COWSERT4.TXT August 8, 2005 Descendants of Thomas Cowsert, much of this information was furnished by Judy Stevens, Clayton Frayser, and Cindy Klemm. 1A THOMAS COWSERT b. ? Ireland d. 6 Sep 1797 m. AGNES JONES Lived in Chester County, South Carolina. They are believed to be the parents of these children. The children may have lived in Livingston County Kentucky prior to moving to Monroe Township in Pope County, Illinois About 1813. Robert may have moved back to South Carolina after a few years in Illinois. 8 Children: Thomas, Robert, James, John, Eleanor, Grissie, Nancy, Mary 1b THOMAS COWSERT JR. b. 1789 Ireland d. after 1850 m(1) CHRISTINA CALDWELL b. ? Kentucky d. Aug. 6, 1826 m(2) POLLY MCMURPHY Oct. 8, 1827 Pope County b. 1802/1803 New Hampshire According to Thomas, "...I volunteered six months in the service of the United States the last war under General Hopkins and also I was drafted to go with General Jackson but got a substitute and paid him $100 to go in my place." 11 Children: m(1) Ella, Polly, Thomas, Mary, Mathew m(2) Robert, Benjamine, Christina, John, James, Matthew 1c ELLA COWSERT (ELLEN COWSERT) b. July 18, 1814 m. ASA COOPER Jan. 7, 1835 5 Children: Daniel, Elizabeth, Jacob, Rosanna, Eleanor 1d DANIEL COOPER b. 1836 2d ELIZABETH COOPER b. 1843 3d JACOB COOPER b. 1844 4d ROSANNA COOPER b. 1845 5d ELEANOR COOPER b. 1849 2c POLLY COWSERT b. Nov. 14, 1815 3c THOMAS COWSERT III b. June 17, 1817 4c MARY COWSERT b. Nov. 2, 1819 d. April 3, 1897 m. ELISHA M. BROWN b. May 16, 1815 d. May 22, 1879 Mary and Elisha raised a niece and nephew, FRANK COWSERT and MOLLIE COWSERT according to ROBERT P. COWSERT 5c MATHEW COWSERT b. Feb. 11, 1821 m. NANCY WILLIAMS b. March 18, 1824 d. Sept. 24, 1888 7 Children: Cynthia, Perry, Aaron, Mary, Willis, Levina, Oliver 1d CYNTHIA ANN COWSERT b. Jan. 9, 1850 d. May 15, 1850 2d PERRY COWSERT b. March 1, 1852 d. June 5, ? (1931 ?) m. MARANDA BLANCHARD b. 1862 3d AARON COWSERT b. July 15, 1853 d. Sept. 10, 1938 4d MARY COWSERT b. Dec. 8, 1855 d. Jan. 14, 1884 5d WILLIS COWSERT b. May 25, 1860 d. May 24, ? (1936 ?) m. MARY FRANCES AMANDA VAUGHN b. Aug. 16, 1862 d. Jan. 10, 1896 1 Child: Sam 1e SAM P. COWSERT b. 1883 d. 1898 6d LEVINA COWSERT b. Jan. 10, 1864 d. 1953 m. JOSEPH BARNES b. 1852 d. 1942 7d OLIVER COWSERT b. Sept. 15, 1868 Elizabeth Town, Hardin County, Illinois d. June 24, 1931 Eldorado, Illinois, buried Wolf Creek Cemetery Eldorado Illinois, cause of death heart dropsy m. LOTTIE MOONEYHAM (CHARLOTTE) about 1888 buried at Wolf Creek Cemetery, Eldorado, Illinois Lottie is daughter of THOMAS MOONEYHAM and MARY BLANCHARD. Lottie Weaved her own carpets, she didn't like children and was a mean woman. As JOEL COWSERT rememvered to NORMA HEMELBERG, Lotte was midwife for JESSE JAMES and FRANK JAMES (the James Boys), this has been the rumor thru generations. "Oliver never smoked, he could get along with anyone and came from a German background." He was a farmer, some say carpenter. 5 Children James, Joel, Myrtle, Eva, Charles 1e JAMES RALPH COWSERT b. Dec. 13, 1890 Eldorado, Illinois d. Jan. 1, 1957 Eldorado, Illinois buried Wolf Creek Cemetery, cause of death was heart dropsy, Lukemia m(1) MATILDA JANE DILLARD (TILLIE) June 20, 1913 Eldorado, Illinois Matilda is daughter of JAMES DILLARD and MAGGIE SIMPSON b. March 12, 1896 d. July 9, 1966 buried Sunset Lawn Chapel of the Chimes Mortuary & Cemetery, Sacramento, California, cause of death bowel cancer m(2) JUDITH STRONG between 1935-1940 James was the only child with dark hair, the other four were red heads. Age 18 he went on a construction job building a dam at Mount Carmel, Illinois. The scaffold broke, he received a broken leg which left him with a permanent limp. He married Matilda in a horse and buggy rig. The horses name was Jim. For safety precaution (and just because he wanted to feel like a man), he carried a pistol. One night whild coming home from the show, he stooped to light a kerosine stove and the pistol discharged in his pocket. He shot himself thru the elbow. His mother tossed the pistol into the well. He went to Bixler school, a one room school house with one teacher and 60 pupils. He had an 8th grade education. He learned the carpenter trade from his father, he also worked as a miner. Matilda was a happy child, sang a lot. She went to Detroit in 1915 and lived with LEVA WHITE as a child according to NORMA HEMELBERG. She was a smoker and drank lots of coffee, she liked to talk, fish, dance and made the best pie crust according to PHYLLIS GIER COWSERT. Matilda had 3rd grade education and last lived Sacramento, California. She also had arthritis. She worked in a factory during WWII and she cleaned in hospitals for a living. Her social security number was issued in Michigan. James and Matilda separated when NORMA was only 3 years old. The reason for the separation had to do with Norma's sister FLO becoming pregnant. They separated around 1930 and were divorced in 1934. 