Teachers of Hearing Impaired Children

The MICHA Society for Deaf Children provides services for all hearing impaired children, upon diagnosis of hearing impairment, from Hadera in the north to Ashkelon in the south.

From easing the confusion and helplessness experienced by parents upon receiving the devastating news that their child is deaf, through the day that the hearing-impaired youngster is integrated into mainstream society, MICHA is there.

An article from "Ha'aretz Newspaper" ...

"A Voice Out of the Silence"

Click Here... to learn more about MICHA's mission.

For more information MICHA Society for Deaf Children
Tel-Aviv and Central Region Sherman House
23 Reading St.
Ramat Aviv 69024
Phone: +972-3-699-4777/9
FAX: +972-3-699-6821
Educational Center: Phone: +972-3-699-4778
Haifa and the North ???
Haifa ?????
Phone: +972-4-???-????
FAX: +972-4-???-????
Jerusalem ???
Jerusalem ?????
Phone: +972-2-???-????
FAX: +972-2-???-????

  • Links to other related WWW pages
  • School-age children are served by SHEMA
    Contact information: SHEMA 30 Plitei Hasfar St. Tel Aviv 67948 ISRAEL
    Phone: +972-3-5715656, 5715657, 5715658, 5715659 FAX: +972-3-5712017

Click Here... to learn how you can contribute to MICHA's success!.

Gordon Berkley <gordonb@mcil.comm.mot.com>
Last modified: Wed May 21 11:18:46 1997

Copyright © 1997 Micha