May 31, 2003 There are a great many Pattons in North Carolina. Especially around the Swannanoa area. Swannanoa is a little town on the Swannanoa River in the mountains not far from Ashville, N.C. There is the Patton Cemetery, established in 1794, and also the cemetery in the church yard of the First Presbyterian Church of Swannanoa. Many Pattons are buried at these places. Records of this family indicate they are of Scotch origin. Spelling in New England states is PATTEN while those found in Pennsylvania and the south are usually spelled Patton. The earliest records of Pattons in Pennsylvania are of Matthew and John, "brothers from Covenanter stock, who settled in the North of Ireland then came early in the eighteenth century and settled in Cumberland Co., PA" It is reported that these Pattons are decendents of "the Covenanter martyr, MATHEW PATOUN of Newmilns, Scotland who was executed in Glasgow public square in 1666". 1A JOHN PATTON John was Matthew's younger brother. 2A MATTHEW PATTON b. 1705 ? maybe Ireland d. Jan. 7, 1778 1788? Carlisle, Pennsylvania m1 JANE ALEXANDER m2 ELIZABETH ALEXANDER In 1735 may have lived on tract of land in what is now Peters township, PA. May have lived Carlisle, PA 2 known child: Thomas (m1), Matthew (m2) 1b THOMAS PATTON (CAPTAIN THOMAS PATTON) b. 1726 or 1730? Cumberland County, Pennsylvania d. March 1808 Buncombe (now Transylvania) Co., North Carolina burried Davidson River Cemetery, Pisgah Forest, Transylvania Co., North Carolina m(1) MARGARET ERWIN (MARGARET IRWIN ?) 1752 Cumberland Co., Pa. b. 1728 ? Cumberland County, Pa. d. 1790 Azalea, Buncombe Co., North Carolina buried"on hill above BURTON PATTON'S home on highway 70 east of Azalea)" Margaret's parents, James & Jane/Jean: JAMES IRWIN b. 1700 ? Ireland d. April 1778 Cumberland (now Franklin Co.) Pa. James father: JOHN IRWIN b. ? John received a Manor in Cromwell's time m. JANE or JEAN ? b. Ireland d. 1781 Cumberland, Pa. (Church's Hill Cemetery) m(2) ABIGAIL CHAMBERS Sept. 14, 1800 Burried with Thomas in Davidson River Cemetery Thomas Patton was in the Revolutionary War. He has lived in Bedford Co., Tenn. and Rutherford Co., Tenn., He lived in Cumberland County, PA at least until 1765 when his church letter dated 1765 transferred to Swannanoa Presbyterian Church in 1803. Thomas Patton, at the time of his first marriage, lived in Peters twp. Cumberland Co. PA and was on the NC/SC border by 1760. His church letter, from Carlisle Presbytery was used in transferring his membership to the Bethel congregation in SC and then to "Piney Grove" Presbyterian Church in Buncombe Co., NC in 1803. He and his second wife moved to what is now Transylvania Co. after that date. He has been accepted as a Revolutionary ancestor for DAR membership, DAR #538818. 6 Children all m(1): Mathew, John, James Thomas, Jane, Joseph Erwin, Margaret 1c MATHEW PATTON (MATTHEW ?) b. 1760 ? York Dist? South Carolina d. Sept. or Oct. 1808 (1806 or 1807?) Rutherford Co., Tenn. or before 1806 Bedford Co., Tenn.? m. KATHERINE KATY CUNNINGHAM 1785 York Co., S.C. also spelled CATHERINE CUNNINGHAM b. 1767 ? (1760 or 1761 ?) York County, South Carolina d. 1835 Ray County, Mo. <1> *** SEE CUNNINGHAM <4> *** Katherine's m(2) ROBERT HANNA They moved to Ray Co., 1830, from Rutherford Co., Tenn. Mathew and Katherine had 8 children: Margaret, Magdaline, Thomas, John, Rhoda, James, Sarah, Martha 1d MARGARET PEGGY PATTON b. 1786 m. ANDREW HANNAH JR. May 12, 1805 Rutherford Co., Tenn. 7 Children: Katy, Polly, Lucinda, Rhoda, Betsy, John, Mary 1e KATY HANNAH 2e POLLY HANNAH 3e LUCINDA HANNAH 4e RHODA HANNAH 5e BETSY HANNAH 6e JOHN F. HANNAH 7e MARY HANNAH 2d MAGDALINE PATTON b. Oct. 7, 1788 d. April 29, 1872 Daviess County, Missouri m(1) JOHN PATTON Ray County, Missouri m(2) THOMAS RUBEY 3d THOMAS PATTON