6 Childern: m(1) Flora, James, Frank, Norma m(2) Ralph, Carolyn 1f FLORA IRENE COWSERT (FLO) b. July 1, 1914 Eldorado, Saline County, Illinois d. July 10, 1973 at 7:35am Detroit, Michigan cause of death cancer and emphysemia m(1) EARL KRAMER about 1932 m(2) CARL DENZLER about 1936 last lived Bostonia, San Diego, Calif., his social security number issued in Pennsylvania m(3) MEDFORD REHKOP about 1946 Flora had 7th grade education, last lived Detroit, Wayne, Michigan 48228. She was a reweaver, repaired things after fires, her social security number was issued in Michigan. Carl, Flo's second husband was the love of her life. She lost him because of her jealousy according to NORMA HEMELBERG. 1 Child: Delores 1g DELORES JANE COWSERT b. Jan 1, 1930 Herman Keifer Hospital, Detroit, Michigan d. March 19, 1980 Las Vegas, Nevada m. WILLIAM MORROW Aug. 16, 1949 2f JAMES OLIVER COWSERT (JIM) b. Dec. 20, 1916 Detroit (maybe Royal Oak), Michigan d. May 9, 1962 Detroit, Michigan buried Gethsemane Memorial Gardens Cemetery, cause of death lung cancer m. SHIRLEY ELIZABETH ANN PARADISE April 23, 1938 Detroit, Michigan b. ? d. ? buried Gethsemane Memorial Gardens Cemetery, Detroit, Michigan Shirley is daughter of LLOYD PARADISE and GLADYS HARTMAN. Jim was in a train/auto accident and had been hospitalized for more than two months and had required more than four months of home recuperation just to be able to walk (approx 1948 according to WILLIAM MORROW). His education was Ford Trade School, he was a tool and die setter. Shirley had Associates degree in library science and was a librarian, last lived in Clinton Twp, Michigan. 2 Children: Jodee, Kimberley 1g JODEE COWSERT b. Sept. 29, 1945 Harper Hospital, Detroit, Michigan d. April 18, 1951 Michigan 3f FRANK LAVERN COWSERT b. Oct. 31, 1923 m. PHYLLIS EVA GIER June 28, 1946 Washoe County, Nevada Phyllis is daughter of EDWARD GIER and EVELIRA SUESO. 4f NORMA YVONNE COWSERT b. Jan. 12, 1927 Berkley, Michigan m(1) CHARLES LAPOINTE 1943 m(2) DOUGLAS EUGENE HEMELBERG June 3, 1950 at Aunt Bruffy's home in Huntington Woods, Michigan. Douglas is son of LEO HEMELBERG and PANSY ROGERS b. ? 5:10am As JOEL COWSERT remembers in a letter to Norma in the 1960's, Norma was born at home in Berkley, Michigan in a house her father had built. Norma had 10th grade educations and was secretary at A-OK Cooling and Heating Corp., Roseville, Michigan. Douglas has 8th grade education, received pilots license Sept. 9, 1947. He had Coronary Thrombosis (hardening of the arteries) 48 years old. First heart bypass 1976, second bypass 1989, five artery stints 1995, Diabetes type 2, 58 years old. Transfered to signal Corp for radio and radar training in 1946 military, nickname Doug, owner of A-OK Cooling and Heating Corp. 4 Children: Bruce, Mark, Cindy, Beth 1g BRUCE CHARLES HEMELBERG (DUKE) b. July 25, 1943 9:45pm Washington Hospital, Royal Oak, Michigan d. Jan. 12, 1972 Hazel Park, Michigan cremated, Cadillac Memorial in Clinton Twp, Michigan Bruce was born BRUCE CHARLES LAPOINTE, After Doug and Norma were married, Doug adopted Bruce and his name was changed to HEMELBERG, adopted Feb. 15, 1951. Bruce never married or had any children. He had 9th grade education. 5f RALPH DAVID COWSERT b. Sept 21, 1941 Eldorado, Illinois d. Feb. 2, 1994 Eldorado, Illinois buried Lindale Cemetery, Eldorado, Illinois m. JOYCE ? Ralph went to gamble on a river boat (maybe on the Mississippi) and on his way home, did not feel good and stopped in a hotel. He was found the next morning dead from a heart attack. He had $2000 on him when he was found. He had worn the money (told by NORMA HEMELBERG). Ralph owned and operated Eldorado Enterprises. 