This is my my page dedicated to Peacekeepers

May they Valiantly stand their ground an help bring Peace to the world


We bid farewell to family and friends,

In hope that someday we can live as brothers.
I pray for the day all wars will end,
And my fate shall be spared to others.

It was the war to end all wars,

That is what they had said.
But after so many years,
Canada still counts her dead.

I was a true Canadian,

I wish you could see.
All I ask is...Remember Me.

In war I fought an died,

I thought it did cease,
Now under the Blue Beret,
I die for world peace.

Like Micheal Ralph, John Ternapolski

Plus the thousands of soldiers before.
On November 11th, Remember...
I died for Peace not War.

I was a true Canadian,

I wish you could see.
All I ask...Remember Me.

Author...Ron Heffernan ©1997,2004
In Memory of John William Ternapolski

Origins of Peacekeeping

United Nations; A world wide organization of sovereign nations, founded in 1945 and based in New York. It was created in the aftermath of World War II to promote international peace and cooperation.

The origins of the United Nations can be traced back to the League Of Nations which was founded after World War I.

The United Nations was officially founded at the conference on International Organization, Convened at San Francisco in April 1945. The 50 Nations represented unanimously adopted the Charter of the United Nations, and it was signed on June 26 1945. The Charter came into force on October 24 1945.

The founder of the United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF) was Lester B. Pearson of Canada. On November 2 1956,during a General Assembly debate over the joint British,French, and Isreali attack on Egypt's Suez Canal, Pearson proposed that peace be restored in the area through a UN force.

As many as 27 members offered to make troops available; finaly, a contingent of 6,000 troops from ten countries-Brazil,Canada,Columbia,Denmark,Finland,India,Indonesia,Norway,Sweden and Yugoslavia- was made ready for action

The second United Nations Emergeny Force (UNEFII) was established immediately after the conclusion of the Yom Kipper War between Isreal,Egypt, and Syria in late October 1973. It was deployed by the Security Council for an initial six month period, subject to renewal.

United Nations Emergency Force (UNEFII) operated at a level of approximately 7,000 troops under the direction of a Finnish Comander, Major-General Ensio P. Siilasvuo.

Canada is very involved in the fight for peace, since this time Canada has been extensivly envolved in the peacekeeping effort, losing many of it's serving members in many different countries in conflict

Canada's Contributions to Peacekeeping

Canada has taken a lead role in peacekeeping. Canadian troops have served in such places as

Kashmir (1949-79)

West New Guinea (1962-63)

Yemen (1963-64)

They helped secure peace in the Congo (1960-64)

twice stood between Egyptians and Israelis in the Sinai (1956-67 and 1973-79)

assisted Namibia's transition to independence (1989-90)

UN Protection Force (UNPROFOR) in the former Yugoslavia (1992-1995)

Implementation Force (IFOR - Operation Joint Endeavour) (20 Dec. 1995 -20 Dec. 1996) in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Stabilisation Force (SFOR - Joint Guard) (21 Dec 1996 19 Jun 1998)

SFOR - Joint Forge (20 Jun 1998-)

My research is yet unfinished, I will post relevant dates an events as I uncover them.

As of October 1997, and excluding the Korean War, 104 Canadians have died while on peacekeeping and related operations.

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