b. 1792 d. Before March 18th in 1842 Randolf County, Missouri m(1) WINNIE ? m(2) MARY POLLY STINSON 4d JOHN CUNNINGHAM PATTON b. Nov. 2, 1795 North Carolina d. Aug. 8, 1863 Macon County, Missouri m. WILMOUTH JARRETT Feb. 6, 1815 Tennessee (Willie) b. 1790 d. 1865 2 known child: Daniel, Matthew 1e DANIEL ALEXANDER PATTON b. 1833 m. MARGARET C.C. PEELER 1853 b. 1834 1 known child: Laura 1f LAURA ELLEN PATTON b. 1854 m. WILLIAM PORTER WALKER 1872 b. 1851 1 known child: Alma 1g ALMA E. WALKER b. ? Macon, MO. 2e MATTHEW CAGE PATTON 5d RHODA PATTON b. 1796 m. SAMUEL HANNAH Tennessee 6 Children: Matthew, George, Margaret, Robert, Rhonda, Jane 1e MATTHEW HANNAH 2e GEORGE NEWTON HANNAH b. 1815 3e MARRGARET ANN HANNAH b. 1819 4e ROBERT P. HANNAH b. 1821 5e RHONDA EMELINE HANNAH 6e JANE HANNAH 6d JAMES THOMAS PATTON b. 1801 Bedford County, Tennessee d. Aug. 15, 1876 m(1) DOVEY McWHORTER (McWHARTER) (DOVEY McWIRTER ?) Feb. 22, 1823 b. 1795 Madison County, Alabama d. Before 1846 m(2) JONTHA T. HALL m(3) ELIZABETH E. HAYTER m(4) MARTHA A. ? 13 Children: m(1) 9 Children Robert, Rocinda, Margaret, John, Sarah, Cynthia, Mary, James, Susan m(2) 1 Child Rufus m(3) 3 Children Henry, Daniel, Doctor 1e ROBERT WINSLOW PATTON b. May 3, 1825 Bedford County, Tennessee d. Jan. 24, 1891 Richmond, Ray County, Missouri m(1) LUCRETTA JANE HALE Sept. 30, 1852 d. 1870 m(2) MARY M. McQUISTION July 13, 1871 b. 1831 d. 1876 Ray County, Missouri m(3) MRS. ELIZABETH GRAHAM 7 Children m(1): William, Jene (only known names at this time) 1f WILLIAM C. PATTON b. July 30, 1854 Ray County, Missouri 2f JENE B. PATTON b. ? Ray County, Missouri 3f ? 4f ? 5f ? 6f ? 7f ? 2e ROCINDA PATTON 3e MARGARET E. PATTON 4e JOHN T. PATTON b. June 9, 1829 Bedford County, Tennessee d. Aug. 25, 1903 m(1) MARGARET EMERSON Nov. 20, 1850 b. 1830 d. 1858 Richmond, Missouri m(2) NARCISSA R. JACKSON Dec. 20, 1859 b. 1837 d. May 1887 Richmond, Missouri m(3) EMMA HAMMOND Sept. 16, 1888 d. Jan 10, 1904 3 Children: m(1) Laura, Isabel m(2) Margaret 1f LAURA A. PATTON b. 1854 Ray County, Missouri m. WILLIAM MAGILL 2f ISABEL PATTON b. 1858 Ray County, Missouri m. RUFUS HILL 3f MARGARET PATTON b. 1860 5e SARAH ANN PATTON b. 1832 Ray County, Missouri d. Windom, Fannin County, Texas m. OLIVER SLACK Oct. 6, 1853 6e CYNTHIA C. PATTON b. 1837 7e MARY J. PATTON 8e JAMES ALEXANDER PATTON 9e SUSAN A. PATTON 10e RUFUS HALL PATTON b. 1848 Ray County, Missouri 11e HENRY C. PATTON b. 1855 Ray County, Missouri 12e DANIEL W. PATTON b. 1859 Ray County, Missouri 13e DOCTOR F. PATTON (first name Doctor) b. 1861 Ray County, Missouri 7d SARAH SALLIE PATTON b. 1804 Bedford County, Tennessee d. Ray County, Missouri Burried Perryville, Kansas m. EBENIZER CARSON (EBENEZER CARSON ?) 8d MARTHA JANE PATTON (JANE) b. April 1, 1805 Rutherford Co., Tenn. d. Feb. 21, 1847 Ray Co., Mo. or Feb. 25, 1847 Ellis Co., Texas m(1) JOHN FREELIN COWSERT (Sr.) Aug. 27, 1821 Ray Co., Mo. b. July 8, 1801 in Maury or in Williamson Co., Tenn. d. Sept. 11, 1834 in Ray Co. Missouri Between 1830 and 1833 the people of Tennessee became conscious of the many acres of land in the state of Missouri, and the fact that it was selling very cheaply. Jane had a brother and a cousin who decided to move. A MARY POLLY COWSERT who had married JAMES ERWIN PATTON was also moving. In 1831-1832 John F. sold the part of the family farm he had inherited when his mother died, to his brother James. They then moved to Richmond, Ray Co., Missouri where they bought a farm 6 miles North of Richmond. When John F. died he left Jane a widow at age 29, with 7 small children. She also lost her son John T. the same year. Their 7th child was born after John F. died. It is understandable Jane would marry again two years later. She signed the custody of her children over to her brother, JAMES