2 Children: Jolynn, Norma 1g JOLYNN COWSERT b. after 1956 2g NORMA COWSERT b. after 1956 2e JOEL COWSERT b. August 19, 1894 Hardin County, Eldorado, Illinois d. Nov. 1976 m. EMMA CRAWFORD Information from a letter Joel wrote to NORMA HEMELBERG in 1968: THOMAS MOONEYHAM born 1830, 2 1/2 miles northeast of Bridgeport, Tenn. Died in Ana Asylum 1895 from opening the scull of which was caused from firing cannons an the old man James loaded the cannons and Thomas's job was to fire the cannons. She died I will say from old age at the age of 94. Why I know these things is I lived with my Grandmother for 10 years from the time I was 6 til I was sixteen. The civil war started 1861 and ended 1865. While fighting the war, grandma's bro escaped from the army of which the fighting was seven miles from Grandma's house. The scouts of which was called "Bush Whackers", came to her place. He had taken a bath and changed his clothes, for body lice was awful among the solders. He saw them ride up through the window, ran under the bed but made one mistake, left his cap on the bed so the officers seen it. Demanded he come out, marched him out the front of the house. Five solders shot him through the back. Then grandma asked permission to bury him. The officer told her no so she pitched rails from the fence and built a pen around the body so the wolves wouldn't eat the body. The officer told her after ten days she could put the body away of which she did. She had to punch the horses she had eyes out so the scouts wouldn't take them for they had no use for a blind horse. She used them to farm and go to Griss(?) mill to grind her corn for bread. JOEL MOONEYHAM married FANNIE KING. LAWRENCE SNIDER passed away at age 25, the same trouble my sister had, his trouble was caused from typhoid fever. ETHEL ___ CALE lives at 5100 19th St. Martle, St. Petersburg, Fla. about 3 miles west of me. My father and me dug the grave for the WILLIAMS twin, I can place one child ELLEN had.. it was a boy. His name was CLYDE. He passed away about 2 years ago in the vets hospital at Marion ___. WILLIAM GALEY had a girl named MARY. She died in child birth. Her married name, his name was FRANK JOHNSON. OLIVER COWSERT was born Sept. 15th 1868. Passed away June 21, 1931. Dropsy and heart trouble and while on the subject my first child was a boy. He was born Sept. 15th 1918. Now lives at 25207 Leach, Roseville, Michigan. Then my first granddaughter had my first great grandchild. It was a boy on the 15th of Sept.,10 minutes to 12 O'clock midnight on Sept. 14th. She had her second boy and now has 4 boys. Ralph born 12-13-1890, coal black hair, half German and half Irish. Mother was full blood Irish, father full blood German. Mother made out their first grocery list for the house like four, coffee, sugar and so on and put down pat for potatoes and your father came home from the store caring the groceries home in a big white pat for potatoes so your mother asked why did you buy the pat? He said you had it on the list didn't your. She said yes and you was born in Berkley Michigan on Buckingham Ave. in the house your father built. Six months after the civil war, grandma and grandpa decided to leave Bridgeport Tenn. and go to southern Illinois so made a covered wagon on a Sunday. Before starting had a farewell party. Just before it broke up, seven young men riding horseback asked if they could go along. Yes was the answer if your parents has no objections. So on Monday morning started out with a pair of oxen to the wagon. With tools such as ax, saw and invalid husband. The seven young men would travel ahead and clear the road and shoot wild game for food and find a spring or creek for water to put up for the night, and spent 90 days and nights on the foad to reach Harding county of which is has been driven is a care lately in 6 1/2 hours. Dates on my family: Jr. 50 years born on 15th St. Detroit, Sept 15, 1918 Mabel A born on Believe Detroit 28 years old May 20, 1920 Helen L in Roseville 45 years old March 23, 1923 Ollie M born Roseville July 1925 Emalyn born Roseville Aug 2, 1927 Wayne Cowsert born Roseville Jan. 20, 1929 Virgina born Roseville Dec. 20, 1931 Jr. married three times, seams to be very happy with this third wife. By his first wife had one daughter, she now has two children, next Mabel had eight, last two six living. She has 10 grand children, Ollie had five, 3 boys two girls. Last a boy at years old. Helen had three, two boys last one in chld birth. She has two grand children, boy and girl. Next Emalyn has eight and six grandchildren. Next Wayne lived in Fraser 17479 Hans Dr. has five, three boys and two girls. Expecting first grandchild in Jan 69. Then the last Virginia has two boys and a girl, one grand child. I hope I didn't miss any. now you ask the _____ I will do my best to answer them. Thank you for all the trouble I have put you to. So now be sure to call me when you make up your mind to come down. Joel last lived in Michigan, zip code 48066. Joel's and Emma's social security numbers issued in Michigan. 