RAMSAY: Oct. 20, 1989 1A J.D. RAMSAY Native of Edinburgh, Scotland. Two of J.D.'s brothers were guards in service of the British King. J.D. slipped away to America to evade similar service. J.D. was the first Briton to reach the Guadalupe Valley. He came to Texas in 1865, moved to Turtle Creek in Kerr County, Texas in 1870. 1 Child: William Henry Ramsay (Others?) 1B WILLIAM HENRY RAMSAY (Will) b. maybe Scotland d. 1939 Burried in Kerrville, Texas m. MARGARET MAE DURHAM (Maggie) 1899 Kerrville, Texas b. March 15, 1880 Lancaster, England d. April 26, 1968 Her father FREDERICK D. DURHAM, a Major in the English Navy Her mother JANE HUGHES. Maggie's parents lived Sheffield, England and Doncaster England. They came to America in 1883 (1885?), to Turtle Creek in Kerr County, Texas. Will and Maggie moved from Turtle Creek to Kimble County, Texas 1915. Will worked for the S.S. Bundy Rnach, O.W. Cardwell, and Maurice Nethery. Maggie loved animals. She raised a deer, named it Spotty. The deer was like one of the family. The doe had triplets four years in a row. Maggie loved to hunt. She killed a deer every year until her death. She sold her home during World War II, after Will died. She was a lifelong Methodist, member of Copperas Methodist Church, and member of the Highland study club in Junction, Texas. 5 children: William Frederick, Lillie Hilda, Victor Bernard, Scott Forrest, Verna Alemeta 1C WILLIAM FREDERICK RAMSAY (Fred) b. Kerrville, Texas m. BEATRICE KMIECIK 2C VICTOR BERNARD RAMSAY b. Kerrville, Texas m. LADELL NIXON Victor Bernard Ramsay worked for Kerrville Bus Company. 3C SCOTT FORREST RAMSAY b. Kerrville, Texas m. ROTHA ? They lived Beeville, Texas. 4C VERNA ALEMETA RAMSAY b. April 26, 1899 Kerrville, Texas d. ? m. THOMAS FREELAND COWSERT (Sr.) August 10, 1916 in Junction, Texas b. November 18, 1892 Junction, Texas d. November 29, 1962 Rocksprings, Texas Burried City Cemetery in Rocksprings, Texas. They ranched near Junction, and worked a ranch for Nevall Smart near Rocksprings, Texas. They were both Methodist. (*** SEE COWSERT ***) 5C LILLIE HILDA RAMSAY (Lil) b. November 19, 1906 Kerrville, Texas m. HOMER EDWARD MANSFIELD July 1, 1926 b. May 29, 1900 Bandera, Texas d. Jan 30, 1984 Kerrville, Texas Burried in Junction, Texas In 1933 Homer and Lil moved to Kimble County, Texas. Maggie (Lil's mother) lived with them some on the Paterson Ranch in Kimble County. Homer was a rancher wntil his health forced him to retire in 1983. 2 children: Margaret Mae, Billy Ed 1D MARGARET MAE MANSFIELD 2D BILLY ED MANSFIELD (*** SEE MANSFIELD ***)