THOMAS PATTON. John F. Cowsert and Jane lived in Ray Co., Missouri. John was a farmer. Notes: John F. Cowsert, intestate, widow Jane Cowsert wishes O.H. Searcy to administer approved. Sec James Patton and John C. Patton Oct. 14, 1834 (a80). John and Jane had 7 children: James, David, Robert, John T., Andrew, Mathew, and John F. <2> *** SEE COWSERT <2> for these children m(1) *** m(2) LEROY P. FOWLER Sept. 21, 1837 Ray Co., Missouri From the Family Bible of ROBERT PORTER COWSERT, now in the hands of LEO COWSERT of Chicago, Ill. it is learned that Jane and Leroy had three children: Paulina A., William T, Jesse A. 1e PAULINA A. FOWLER (PALINA ANN FOWLER ?) b. July 13, 1839 Ray Co., Missouri d. Dec. 19, 1919 Ray Co., Missouri m(1) GEORGE MASON (ALEXANDER O. MASON) m(2) JAMES FORBES 2e WILLIAM TIPTON FOWLER b. March 15, 1841 Ray Co., Missouri d. Oct. 1, 1843 Ray Co., Missouri 3e JESSE A. FOWLER b Jan 29, 1843 Ray Co., Missouri d. June 18, 1864 killed in Civil War at Jefferson, Alabama. 2c JOHN PATTON b. Feb, 14, 1765 (1763 ?) Augusta Co., VA. d. Feb. 28, 1838 Marshall Co., Tenn. m. MARY WILSON Jan. 19, 1785 Lincoln Co. North Carolina Lived York Dist. SC 1775, Served one month in the "Now Campaign-Capt. DUFF's Co. at age 10. In 1776, age 11, expedition against Cherokees, 3 months in Capt ANDREW LOVE's Co., Col NEEL's Reg. In 1779 at age 14, spent 4 months in "Wagon Dept: in Tono Camp'n. Then in June 1780 enlisted Capt THOMPSON's Co., Gen SUMTER's Brigade, served 16 months and was in engagement at Col BRATTON's farm and at engagement at Rocky Mount, Aug. 1780. In 1786, age 16, Battle of Fishing Creek, engagements at Buckhead, Wright's Bluff, and Lynch's Creek. After 1782 he moved to Lincoln Co. NC. In 1785, age 20, married Mary Wilson. In 1805, moved to Wilson Co. TN and 1808 to Bedford Co. TN (now Marshall), age 43. April 10, 1832 granted Rev. Pension in Bedford Co., age 67. Died Feb. 28, 1838 at age 73. Oct 1840 Mary Wilson Patton declaration as widow of John Patton recorded in Marshall Co. court. 9 Children: Jean, James, Margaret, John, David, Joseph, Betsey, Polly, Martha 1d JEAN DAVIS PATTON b. Oct. 9, 1785 Lincoln Co. NC 2d JAMES PATTON b. Sept. 18, 1787 Lincoln Co. NC 3d MARGARET PATTON b. April 10, 1790 Lincoln Co. NC 4d JOHN PATTON Jr. b. Oct. 10, 1792 Lincoln Co. NC 5d DAVID PATTON b. March 15, 1795 Lincoln Co. NC 6d JOSEPH PATTON b. Oct. 10, 1797 Lincoln Co. NC 7d BETSEY BARRY PATTON b. Nov. 20, 1799 Lincoln Co. NC 8d POLLY McKISICK PATTON b. April 7, 1802 Lincoln Co. NC 9d MARTHA W. PATTON b. March 2, 1806 Wilson Co. TN 3c JAMES THOMAS PATTON b. Feb. 20, 1764 Buncombe County, North Carolina d. Aug. 9, 1827 Bedford County, Tennessee buried in Couch Cemetery m. SARAH SALLIE CUNNINGHAM Aug. 3, 1784 York Co. South Carolina b. Dec. 12, 1765 York County, South Carolina d. Aug. 13, 1825 Bedford County, Tennessee <3> *** See CUNNINGHAM <3> *** Sarah and James are buried in the Couch Cemetery near Wartrace, Tennessee. He moved to Bedford Co., Tenn. near Shelbville. 14 children: Margaret, Rhoda, Jane, Sarah, Thomas, Elizabeth, Katherine, Magdaline, James, Abigail, Mary, Nancy, Humphrey, Keziah 1d MARGARET PATTON b. Oct. 5, 1785 Buncombe Co. North Carolina d. Mar. 8, 1874 m. WILLIAM HANNAH Aug. 19, 1806 b. 1771 11 Children: Mary, James, Andrew, Robert, Sarah, Larson, Harvey, Jane, Catherine, Rhoda, Melvina 1e MARY HANNAH 2e JAMES HANNAH 3e ANDREW HANNAH 4e ROBERT HANNAH 5e SARAH HANNAH 6e LARSON HANNAH 7e HARVEY HANNAH 8e JANE HANNAH 9e CATHERINE HANNAH 10e RHODA HANNAH 11e MELVINA HANNAH 2d RHODA PATTON b. Mar. 12, 1787 Buncombe Co. North Carolina d. March 1851 m. THOMAS COUCH Mar. 22, 1800 7 Children: Josh, Sallie, Nancy, Patton, Betsy, Ervin, Isaac 1e JOSH COUCH 2e SALLIE COUCH 3e NANCY COUCH 4e PATTON COUCH 5e BETSY COUCH 6e ERVIN COUCH 7e ISAAC