7 Children: Joel, Mable, Helen, Ollie, Emaline, Phillip, Virgina 1f JOEL COWSERT JR. b. Sept. 15, 1918 d. Oct. 14, 1993 Michigan Lived Detroit, Wayne Michigan 48228, social security number issued in Michigan. 2f MABLE COWSERT b. May 20, 1920 d. ? 3f HELEN COWSERT b. March 23, 1923 4f OLLIE COWSERT b. Aug. 31, 1925 5f EMALINE COWSERT b. Sept. 1, 1927 6f PHILLIP WAYNE COWSERT (WAYNE) b. Jan. 20, 1929 d. Jan 1985 Reed City, Michigan m. BETTY JANE BURGE d. summer of 1998 Wayne lived in Reed City, Osceola, Michigan. 5 Children: Michael, David, Nathan, Cathy, Laura 1g MICHAEL WAYNE COWSERT b. after 1945 m. CHARAL DEAN CASE 2 Children: Michael, Eric 1h MICHAEL WAYNE COWSERT JR. m. ? Michael and his wife are both teachers and recently moved to Washington from Michigan (1998). "Oral history passed down indicates our name could have been O'Cowsert coming from Ireland or Scotland and that five brothers emigrated from Scotland and each went their separate ways when they reached the states and that we have a distant grandmother that's a full blooded native American... I really wonder what is true." Michael enjoys Science and tropical fish. 2h ERIC WAYNE COWSERT m. ? 1 Child: Keegan Eric served in the Air Force and works in security and as a police officer 1I KEEGAN MICHAEL COWSERT 2g DAVID COWSERT b. after 1945 3g NATHAN COWSERT b. after 1945 4g KATHY COWSERT (or CATHY ?) b. after 1945 5g LAURA COWSERT b. after 1945 7f VIRGINA COWSERT b. Dec. 20, 1931 3e MYRTLE COWSERT b. March 13, 1896 When Myrtle was 12, she had diphtheria and they gave her what was then a little known about medicine in a shot. It saved her life but made her an invalid for life. 4e EVA LENA COWSERT b. July 9, 1904 d. Aug. 9, 1979 cause of death throat cancer m. WILLIAM WALKER 2 Children: William, Mary 1f WILLIAM OLIVER WALKER b. Aug. 28, 1929 2f MARY GERTRUDE WALKER b. July 19, 1930 5e CHARLES ROSS COWSERT b. Sept 26, 1907 d. Oct. 1981 Charles lived in Michigan, last zip code was 48098 6c ROBERT COWSERT b. 1827 m. MARIA KELLY (MARIAH KELLY) (KELLEY ?) 1 Child: Frank 1d FRANK COWSERT b. 1865 m(1) ELLEY WYATT Dec. 30, 1886 d. 1887 m(2) MATTIE HOBBS b. 1872 1 Child: m(2) Frank 1e FRANK HOBBS COWSERT b. 1907 d. 1981 m. OPAL MILLIGAN Frank and Opal had at least 3 sons and 3 daughter. 6 Children: ?????? 1f ? COWSERT 2f ? COWSERT 3f ? COWSERT 4f ? COWSERT 5f ? COWSERT 6f ? COWSERT 7c BENJAMINE FRANKLIN COWSERT b. Aug. 29, 1828 d. May 1, 1902 m. ELIZABETH TWITCHELL (ELIZABETH WALLACE ?) b. 1832 3 Children: Mary, John, James 1d MARY COWSERT b. 1849 2d JOHN COWSERT b. 1853 3d JAMES COWSERT b. 1856 8c CHRISTINA COWSERT b. Aug. 19, 1832 d. Dec. 9, 1872 m. JOHN B. SMITH b. 1814 9c JOHN T. COWSERT b. April 3, 1830 d. Nov. 22, 1861 m. TENISY ? (TEMPY ?) 10c JAMES M. COWSERT b. July 14, 1837 d. Dec. 5, 1865 m. JULIA A. ? b. 1838 1 Child: Josephene 1d JOSEPHENE COWSERT b. 1859 11c MATTHEW COWSERT 2b ROBERT COWSERT m. ? According to Cowsert researcher ROBERT P. COWSERT, he thinks ROBERT COWSERT is JOHN HAMILTON COWSERT's father. John's father was supposedly killed while deer hunting in Illinois. His mother took him back to "where they came from" and when he grew up, he went back to Illinois and bought a farm right next to where their old farm had been. Robert disappeared after the 1820 census in Illinois and can't be found anain anywhere. Robert was one of the three Cowsert brothers who went to Illinois in about 1813-1818. 1 Child: John 1c JOHN HAMILTON COWSERT b. Nov. 20, 1817 d. Feb 22, 1870 burial Cowsert Cemetery, Rosiclare, Hardin Co., Illinois m. KATHERINE GROVES (KATE) About 1840 b. Aug. 20, 1820 Tennessee d. Oct. 26, 1903 burial Cowsert Cemetery, Rosiclare, Hardin County, Illinois Katherine is daughter of SAMUEL GROVES and KATHERINE GROVES As a small boy John lived in Hardin Co., IL. His parents settled on what is now the Harry Parkinson farm, were the Soward Cemetery is located, west of Rosiclare, IL. John Hamilton's father was killed while deer hunting. The family never knew if he had accidentally shot himself or if some other hunter had shot him. John's mother took her only son and moved away, we're not sure, but we believe they moved back to South Carolina. When John Hamilton was grown he moved back to Hardin Co., IL. and bought the farm adjoining the place he had lived as a child. This is the place where the Cowsert Cemetery is located. 12 Children: John, James, William, Martha, Matthew, George, Benjamine, Elizabeth, Henry, Nancy, Lydia, ? 