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At Millenium Dobermans, we strive first and foremost for a Doberman sound in mind and body, who will combine beauty and willingness to work.
Please go here to read more about us and our breeding philosophy:
Our breeding philosophy
What is a Doberman ? The myths and the truth...
Visit our dogs:
Rio´s page -
Can.Lux.CH B The Specialist de Baviere UDT CGC SCH I
Tango´s page -
"The Dancing Girl", Can.CH. Asisi My Tango Lady de Baviere
Millenium Puppies ! Current and planned litters
My photo album ! - Showpictures, Pictures of the Dobe´s, the Dobe´s + me, the Dobe´s + godknowswhoandwhat

The dobes at play...