COUCH 3d JANE PATTON b. April 14, 1789 Buncombe Co. North Carolina d. Aug. 11, 1874 m. JOSEPH ERWIN (JOSEPHUS IRVINE?) Nov. 10, 1809 3 Children: Mary, Josephus, Matilda 1e MARY "POLLY" ERWIN 2e JOSEPHUS S. ERWIN 3e MATILDA CAROL ERWIN 4d SARAH PATTON b. Feb. 28, 1791 Buncombe Co. North Carolina d. Aug. 6, 1880 m. JOSEPH HAYNES May 11, 1813 8 Children: Patton, Patsy, Samuel, Magdalene, Mary, Wilkins, Anderson, Anderson (yes another Anderson) 1e PATTON HAYNES 2e PATSY HAYNES 3e SAMUEL HAYNES 4e MAGDALENE HAYNES 5e MARY HAYNES 6e WILKINS HAYNES 7e ANDERSON HAYNES 8e ANDERSON HAYNES 5d THOMAS PATTON b. Aug. 11, 1793 Buncombe Co. North Carolina d. Mar. 10, 1795 6d ELIZABETH PATTON b. Nov. 30, 1794 (Nov. 3, 1794?) Buncombe Co. North Carolina d. July 10, 1866 IL m. ROBERT HAYNES Nov. 29, 1813 11 Children: Joseph, James, Jane, Eliza, Margaret, William, Keziah, Burney, Sarah, Katherine, Ruth 1e JOSEPH HAYNES 2e JAMES HAYNES 3e JANE HAYNES 4e ELIZA HAYNES 5e MARGARET HAYNES 6e WILLIAM HAYNES 7e KEZIAH HAYNES 8e BURNEY J. HAYNES 9e SARAH HAYNES 10e KATHERINE HAYNES 11e RUTH HAYNES 7d KATHERINE PATTON b. July 10, 1796 Buncombe Co. North Carolina d. March 10, 1886 m. JOSEPH COUCH Nov. 4, 1813 12 Children: Nancy, Martin, James, Elizah, Sarah, Rhoda, Margaret, Reubin, Archie, Robert, Mary, Emma 1e NANCY COUCH 2e MARTIN COUCH 3e JAMES COUCH 4e ELIZAH COUCH 5e SARAH COUCH 6e RHODA JANE COUCH 7e MARGARET COUCH 8e REUBIN COUCH 9e ARCHIE COUCH 10e ROBERT COUCH 11e MARY COUCH 12e EMMA COUCH 8d MAGDALINE PATTON (MAGDALENE PATTON) b. Dec. 16, 1797 Buncombe Co. North Carolina d. March 30, 1878 m. ROBERT WAITE Nov. 12, 1828 3 Children: Sallie, Frances, Magdalene 1e SALLIE WAITE 2e FRANCES WAITE 3e MAGDALENE WAITE 9d JAMES ERWIN PATTON (JAMES ERVIN PATTON?) b. April 5, 1799 Buncombe Co. North Carolina d. Aug. 8, 1874 Ellis County, Texas m. MARY POLLY COWSERT Oct. 16, 1817 <4> *** SEE COWSERT <1> *** 10d ABIGAIL PATTON b. Dec. 11, 1800 Buncombe Co. North Carolina d. March 31, 1875 m. JACOB ANDERSON Sept. 26, 1820 6 Children: Levi, Mary, Sarah, George, Moffett, James 1e LEVI ANDERSON 2e MARY ANDERSON 3e SARAH ANDERSON 4e GEORGE ANDERSON 5e MOFFETT ANDERSON 6e JAMES ANDERSON 11d MARY PATTON b. April 10, 1802 Buncombe Co. North Carolina m. ENOCH HAYNES March 6, 1820 15 Children: Sarah, Erwin, Harriet, Mary, James, John, Abigail, Robert, Catherine, Porter, Keziah, Rhoda, Clemenze, Finice, Edward 1e SARAH HAYNES 2e ERWIN HAYNES 3e HARRIET HAYNES 4e MARY HAYNES 5e JAMES HAYNES 6e JOHN HAYNES 7e ABIGAIL HAYNES 8e ROBERT HAYNES 9e CATHERINE HAYNES 10e PORTER HAYNES 11e KEZIAH HAYNES 12e RHODA HAYNES 13e CLEMENZE HAYNES 14e FINICE HAYNES 15e EDWARD HAYNES 12d NANCY ANN PATTON b. Aug. 8, 1803 Buncombe Co. North Carolina d. Dec. 14, 1875 m. REV. SILAS H. MORRISON April 4, 1829 6 Children: John, Calvin, William, James, Michael, Laura 1e JOHN SCOTT MORRISON 2e CALVIN MORRISON 3e WILLIAM H. MORRISON 4e JAMES S. H. MORRISON 5e MICHAEL MORRISON 6e LAURA ANN MORRISON 13d HUMPHREY PATTON b. July 21, 1805 Buncombe Co. North Carolina d. March 1806 14d KEZIAH PATTON b. Feb. 24, 1809 Bedford Co. Tenn. d. July 20, 1841 m. HANCEFORD M. DAVIDSON 1838 4c JANE PATTON b. 1766 or 1786? York Dist. South Carolina? d. April 1, 1856 Franklin, Tennessee or Macon Co. N.C.? m. JOHN MOORE Aug. 24, 1786 York County, S.C. 5c JOSEPH ERWIN PATTON b. Oct. 30, 1775 or 1772? York Dist. South Carolina d. March 17, 1843 Buncomb Co., North Carolina m. JANE ORR Aug. 7, 1785 (Ancestor of T.L. GASH of Pisgah Forest, NC) 6c MARGARET PATTON b. June 12, 1780 York Dist. South Carolina? d. Feb. 3, 1847 Ray Co., MO. ? Bedford Co., TN ? m. HUMPHREY CUNNINGHAM JR. June 9, 1801 (or July 9, 1801) b. April 13, 1777 York County, South Carolina d. August 15, 1836 Bedford County, Tennessee <5> *** SEE CUNNINGHAM <5> *** 10 Children: