The Berkley's (Israel branch)

Welcome to the home page of the Berkley Family Ltd.
This is a privately held corporation with branches all over the world.

Our main areas of interest are still being determined.
Our officers would be happy to assist you with any inquiry.

Managing Director
CEO Janet
Office staff Tova,
Michal &
Permanent VisitorsTom the Cockatiel, various aquatic pests

Our Israel Branch is located in Ginot Shomron,
a private residential neighborhood in the town of Karnei Shomron,
situated in the center of the country and home to over 1000 families.
Small map (5.7K) Large map (24K) VERY Large map, Driving Instructions (162K)

Other branches are located in:

  • Boca Raton, FL (USA)
  • Scottsdale, AZ (USA)

Aviva's Bat Mitzvah!
Michal's Bat Mitzvah!
Azriel's Bar Mitzvah!


Oh my gosh, Aviva's getting married!!!!
Tova's column at Teenadvice.about -- My World (April 2001)
Tova's column at Teenadvice.about -- My World (June 2001)
Visit our Neighbors, the Kochanowitz's
Zo Artzeinu home page
The Herald Link - Dave Barry
Today's funny (G)
Today's funny (PG)
MICHA - The Israeli Association for Hearing Impaired Children
SHEMA - For Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children and Youth


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