1d JOHN BURTON COWSERT b. Aug. 6, 1845 in IL. d. Jan. 12, 1925 burial Williams Cemetery m(1) LYDIA TWITCHELL Aug. 2, 1865 b. April 18, 1843 in IL. d. Oct. 28, 1900 burial Williams Cemetery. m(2) NANCY L. COWSERT 7 Children: m(1) Sarah, Martha, Alice, Willie, Lydia, Eva, Benjamine 1e SARAH CATHERINE COWSERT 2e MARTHA ANGELINE COWSERT 3e ALICE ELIZABERT COWSERT 4e WILLIE COWSERT 5e LYDIA ANN COWSERT 6e EVA CAROLINE COWSERT b. Oct. 18, 1889 Hardin Co., IL. d. March 14, 1908 m. JAMES ADEN LIVERS b. Oct. 10, 1889 Hardin Co., IL. 7 Children: Maggie, William, Roy, Mary, Ethel Audrey, Jeseph 1f MAGGIE LIVERS b. 1891 d. by 1900 2f WILLIAM LIVERS b. 1893 d. by 1900 3f ROY J. LIVERS b. Jan. 5, 1894 4f MARY EDNA LIVERS b. Feb. 12, 1898 d. Aug. 9, 1995 Centralia, Marion Co., IL. 5f ETHEL LIVERS b. Oct. 26, 1905 6f AUDREY EVA LIVERS b. Jan. 15, 1905 7f JOSEPH BENJAMINE LIVERS b. Feb. 12, 1908 7e BENJAMINE HARRISON COWSERT 2d JAMES FRANKLIN COWSERT b. 1847 in IL. m. SARAH ? b. 1849 in IL. 3d WILLIAM HARRISON COWSERT b. Sept. 18, 1849 in IL. d. June 7, 1932 burial Cowsert Cemetery, Rosiclare, Hardin Co., IL. m(1) SARAH A. HAMILTON b. March 29, 1850 in IL. d. Sept. 10, 1897 burial Cowsert Cemetery, Rosiclare, Hardin Co., IL. m(2) ULTA S. PARROTT b. abt. 1880 4d MARTHA JANE COWSERT b. Feb. 3, 1851 in IL. d. June 28, 1933 burial Cowsert Cemetery, Rosiclare, Hardin Co., IL. m. LEE ASHFORD d. ? burial Cowsert Cemetery, Rosiclare, Hardin Co., IL. 5d MATTHEW THOMAS COWSERT b. abt. 1853 in IL. m. MATILDA ? b. abt. 1848 in IL. 6d GEORGE BRUCE COWSERT b. Jan. 25, 1854 in IL. d. Sept. 12, 1911 m. EMMA GASKELL (ERMUS) (GASCOL) about 1873 b. abt. 1855 in IL. 7 Children: John, William, James, Lydia, George, Rosa, Ella 1e JOHN O. COWSERT b. 1876 (1885 ?) d. Dec. 1932 m. ETTA TURNER Nov. 11, 1906 b. July 16, 1883 d. August 17, 1959 buried Pacific Cemetery, Pacific Missouri 9 Children: Robert, Herbie, Louis, Troy, Callie, Molley, Opal, Orpie, Lawrence 1f ROBERT COWSERT b. ? d. ? buried Pacific Cemetery, Pacific MO. m. ESTER WILSON b. ? d. ? buried Pacific Cemetery, Pacific MO. 3 Children: Robert, John, Billie 1g ROBERT L. COWSERT b. Oct. 20, 1942 d. May 28, 2003 buried Pacific Cemetery, Pacific MO. m. CONNIE CAREY b. Dec. 6, 1946 4 Children: Robert, Barbara, John, Deanna 1h ROBERT L. COWSERT JR b. Aug 27, 1964 m. DEANNA DEWITT 3 Children: Robert, Randall, Dustin 1i ROBERT L. COWSERT III 2i RANDALL W. COWSERT 3i DUSTIN J. COWSERT 2h BARBARA L. COWSERT (Barbie) b. Jan. 27, 1966 m. MATTHEW SUITER 1 Child: Sara 1i SARA L. SUITER 3h JOHN W. COWSERT b. Dec. 30, 1966 m. TERI TIPTON 4 Children: John, Casey, and two step daughters Shannon, Kelsey 1i JOHN W.S. COWSERT 2i CASEY L. COWSERT 3i SHANNON DUNCAN 4i KELSEY DUNCAN 4h DEANNA J. COWSERT b. Oct. 1, 1978 2g JOHN DAVID COWSERT m. KAY CRIDER 3 Children: John, Ann, Scott 1h JOHN DAVID COWSERT JR m. DANA COWSERT 3 Children: Joshua, Zachary, Grace 1i JOSHUA ? (stepson) 2i ZACHARY COWSERT 3i GRACE COWSERT 2h ANN COWSERT m. KEITH ? Divorced 1 Child: Kyle 1i KYLE ? 3h SCOTT A. COWSERT 3g BILLIE SCHOEPKOEPTER (COWSERT) Note, Billie is Robert's step daughter.. here father was ? Schoepkoepter. b. ? d. May 2002 buried Pacific Eemetary, Pacific MO. m. ? 2 Children: Dinah, Gale 1h DINAH SCHOEPKOEPTER m. HAROLD LEBER 2 Children: Dawn, Christene 1i DAWN LEBER m. ? FRANKENBERT 2i CHRISTENE LEBER m. ? BERGMAN 2h Gale Schoepkoepter 2f HERBIE COWSERT b. ? d. ? burial Pacific Cemetery, Pacific Missouri next to his mother ETTA in an unmarked grave 3f LOUIS COWSERT b. July 25, 1910 d. April 20, 1988 burial Brushcreek Cemetery, Pacific Missouri m. VIOLET NELLIE WEST Nov 12, 1930 b. Nov. 21, 1915 d. Oct. 16, 1987 burial Brushcreek Cemetery, Pacific Missouri 14 Children: Wilda, Charles, Eugene, James, Geraldine, Aldora, Edith, Freddie, Carl, Danny, Tina, Joesph, David, Kenneth 1g WILDA ADARKIS COWSERT b. June 22, 1934 m. JOHN BEAMON b. May 18, 1932 6 Children: Keith, Connie, Dennis, Kevin, Timmy, Terry 1h KEITH BEAMON b. Sept. 29, 1957 2h CONNIE BEAMON b. June 23, 1959 3h DENNIS BEAMON b. July 1, 1962 4h KEVIN BEAMON b. July 24, 1964 5h TIMMY BEAMON b. May 18, 1968 6h TERRY BEAMON b. July 1, 1972 2g CHARLES LOUIS COWSERT b. July 19, 1932 d. April 6, 1988 burial, Memorial Gardens, Union, Missouri m. INGABORG KLAWIKOFSKY b. Dec. 21, 1933 8 Children: Rick, Donnie, Christine, Robbie, Steve, Rhonda, Kim, Mona 1h RICK COWSERT b. May 6, 1953 2h DONNIE COWSERT b. Nov. 23, 1954 3h CHRISTINE COWSERT b. Oct. 27, 1955 4h ROBBIE COWSERT b. Feb. 16, 1957 5h STEVE COWSERT b. Oct. 27, 1960 6h RHONDA COWSERT b. Aug. 18, 1962 7h KIM COWSERT b. June 3, 1966 8h MONA COWSERT b. March 6, 1969 3g EUGENE DELONOR