George, Thomas, T.P., James, John, W.N., Margaret, H.L.D., Josephus, Caye 1d GEORGE CUNNINGHAM b. 1802 2d THOMAS P. CUNNINGHAM b. 1805 3d T.P. CUNNINGHAM b. 1806 4d JAMES ERWIN CUNNINGHAM (JAMES ERVIN CUNNINGHAM) b. Feb. 8, 1809 North Carolina d. Jan. 24, 1891 LA m. NANCY ELLZEY Nov. 24, 1831 b. Dec. 30, 1802 South Carolina 1 known child: William 1e WILLIAM CUNNINGHAM m. JULIA DELILAH HOLMAN Dec. 24, 1868 b. June 14, 1845 LA d. Dec. 6, 1880 1 known child: Julia 1f JULIA NEWTON CUNNINGHAM b. June 9, 1874 LA d. Feb. 19, 1967 LA m. DR. HENRY JACKSON PARSON Dec. 1900 b. Sept. 18, 1873 LA d. Oct. 25, 1919 1 known child: Margaret 1g MARGARET ADELE PATSONS (PARSON, PARSONS) b. May 1908 LA d. Dec. 1956 LA m. GEORGE WRAY GILL Oct. 17, 1924 b. Oct. 30, 1900 Crawley, LA 5d JOHN W. C. CUNNINGHAM b. 1812 m. SARAH C. ? b. 1813 6d W.N. CUNNINGHAM b. 1814 7d MARGARET M. CUNNINGHAM b. Sept. 15, 1817 d. Oct. 27, 1888 m. FREDERICK BROWN Dec. 24, 1839 b. Nov. 24, 1818 9 Children: Margaret, Mary, James, Jennett, Frances, Martha, John, Williamson, Nancy 1e MARGARET HULDA BROWN b. April 14, 1841 d. June 30, 1842 2e MARY ELIZABETH BROWN b. June 10, 1842 3e JAMES HUMPHREY BROWN b. Sept. 25, 1846 4e JENNETT BROWN b. Nov. 2, 1848 d. Aug. 13, 1852 5e FRANCES ANN BAYLEY BROWN b. May 1, 1850 6e MARTHA J. BROWN b. Jan. 14, 1852 d. March 6, 1878 7e JOHN FRANKLIN BROWN (twin) b. March 31, 1855 d. Dec. 7, 1879 8e WILLIAMSON DAVIDSON BROWN (twin) b. March 31, 1855 d. Sept. 29, 1873 9e NANCY MATILDA BROWN b. Jan. 19, 1857 d. Dec. 5, 1878 8d H.L.D. CUNNINGHAM b. 1819 9d JOSEPHUS A. CUNNINGHAM b. 1822 m. ELIZABETH WILLIAMS 10d CAYE F. CUNNINGHAM b. 1824 2b MATTHEW PATTON b. 1738 Cumberland Co., PA. d. August 25 (26?), 1824 burried Underwood Cemetery: Madison, Jefferson Co., Indiana m. JANE HOUSTON June 30, 1761 Cumberland Co., PA. b. 1740 Lancaster or Cumberland Co., PA. d. March 18, 1833 (Aug. 25, 1825?) Jefferson Co., Indiana, burried in Underwood Cemetery, Madison, Indiana Jane's father was AARON (?) HOUSTON Matthew Patton served in the American Revolution, supposedly from PA but he also lived in Mecklenburg Co., NC The DAR Patriot Index lists him as fighting in North Carolina. By July 1863 he aquired land on both sides of the Catawba River living newr the NC/SC line in what became Tryon Co. (later Lincoln and now Gaston). He was there as late as 1784/5 when his son Aaron married a Cunningham girl on Allisons Creek, just across the state line in York District, SC. Matthew, with his family, his children, his brother Thomas and the Alexander and Cunningham clans moved to what is now Buncombe Co., NC and then about 1799? or 1810, moved on to Jefferson County Indiana. Some of his children were in Buncombe County NC (Burke in 1790 census) Burke County's 11th Militia District later became Buncombe County. Matthew's will dated Aug. 13, 1824 was probated Oct. 22, 1824 (Will book "B" page 107 Jefferson Co., Indiana) he left property on"Bie Tree" (Beetree) Creek, Buncombe Co. NC to AARON, who had remained in NC when his parents moved to Indiana in the early 1800's. 7 Children: James, Agnes (Nancy), Aaron, Mary, Matthew H., Elizabeth Aughtby 1c JAMES PATTON b. July 19, 1762 (or July 18, 1762) North Carolina? d. March 18, 1831 (or 1833?) Jefferson Co., Indiana 2c AGNES PATTON (NANCY AGNES PATTON) b. Nov. 7, 1763 Mecklenburg Co. North Carolina? d. Dec. 28, 1854 Jefferson Co., Indiana m. ROBERT RIGHT REA Jan. 7, 1786 b. June 7, 1762 10 Children: James, Samuel, Nancy, Margaret, Silas, Matthew, John, Robert, Agnes, Martha 1d JAMES HARRIS REA b. Dec. 23, 1786 d. July 5, 1853 2d SAMUEL REA b. Feb. 10, 1790 d. Oct. 1868 3d NANCY JANE REA b. June 6, 1788 d. 1792 4d MARGARET HOUSTON REA b. Feb. 7, 1792 North Carolina d. July 21, 1884 m. MATTHEW HOUSTON PATTON <6> *** See PATTON <9> *** 1 known