Ancestors and Decendants of Edwin Glen Kerr and Elizabeth Mills
A book written by Mickey Kerr Dusbiber, decendant of Egbert B. Kerr and
Nancy A. Cowsert. This book is soft-cover (laminated), spiral bound, 172
pages, acid free, and indexed. It includes ancestral charts and pictures.
"Unfortunately, there is not a great deal of info on the Cowserts in it",
according to Mickey. Cost is $35 including shipping.
(Mickey Dusbiber)
This space reserved for info on Juanita Smith's book.
Juanita Smith is busy putting together her book about the Cowsert family.
Check here for information about the book.
(Sherry Frisk)
Special News:
Jesse Ramsey Randolph "Ramsey", 89, of Junction died Wednesday, Oct. 22, 1997.
Millard Bennett of Junction, Texas passed away Feb. 18, 2001 at the age of 97.