COWSERT b. Sept. 23, 1942 m. PATRICIA BURDEN Dec. 10, 1960 b. Nov. 10, 1943 4 Children: Michael, Barry, Tammy, Scott 1h MICHAEL EUGENE COWSERT b. Aug. 4, 1961 2h BARRY WAYNE COWSERT b. Sept. 4, 1962 3h TAMORA RONETTE COWSERT (TAMMY) b. Aug. 31, 1965 4h MATTHEW SCOTT COWSERT b. July 15, 1971 4g JAMES FRANKLIN LESLIE COWSERT b. Oct. 30, 1939 m. JUDITH ANN ALLEN (JUDY) Feb. 10, 1962 b. Nov. 7, 1944 3 Children: Mark, Michelle, Lisa 1h MARK WAYNE COWSERT b. Nov. 5, 1963 2h MICHELLE ALANE COWSERT b. April 1, 1966 3h LISA RENEE COWSERT b. July 22, 1971 5g LEOTA GERALDINE COWSERT (GERALDINE) b. Feb. 5, 1936 m(1) LARRY BROWN Jun3 11, 1952 b. Feb. 17, 1932 m(2) CLIFFTON BURDEN (CLIFF) Dec. 31, 1966 b. Feb. 29, 1924 5 Children: m(1) Joyce, Larry, George, William m(2) Stacey 1h JOYCE ANN BROWN b. March 28, 1954 2h LARRY DEAN BROWN b. Sept. 23, 1955 3h GEORGE HAMPTON BROWN b. Sept. 14, 1956 4h WILLIAM WADE BROWN b. Nov. 30, 1960 5h STACEY LEANN BURDEN b. Aug. 12, 1968 6g ALMA ALDORA COWSERT (ALDORA) b. Oct. 31, 1931 m. CHARLES KOPF 4 Children: Randy, Cherle, Gary, Laurie 1h RANDY KOPF b. March 5, 1956 2h CHERLE KOPF b. April 4, 1958 3h GARY KOPF 4h LAURIE KOPF b. 1971 7g EDITH JONE COWSERT b. Aug. 10, 1941 m. ? 1 Child: Trecy 1h TRECY ? b. Nov. 31, 1971 8g FREDERICK ROLLEN COWSERT (FREDDIE) m. LUCINDA SNAIL (CYNTHIA or CINDY) March 17, 1963 5 Children: Jennifer, Dawn, Freddie, Kenny, Aaron 1h JENNIFER COWSERT 2h DAWN COWSERT 3h FREDDIE COWSERT 4h KENNY COWSERT 5h AARON COWSERT 9g KARL DEAN COWSERT m(1) RITA HAMPTON m(2) CAROL BONNER 4 Children: m(1) Tony, Colby, John m(2) Tonya 1h TONY COWSERT 2h COLBY COWSERT 3h JOHN COWSERT 4h TONYA COWSERT 10g DANIEL RAY COWSERT (DANNY) m. MICHELLE PAYLEY 3 Children: Danny, Amy, Leena 1h DANNY COWSERT 2h AMY COWSERT 3h LEENA COWSERT 11g PETINA MAY COWSERT (TINA) b. Nov. 7, 1946 m. CHARLES MCPHEARSON Dec. 5, 1970 b. Oct. 11, 1942 3 Children: Charles, Stephanie, Joann 1h CHARLES DAVID MCPHEARSON b. Aug. 12, 1971 2h STEPHANIE MARIE MCPHEARSON b. Aug. 21, 1972 3h JOANN JANNETTE MCPHEARSON b. June 11, 1974 12g JOSEPH ARRON COWSERT b. Oct. 3, 1940 d. Oct. 5, 1972 burial, Brushcreek Cemetery, Pacific Missouri m. JANET CALDWELL June 8, 1968 2 Children: Jimmy, Christopher 1h JIMMY COWSERT b. Dec. 6, 1969 2h CHRISTOPHER COWSERT b. Dec. 16, 1971 13g CLARK DAVID COWSERT (DAVID) b. Nov. 5, 1951 d. June 3, 1967 buried Brushcreek cemetary in Pacific, MO. 14g KENNETH COWSERT b. March 31, 1950 d. March 10, 1970 Kenneth died while serving in Vietnam. 4f TROY COWSERT b. 1913 m. MARY HALL 6 Children: Ronald, Jonelle, Donald, Manzel, Mary, Martha 1g RONALD COWSERT 2g JONELLE COWSERT 3g DONALD COWSERT 4g MANZEL COWSERT 5g MARY COWSERT 6g MARTHA COWSERT 5f CALLIE COWSERT m. LUTHER HIGGINBOTHAM 6f MOLLEY COWSERT b. ? d. 1998 m. ELZIE CHRISTMAN 7f OPAL COWSERT b. Aug. 17, 1924 m. NORBERT CAMDON 6 Children: Carol, Deloris, Alice, Norbert, Robert, Joann 1g CAROL SUE CAMDON b. Oct. 22, 1942 2g DELORIS JEAN CAMDON b. 1946 d. ? (died as an infant) 3g ALICE JUNE CAMDON b. Nov. 26, 1947 4g NORBERT EDWARD CAMDON b. Aug. 1, 1950 5g ROBERT LEE CAMDON (BOB) b. April 15, 1952 6g JOANN CAMDON b. Dec. 15, 1954 8f ORPIE COWSERT (DORIS COWSERT) b. ? m. LEO JOHNSON Orpie didn't like the name and later changed it to DORIS COWSERT. 4 Children: Carol, Janet, Donnie, Tommy 1g CAROL JOHNSON 2g JANET JOHNSON 3g DONNIE JOHNSON 4g TOMMY JOHNSON 9f LAWRENCE COWSERT b. June 18, 1932 m. ? 1 Child: John 1g JOHN COWSERT 2e WILLIAM HENRY COWSERT m. ADA JENNINGS July 8, 1899 d. abt. 1938 Ada was daughter of ELBERT JENNINGS "EB" and MISSOURI SHADOWENS. 7 Children: Mina, Ethel, Arza, Emma, Mable, Josephine, Lawrence 1f MINA MAY COWSERT b. Nov. 4, 1904 Rosiclare, Hardin Co., IL. d. Dec. 12, 1994 buried Fairview Cemetery, Salida, Chaffee Co., CO. m. GILBERT LYTELL FRAYSER Dec. 7, 1925 Elizabethtown, Hardin Co., IL. b. June 1, 1904 Cave In Rock, Hardin Co., IL. d. Jan. 11, 1995 Henderson, Clark Co., NV. burial cremated Salida, Chaffee Co., CO. Gilbert was son of ROBERT MITCHELL FRAYSER and ALTA MAE LANE. 6 Children: 1g ROBERT WAYNE FRAYSER b. Aug. 17, 1926 Rosiclare, Hardin Co., IL. m. LORETTA MARGARET WOODSON Feb. 6, 1949 Santa Fe, Santa Fe Co., NM. b. Nov. 15, 30 Doyleville, Gunnison Co., CO. Loretta was daughter of JOSEPH CONLEY WOODSON and MARIE INEZ ALTA-GRACE SILVA 2 Children: Candace, Michelle 1h CANDACE LOUELLA FRAYSER b. April 14, 1950 Salida, Chaffee Co., CO. m. DONALD PAUL WAINSCOTT Aug. 27, 1970 Tucson, Pima Co., AZ. b. May 24, 1948 Florance, Pinal Co., AZ. 2h MICHELLE INEZ FRAYSER b. Feb. 21, 1952 Salida, Chaffee Co., CO. m. RONALD HUGHES 1970 d. ? 