child: Right 1e RIGHT HOUSTON PATTON b. April 3, 1824 New Marion, Ripley, IN d. June 6, 1910 m. ELIZABETH CALLOWAY Oct. 10, 1849 b. June 30, 1830 Cincinnati, Ohio d. Sept. 12, 1874 1 known child: Thomas 1f THOMAS HOUSTON PATTON b. Dec. 12, 1860 d. Aug. 12, 1918 St. Louis, MO. m. ANNA MARY CUMMINGS May 14, 1893 b. Dec. 17, 1868 Maysville, DeKalb, MO. d. July 4, 1946 Clayton, MO. 1 known child: Right 1g RIGHT HERBERT PATTON b. Feb. 15, 1896 St. Louis, MO. m. MARIE LOUISE SEARLES Sept. 8, 1923 b. Jan. 13, 1893 Greenville, MS d. Sept. 11, 1976 Tucson, AZ 1 known child: Mary 1h MARY ANN PATTON b. May 29, 1930 Memphia, TN m. CARL EUGENE BEATY June 29, 1957 Paris, France 5d SILAS REA (SILA REA) b. Jan. 20, 1794 Buncombe Co., North Carolina d. Aug. 4, 1864 (1865?) Madison, IN. m. ELIZ GIRARD b. 1798 d. 1855 1 known child: Matthew 1e MATTHEW PATTON REA b. March 2, 1824 Ripley, IN. m. NANCY E. SPEARMAN ca 1846 d. April 15, 1897 Hutchinson, KS 6d MATTHEW PATTON REA b. Feb. 20, 1796 d. Nov. 8, 1853 m(1) RACHEL HUGHES 7d JOHN McCARARY REA b. Jan. 12, 1798 d. Mar. 20, 1879 m. MARG. SWAN 8d ROBERT RIGHT REA b. April 12, 1800 d. March 1869 m. MARY ARMSTRONG 9d AGNES SISSA REA b. June 11, 1804 d. April 9, 1842 m. ? UNDERWOOD 10d MARTHA McCARARY REA b. Aug. 24, 1806 d. ? m. DAVID REA 3c AARON PATTON b. Sept. 6, 1765 Mecklenburg Co. North Carolina? d. 1826 Swannanoa, Buncombe Co., North Carolina m. MARY MAGDALINE CUNNINGHAM 1784 Allisons Creek in York District b. Sept. 6, 1764 Rowan Co. North Carolina d. April 9, 1840 Swannanoa, North Carolina <7> *** SEE CUNNINGHAM <2> *** Family tradition is that he was a participant in the battle of King's Mountain. He married Magdaline on Allison's Creek, in York District, South Carolina. About a year or so later he moved across the Blue Ridge with the other Patton's and Cunningham's. Both Aaron and Magdaline are buried in the PATTON MEETING HOUSE CEMETERY, near Swannanoa, North Carolina. The original grave marker was a fieldstone marked as "A.P.-1826" but has since been replaced by a bronze plaque. 6 Children: Jane, Nancy, Aaron, Sarah (Sallie?), Matthew, Rhoda 1d JANE PATTON b. 1788 m. JOHN ALEXANDER <8> *** See CUNNINGHAM <1> *** 2d NANCY PATTON b. Nov. 22, 1792 "on Swannanoa", Buncombe Co. North Carolina d. 1860 m. GEORGE PATTON 1811 Nancy and George are both buried in the PATTON MEETING HOUSE CEMETERY. The PATTON MEETING HOUSE was the first house of worship established in the then newly opened lands west of the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina. It was built by George's father ROBERT PATTON b. 1742 in Ireland and came to America in 1755. (Robert's father was a JOHN PATTON who came to America in 1755 with his wife and two of his sons. The John/Robert/George... line of Patton's is a different Patton line. Many of the names of this Patton line and names found in George's family line are similar, several family names appear from the same area.) The PATTON MEETING HOUSE served the community until the erection of Piney Grove (now Swannanoa) Presbyterian Church in 1797/1798. The "burying ground" now known as the PATTON CEMETERY still exists and is well maintained by a foundation established for that purpose. A note of interist: George's sister ELIZABETH PATTON b. 1788 m(1) JAMES PATTON, a first cousin who died in 1813 (Creek Indian War) and m(2) Col. DAVID CROCKETT All of George and Nancy's children were born in the home on Beetree Road, Swannanoa, NC and most are buried either in the cemetery at the PATTON MEETING HOUSE or at Swannanoa Presbyterian Church. 