you are returning to our page, welcome back. If it is your first time...welcome! We are the Hill family from Wailuku Maui. Our house is the one denoted by the small white bracket marks. (Lower right side of picture)

The above photo was taken from the air in a Pacific Helicopters Jetranger

Here's a look at our view facing East (Haleakala)!

Facing West Maui

From the front...

Meet the "editor"

"Crawfish Boy"

(Obvious where this guy gets his inspiration eh??)

Hey..at least I get to drive a company car!!!

Here We Are!

Most of the page belongs to the kids. First, the oldest!


My Sister and I

At Universal Studios Florida

Take that you bug!

Offensive Lineman

Without my hat


Me and Great Grandpa

Wow! Papa Hill is tall!

"Babe" the mutant mutt

Biker Babe

Show me the Lobster!

My Easter Dress

Check out this pose!

Me and my Mommy

Practicing being a flower girl

Check my doo!

Stealing Great Grandpa's hat at the Family Reunion

What a difference 10 years makes! 10 years ago, Robert attended the same preschool Samantha now attends. Of course Daddy is called to do Safety presentations. The same pose was captured 10 years apart

Mom and Dad

Hear Our Family Song

The Grand Entrance

The helicopter in this picture was provided by Windward Aviation. Windward was the first company in Hawaii to have the NOTAR aircraft, (no tail rotor).

Cowboy Fan Section

"The Cutest Cowboys Cheerleader Ever!

One of us is a BIG fan!

Guess where we are?

Bike Section

Bobbys Toys

"The Guava" got a new front end

(Looks like Bobby could use a new Aloha Shirt!)

"The Beast", (Black bike), got a new look! Don't worry, it's the same color!

Helping dedicate the Millenium Trail


(Just practicing)

At the beach

How's this pose?

Building a sand castle


In memory of princess Diana, let's learn "The Wave"!

While "driving"

From the chair

From the bike

Let a real princess show you how!

Let's all try! (You too Daddy)

Kamehameha Schools Reunion '79

One hour after we got to Vegas

Noe, "I gotta sit in front", Cashman-Aiu making a speech

Todd "5 Alarm" Hugo explains how fire sprinklers get set off

30+ classmates at the banquet

(Many spouses and guests attended as well)

Being Crowned "Ms. Reunion" is a "handful" for Jan Burns

Kehau Pruitt Chung explains how big her diamond will be once husband Louis wins MEGABUCKS!

Like This!

Okay...you REALLY had to be there...This photo shows Todd re-enacting the "adventure" encountered when simply returning a rental car (Notice the lady with the hat in the background. She's not with our group but is cracking up as well!)



I remember the lucky number drawings, but I don't really recall this contest! Nah! Sometimes the camera just gets people in the wierdest positions!!

Kehau is not really leaning over to let out "pressure", but it sure looks like it! She was actually trying to get out of the picture unlike Russ and Dancer.

Here's what Todd's entry would probably sound like!

Todd's Entry


Bobby's Entry(Photo not available)


Day 1 at the dorms, a time of whispering, "Who's that?"

Another view in the center lounge of Kina'u Hale Dorm

Kumu Todd goes over the lines with the "Trustees" in preparation for talent night.

The "teachers",do a "Happy Days" tribute

You've got to feel ALOHA

Konea Kakou! For us, a time of healing, unifying and moving forward!

Lopaka Ho'opi'i shares his talents with classmates and friends


DISCLAIMER:If I spelled your name wrong or mis-identified you, please forgive me! I get excuse! Keola has my yearbook with him in D.C.! Please note any corrections and send them to me by mail at P.O. Box 5112, Kahului, HI 96733 or e-mail them to me....mento@tiki.net. I was not able to get everyone's married name, so some of the ladies will be identified by the names we knew them back then. If you want your picture removed, please inform me. If you have more pictures please send them!!

Helen MartinsenDeLuze and hubby Nathan

Derrick Stewart with John Terada

David Burrows

Who is this? Is it Debbie, Haunani or Melanie Hao? (Verdeen Crabbe knows!)


Bob McDonald with Kenny Luke

Keola Nosaka makes the "peace" sign. Also in the photo from left to right, Walter Smith, Pua Semitekol, Pono Lunn, John Spencer, (Keola), and Russell Wong

Pono Lunn poses with John Spencer

Kent Thompson Nicky Muragin and Russell Ho. (Kent also shared a poem he wrote for Kanoe Chai and did a touching memorial for all of our classmates who have since passed away)

Naomi Nakoa Landgraf flanked by Dancer and April Ho'opai at the reception table

Sandy Ching strikes the same pose, (minus the beer), that I captured in the 7th grade while taking photography class. Actually, if Sandy's Mom is reading this, she's holding my beer...it's not hers. (You're welcome Sandy)

Claire Tom Iwalani Batalona Long, and Robyn Sembenini

Tammy ChangYamamoto and husband Melvin. Yes Tammy is a classmate too, not just Mel's wife!

John Spencer, Russell Wong, Lisa Chang, Lisa Kam, David Burrows, Claire Tom and Brendan Akamu

FOXES!!!!Lisa Ontai poses with Heidi Kamaka Kamana

"Cutting da Rug" was a term used for serious dancing in days of old. Noe Cashman Aiu joins Lyla Eldredge, Rocky Silva and others, while Kevin Aea pauses for refreshments

"Ride Sally Ride" OomphKealani Kekoa, Gay Keaunui and the crew have some fun after the Lu'au. By the way, who has pictures of Partika doing the "Ride Sally Ride" dance??

"MORE FOXES" - (Front Row)Iwalani, Heidi Ho, Daneen Lunn, (Pono's wife), Mahina Eleneki, (Todd's better half), (back row) Kenwyn Ka'ahaaina, Tammy Chang Yamamoto, Noe, Kehau, Dancer and Kathy Lau, (Mike Lau's wife)

April Ho'opai graces us with the Hula and some stand up comedy!

Come back as often as you wish! We update frequently! (Click below if you still dare!)


Links to other sites on the Web

Randy's homepage
Random Silliness Page
Blue Knights Homepage
Maui Police Department's Unoffical C.I.D. Home Page

Affiliations include: Hui Maka'i and Blue Knights Law Enforcement Motorcycle clubs, Iao Congregational Church, Kamehameha Schools Alumni Association, Nikken Products - Independent Distributor

© 1997 mento@tiki.net

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