Cowsert Family Reunions

Information about Cowsert family reunions


The Cousert/Cowsert reunion in Indiana is at McCormicks Creek State Park outside of Spencer, Indiana (located 15-20 miles West of Bloomington, Indiana). Spencer is one hour South of Indianapolis. The 1998 reunion will be on September 11th, 12th, and 13th. There are rooms at the Inn or some families rent cabins, others bring their tents or trailers to camp.


The Cowsert family in Missouri is having it's reunion on June 26, 1999 at the Pacific city park in Pacific, MO. For information contact Lisa Simpson or Joyce Smith.


The Cowsert family reunion is the 3rd weekend in July. It is located about 15 miles West of Junction, Texas. Events include a Friday night genealogy meeting, Saturday morning canoe trips, Saturday night reunion with great food, entertainment and games for the kids at the Bennett ranch. Sunday morning breakfast and a hayride to the old Copperas Cemetery just across the river from the Bennett ranch, this is the area where the Cowsert family settled in Texas.

Cowsert Family Reunion Photos

If you have any information on other family reunions, please let me know. Ron Wilson e-mail:

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