11 Children: Matilda, James, Pauline, Sarah, Calivn, Matilda C., Rebecca, Martha, Robert, Bradshaw, Lafayette 1e MATILDA PATTON b. Jan. 7, 1813 d. Nov. 26, 1860 m. JAMES LEANDER PENLAND (his 2nd) 2e JAMES L. PATTON b. May 4, 1814 d. Feb. 4, 1885 m. SUSANNAH MERRILL 3e PAULINE PATTON b. Feb. 16, 1816 d. April 10, 1877 m. FRANCIS ASHBURY BIRD 4e SARAH JANE PATTON b. Jan. 13, 1818 d. Jan. 6, 1884 m. THOMAS LAURENCE YOUNG (his 2nd) 5e CALVIN PATTON b. Sept. 10, 1819 d. Aug. 2, 1869 m. SOPHRONIA ALEXANDER 6e MATILDA CAROLINE PATTON b. Feb. 17 or 18, 1821 d. Feb. 18, 1891 m. JAMES TARPLEY PICKENS Jan. 20, 1842 7e REBECCA SERELIA PATTON b. Aug. 21, 1822 d. Oct. 27, 1906 m. DANIEL WILFONG May 21, 1846 8e MARTHA ANN PATTON b. July 3, 1825 d. Dec. 6, 1856 m. ? PORTER 9e ROBERT CROCKETT PATTON b. Mar. 21, 1829 d. Jan. 27, 1886 m. MARY CATHERINE GUDGER 10e BRADSHAW PATTON b. Oct. 3, 1830 d. in infancy 11e LAFAYETTE PATTON b. Mar. 29, 1832 d. Aug. 13, 1853 m. CLARISSA HUGHEY Oct. 25, 1851 3d AARON FRANKLIN PATTON b. 1795 m. ROSELLA GARREN 4d SARAH PATTON (SALLIE PATTON) m. ? WILSON 5d MATTHEW PATTON b. 1804 d. 1857 m. NANCY CUNNINGHAM 6d RHODA PATTON b. c1805 m. JOHN JORDAN 4c MARY PATTON b. June 28, 1767 Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina? d. ? TN or KY m. WILLIAM LONG before 1788 from Tenn. 5c MATTHEW HOUSTON PATTON b. Jan. 26, 1768 Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina? d. before 1810 Jefferson Co., Indiana m. MARGARET McCOLLOUGH? (KATE McCOLLOUGH?) (MARY McCULLOCH?) by 1790 b. prior to 1775 Mecklenberg Co. North Carolina d. 1820-1823 Jefferson Co. IN Matthew was probably born in 1769 not 1768 since his sister Mary was listed as born June 1767 (only 6 months apart?) Kate, daughter of ELIJAH McCULLOUGH who settled in the mountains of VA, near the North Carolina border, having come to America from the Scottish Highlands during the 1700's. Her brother was BENJAMINE McCULLOUGH who fought in the Revolution. There is a listing in Burke Co. NC for Matthew Patton Jr. with apparently a wife but no children in the 1790 census. The 1800 census lists Matthew Patton Jr. in Buncombe Co. NC age 26-45 with a wife age 26-45, three male children under 10 and one female under 10. There is a deed recorded in Buncombe Co. NC in 1799 in which Mattherw Patton Sr. deeded paroperty to Matthew Patton Jr. 4 Children: Matthew, John, Hezekiah, ? 1d MATTHEW HOUSTON PATTON b. Feb. 7, 1792 Buncombe Co. NC m. MARGARET HOUSTON REA b. Feb. 7, 1792 Margaret was daughter of AGNES PATTON and ROBERT REA <9> *** See PATTON <6> *** 2d JOHN M. PATTON b. before 1795 Buncombe Co. NC d. 1826 m. SARAH CRAIG between 1810-1814 probably Buncombe Co. NC Sarah was daughter of JAMES CRAIG and HANNAH DAVIS. John was living in Jefferson Co. IN by Aug. 4, 1814. In a letter dated April 5, 1818 addressed to Mr. JOHN CRAIG Buncombe Co. Swannano River, NC John says "from the information I have received from the different parts of the State I can assert that it is not as great a country as I expected to find from the representations I had of it. The land is rech but does not produce corn agreeable to its looks. Wheat growns to great perfection and is the only production that is worthy of the farmers attention. It rates from 75cts to 1.25 cts per bushel." also "It is not a good country for young women nor neither is it for old ones without they understand the needle business to perfection." Children: Elizabeth, Hiley, James, Mary, Sarah 1e ELIZABETH PATTON b. before 1818 Jefferson Co. IN marriage records list married for 2 Elizabeth Patton's, one to ASA KNIGHT on Sept. 27, 1830 and one to MACKLIN COPELAND with license granted June 27, 1839 with the marriage performed July 5, 1839. The second is for ELIZABETH C. PATTON 2e HILEY JANE PATTON b. March 16, 1818 d. 1826 or earlier 3e JAMES McCOLLOUGH PATTON b. March 19, 1820 Jefferson Co., IN d. Nov. 13, 1888 Lacey, IA (Buried Oskaloosa, IA) m(1) ANNA LINDLEY m(2) JOSEPHINE STANNUS Feb. 19, 1872 Mahaska Co., IA b. April 1, 1840 Ireland d. May 6, 1899 Fontanelle, IA Josephine's parents were JAMES STANNUS b. Dec. 31, 1793, d. Sept. 10, 1877 and her mother was MARGARET CAREY who died Mar. 30, 1854 Carrickfergus, Ireland (both were born and died in Ireland) 1 known Child: m(2) Violet 1f VIOLET PATTON b. Feb. 25, 1883 Lacey, IA d. May 3, 1958 Greenfield, IA m. CHARLES ABNER HOLADAY March 12, 1907 Fontanelle, IA b. Oct. 24, 1869 Massena, IA d. May 14, 1954 Orient, Iowa (buried Greenfield, IA) Charles parents were SAMUEL HOLADAY b. Nov. 18, 1839 in Vermillion Co., IN and ALMYRA ROOT b. Feb. 23, 1841 in Wyandotte Co., OH. His parents were buried Massena Twp., Cass Co., IA. 1 known Child: Sidney 1g SIDNEY EARL HOLADAY b. Oct. 12, 1910 Greenfield, IA m. ALBERTA FRANCES BART June 8, 1939 Palmer Lake, CO. b. May 2, 1917 Las Animas, CO. 1 known Child: Janet 1h JANET LUCILE HOLADAY b. Aug. 29, 1945 Cresco, Iowa 4e MARY ANN PATTON b. March 22, 1822 Jefferson Co. IN m. WILLIAM COPLAND (COPELAND?) Feb. 13, 1840 Jefferson Co. IN 5e SARAH EMILY PATTON b. Jefferson Co. IN between 1822 and 1826 3d HEZEKIAH E. PATTON b. July 25, 1796 Buncomb Co., NC d. July 1856? North Madison, IN m(1) ANNA WILSON daughter of NATHANIEL WILSON m(2) MARY STEEL daughter of HUGH and CATHERINE STEEL Hezekiah migrated to IN in 1814 and settled in Jefferson Co., at what is now the site of Mud Lick. He bought a farm Sec.21Twp 10, Range 5 North. He moved to North Madison in 1850. Hezekiah was a soldier in the War of 1812, he was an advocate for freedom and free speeh. He, with Capt. Isaac Chambers and James Baxter, held a mob of 60 people at bay while a free soil abolitionist delivered a lecture in the log school house in 1836. "The mob was armed and equiped with all things necessary to tar and feather and ride the speaker on a rail." Hezekiah and the other two soldiers were on picket armed with their old squirrel rifles and their hunting knives in their belts. 1 known child m(1): John 1e JOHN N. PATTON (MAJOR) b. Aug. 21, 1825 on his fathers farm in IN m. ELIZA WOODFILL Jan. 1, 1850 Eliza's father was DANIEL WOODFILL of Jefferson Co., IN John was usually called Major, he was raised on the farm and got a good plain education, the best afforded by schools of the time. He taught school for a number of years. After he married Eliza, he settled down to life as a farmer on the farm upon which he was born. June 16, 1862, John mustered into U.S. Service as 1st Lt. of Co. C, 54th Reg., IN Vol.Infantry, he was promoted to Captain, served until Aug. 25, 1863. He then organized company in 1st Independent Battalion Infantry and was made Major, at the close of service, brevetted Lt-Col for services rendered. After the war, he settled down again to life on the farm and has since lived on his farm of 100 acres in Monroe Twp, Jefferson Co., IN. 7 children: Kitty, Sarah, Mary, Julia, J. Morton, Alice, Robert, 1f KITTY PATTON b. ? d. ? Kansas m. GEORGE W. ALTIZER 2f SARAH A. PATTON b. ? d. ? in infancy 3f MARY PATTON m. C. KOHL 4f JULIA A. PATTON m. FRANK M. McLELANDELL d. before 1890 5f J. MORTON PATTON m. ANNIE TAYLOR 6f ALICE CARY PATTON m. JOHN SPANN lived New Albany, IN in 1889 7f ROBERT E. PATTON b. ? d. ? in infancy 4d ? daughter 6c ELIZABETH PATTON b. Dec. 14, 1771 Tryon Co., North Carolina d. ? m. JOHN PATTON John is the son of a JOHN and SALLY/SARAH PATTON of Davidson County and Williamson Co., KY. He also has two brothers WILLIAM PATTON and JAMES PATTON. John and Elizabeth lived in Russellville, Logan Co., KY. 3 known Children: Andrew, Agnes, Cynthia 1d ANDREW JACKSON PATTON b. ca 1816 Logan Co., KY m. MALINDA WILLIAMS 2d AGNES PATTON b. ? m. THOMAS GORDON 3d CYNTHIA PATTON b. ? m. GEORGE H. BLANCHARD 7c AUGHTBY HUSTON PATTON (OUGHTRY, AUGHTRY, HOUSTON, HUISTON) b. Oct. 17, 1772 Tryon Co., North Carolina d. Oct. 10, 1824 Jefferson Co., Indiana m. ELIZABETH ? from KY