3 Children: Kirby, Dustin Tiffany 1i KIRBY WAYNE HUGHES b. Oct. 28, 1970 Tucson, Pima Co., AZ. 2i DUSTIN SHANE HUGHES b. Oct. 28, 1973 Tucson, Pima Co., AZ. 3i TIFFANY CHAMPAGNE HUGHES b. July 8, 1989 Wichita, Sedgwick Co., KS. 2g NORMA JEAN FRAYSER b. June 17, 1927 Mexico, Crittenden Co., KY. d. Aug. 13, 1995 Colorado Springs, El Paso Co., CO. burial Aug. 15, 1995, cremated m(1) JAMES GRANT PARKER b. Aug. 17, 1921 d. Jan. 24, 1958 m(2) HUBERT SAMUEL COOLEY b. Nov. 6, 1927 Plains, Meade Co., KS. d. May 16, 1975 burial Dodge City, Ford Co., KS. 7 Children: m(1) Shirley, James, Carol, Linda, Michael, Sherri m(2) Darry 1h SHIRLEY JEAN PARKER b. Oct. 17, 1947 Salida, Chaffee Co., CO. m. JERRY FRANCIS BARNES b. May 18, 1947 Dodge City, Ford Co., KS. 2 Children: Pamela, Alan 1i PAMELA JO BARNES b. April 14, 1968 Clark Air Force Base, Philippines m. JOHN LOUIS PULLINS 1993 b. Aug. 22, 1959 Keokuk, Lee Co., IA 2 Children: Brandon, Jeremy 1j BRANDON ALEXANDER PULLINS b. Aug. 15, 1996 Colorado Springs, El Paso Co., CO. 2j JEREMY ALLAN PULLINS b. March 6, 1998 Colorado Springs, El Paso Co., CO. 2i ALAN DALE BARNES b. Dec. 2, 1972 Dodge City, Ford Co., KS. m. JENNIFER ANN TUBBS 1994 b. May 11, 1972 2h JAMES TERRANCE PARKER b. Sept. 26, 1950 Salida, Chaffee Co., CO. m. SUSAN D. PETERSON 1977 b. May 22, 1950 Roseburg, Douglas Co., OR. 2 Children: James, Thomas 1i JAMES WILDE PARKER b. Aug. 1, 1979 Albany, Linn Co., OR. 2i THOMAS HENRY PARKER b. Feb. 3, 1981 Corvallis, Linn Co., OR. 3h CAROL LEE PARKER b. May 21, 1949 Alamosa, Alamosa Co., CO. m(1) CHARLES LAWRENCE BORDEN 1971 divorced 1989 m(2) BARRY JAMES BENSON Oct. 15, 1994 Colorado Springs,El Paso Co., CO. b. March 29, 1953 Glenwood Springs, Garfield Co., CO. 2 Children: Christina, Casey 1i CHRISTINA LYNN BORDEN b. May 15, 1974 Colorado Springs, El Paso Co., CO. Christina has one child, Savannah, who's father is KEITH MCCLEASSE. 1 Child: Savannah 1j SAVANNAH MARIE BORDEN b. Feb. 18, 1997 Colorado Springs, El Paso Co., CO. 2i CASEY LAWRENCE BORDEN b. Sept. 28, 1976 Colorado Springs, El Paseo Co., CO. 4h LINDA KAY PARKER b. Feb. 18, 1952 Cedar City, Iron Co., UT. m(1) JERRY LYNN BLACKBURN 1972 divorced 1978 m(2) ROGER SLABAUGH 1989 b. March 20, 1947 2 Children: m(1) Jennifer, Brian 1i JENNIFER JEAN BLACKBURN b. Dec. 18, 1973 Dodge City, Ford Co., KS. 2i BRIAN MICHAEL BLACKBURN b. June 11, 1975 Dodge City, Ford Co., KS. 5h MICHAEL HOWARD PARKER b. May 17, 1953 Alamosa, Alamosa Co., CO. m. MELODY CLARICE DROWN 1982 b. July 5, 1959 divorced 1993 2 Children: Shelby, Zachary 1i SHELBY CLARICE PARKER b. June 28, 1988 2i ZACHARY MICHAEL PARKER b. Jan. 28, 1984 6h SHERRI LYNN PARKER b. Aug. 31, 1954 Salida, Chaffee Co., CO. m. JOHNATHON PETE WALKER 1978 b. Dec. 19, 1952 divorced ? 1 Child: Jessica 1i JESSICA FAYE WALKER b. Oct. 10, 1986 7h DARRY LAWRENCE COOLEY b. Dec. 24, 1964 Dodge City, Ford Co., KS. m. JEANETTE LYNN HIGGINBOTHAM b. July 5, 1958 Fresno, Fresno Co., CA. 2 Children: Michael, Hayden 1i MICHAEL JAMES COOLEY b. April 1, 1992 Fort Collins, Larimer Co., CO. 2i HAYDEN DAVID COOLEY b. Dec. 5, 1996 Fort Collins, Larimer Co., CO. 3g SHIRLEY ANN FRAYSER b. Sept. 11, 1930 Rosiclare, Hardin Co., IL. m(1) CHESTER FRANCIS KURTZ 1952 b. Nov. 30, 1925 d. May 16, 1961 burial Fairview Cemetery, Salida, Chaffee Co., CO. m(2) WILLIAM CLYDE YOUNG WALTERS 1963 b. July 21, 1937 d. Jan. 8, 1987 burial Hudson, St. Croix Co., WI. 6 Children: m(1) Chester, Kathleen, Laurie, William m(2) Kelly, William 1h CHESTER FRANCIS KURTZ II b. Oct. 9, 1952 Salida, Chaffee Co., CO. m. JOANN BERNICE FRASCA Colorado Springs, El Paso Co., CO. 3 Children: Chester, Mallory, Andrew 1i CHESTER FRANCIS KURTZ III b. May 17, 1984 2i MALLORY BERNICE KURTZ b. Oct. 1, 1987 3i ANDREW JOSEPH KURTZ b. Jan. 13, 1989 2h KATHLEEN MARIE KURTZ b. May 17, 1955 Salida, Chaffee Co., CO. m. JOHN THOMAS BRENDZA b. Sept. 21, 1955 1 Child: John 1i JOHN WILLIAM BRENDZA b. Dec. 24, 1991 3h LAURIE LYNN KURTZ b. Dec. 24, 1956 Salida, Chaffee Co., CO. m. ERIC THOMAS RYAN 1991 b. April 14, 1955 3 Children: Michael, Megan, Marie 1i MICHAEL KURTZ RYAN b. Dec. 6, 1984 2i MEGAN LOUISE RYAN b. Oct. 10, 1993 3i MARIE ELISE RYAN b. Aug. 4, 1996 4h WILLIAM MICHAEL KURTZ b. March 25, 1959 Salida, Chaffee Co., CO. m(1) CAROLYN DILLOW divorced m(2) LORI MAGNUSON Sept. 26, 1987 Colorado Springs, El Paso Co., CO. b. May 27, 1958 4 Children: m(1) Elizabeth m(2) Kathryn, Kristie, Daniel 1i ELIZABETH MARIE KURTZ b. Oct. 20, 1983 2i KATHRYN LYNN KURTZ b. May 1, 1989 3i KRISTIE ANN KURTZ b. Oct. 8, 1991 4i DANIEL MITCHELL KURTZ b. Aug. 7, 1994 5h KELLY SHAWN WALTERS b. March 17, 1964 Dodge City, Ford Co., KS. m. KELLI GRACE MORTON Sept. 1, 1994 Anchorage, Alaska b. May 14, 1965 6h WALTER CLYDE YOUNG WALTERS II b. May 13, 1967 Colorado Springs, El Paso Co., CO. m. KRISTI KAY KNIGHT Aug. 10, 1996 Denver, Denver Co., CO. b. July 15, 1969 4g PATRICIA LEE FRAYSER b. July 23, 1932 Rosiclare, Hardin Co., IL. m. PRESTON FRANK KAESS Dec. 24, 1950 Salida, Chaffee Co., CO. b. Oct. 28, 1930 Rocky Ford, Otero Co., CO. Preston is son of CECIL W. KAESS and HELEN ALBRIGHT 4 Children: Mary, Preston, Douglas, Deedra 1h MARY ANN KAESS b. July 30, 1952 Salida, Chaffee Co., CO. m. KEVIN MITCHELL SWIFT b. Aug. 28, 1950 Alamosa, Alamosa Co., CO. divorced 3 Children: Wade, Ryan, Katie 1i WADE FORRIS SWIFT b. Jan. 17, 1977 Salida, Chaffee Co., CO. Wade has one child, Mari, who's mother is LARAY CHAPPEL 1 Child: Mari 1j MARI KLARISSA CHAPPEL b. April 1, 1998 Salida, Chaffee Co., CO. 2i RYAN MITCHELL SWIFT b. Aug. 1, 1978 Salida, Chaffee Co., CO. 3i KATIE CORRINE SWIFT b. Oct. 7, 1983 Salida, Chaffee Co., CO. 2h PRESTON DAVID KAESS b. Oct. 13, 1954 Salida, Chaffee Co., CO. m. ALMA BETH CARROLL May 24, 1979 Durango, La Plata Co., CO. b. May 30, 1957 La Junta, Otero Co., CO. Alma is daughter of DAVID TRUETT CARROLL and REGENA LEE 3 Children: Levi, Travis, Austin 1i LEVI DAVID KAESS b. March 7, 1983 Canon City, Fremont Co., CO. 2i TRAVIS CECIL KAESS b. May 30, 1985 Salida, Chaffee Co., CO. 3i AUSTIN ROBERT KAESS b. Nov. 16, 1986 Salida, Chaffee Co., CO. 3h DOUGLAS ALBRIGHT KAESS b. Sept. 16, 1956 Salida, Chaffee Co., CO. d. June 1997 burial Kaess Family Cemetery, Salida, Chaffee Co., CO. m. KAREN COPEN b. Sept. 2, 1959 2 Children: Tyler, Cory 1i TYLER LEE KAESS b. June 4, 1986 2i CORY NEIL KAESS b. April 28, 1991 4h DEEDRA ALAYNE KAESS b. Nov. 5, 1961 Salida, Chaffee Co., CO. m. BRET LAWRENCE TRENARY b. Oct. 25, 1960 Ooalogah, Rogers Co., OK. Bret is son of RICHARD LAWRENCE TRENARY and SONJA MARIE MICKELSON 2 Children: Mercedes, Jhett 1i MERCEDES LEE TRENARY b. Jan. 22, 1993 Dumas, Moore Co., TX. 2i JHETT DOUGLAS TRENARY b. Jan. 15, 1998 Salida, Chaffee Co., CO. 5g GILBERT MITCHELL FRAYSER b. March 31, 1937 Rosiclare, Hardin Co., IL. m. CONNIE JEAN LEVALLEY Feb. 10, 1961 Juarez, Mexico b. June 10, 1943 Dallas, Dallas Co., TX. Connie is daughter of IVAN HENRY LEVALLEY and ORPHA GRACE MORGAN 3 Children: Clayton, Robert, Preston 1h CLAYTON ELLIS FRAYSER b. April 26, 1962 Albuquerque, Bernalillo Co., NM. m(1) EMELINA MARIE GARCIA Feb. 8, 1980 Grants, Valencia Co., NM. b. Feb. 18, 1963 Phoenix, Maricopa Co., AZ. divorced April 14, 1982 Albuquerque, Bernalillo Co., NM. m(2) FIONA JUNE WILLIAMSON b. Aug. 25, 1968 Blackpool, England Fiona is daughter of DAVID WILLIAMSON and REBECCA MARIE BRADLEY 3 Children: m(1) Brian m(2) Gareth, Grant 1i BRIAN ROBERT FRAYSER b. June 3, 1980 Grants, Valencia Co., NM. 2i GARETH CATHAL CLAYTON FRAYSER b. Dec. 13, 1995 Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland 3i GRANT DOUGLAS FRAYSER b. May 24, 1998 Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland 2h ROBERT MITCHELL FRAYSER b. April 29, 1964 Salida, Chaffee Co., CO. m. DENELL KAY HESLEP Sept. 6, 1997 Paradis Valley, Humbolt Co., NV. b. Dec. 17, 1970 Charleston, Charleston Co., SC. Denell is daughter of CHARLES DWIGHT HESLEP and SHELLY ELAINE ISSACS Dennell has one child from a previous marraige, Sharla. 1 Child: Sharla 1i SHARLA DENELL WEISENBERGER b. April 18, 1993 Reno, Washoe Co., NV. 3h PRESTON JAY FRAYSER b. June 20, 1970 Rolla, Phelps Co., MO. m. LAURIANNE HARVEY March 16, 1990 Kemmerer, Lincoln Co., WY. b. July 1, 1969 Canoga Park, Los Angeles Co., CA. Laurianne is daughter of DAVID LAURIEN HARVEY and MARCIA DEETTE SMITH 1 Child: Kaitlyn 1i KAITLYN LAURIEN FRAYSER b. March 16, 1993 Odgen, Weber Co., UT. 6g GARY R. FRAYSER b. Jan. 25, 1940 Rosiclare, Hardin Co., IL. m. SHIRLEY LORENE CAMPTON 1957 b. June 8, 1939 Tonkowa, Kay Co., OK divorced 1970 5 Children: Elizabeth, Jeffory, Gregory, James, Reece, Maureen 1h ELIZABETH LEANN FRAYSER b. May 2, 1957 Salida, Chaffee Co., Co. m(1) TERRY VANMETER 1974 divorced m(2) KEVIN HAYES 1984 b. May 11, 1957 Note that Ryan was adopted by Elizabeth's second husband Kevin. 1 Child: Ryan 1i RYAN JACOB VANMETER b. Nov. 11, 1979 San Diego, San Diego Co., CA. 2h JEFFORY BRIAN FRAYSER b. Aug. 6, 1959 Tucson, Pima Co., AZ. m. VICTORIA KY PUTMAN Feb. 14, 1988 Houston, TX. b. Dec. 6, 1957 Dallas, Dallas Co., TX. Victoria is daughter of KY BRANDON PUTMAN and GRACE LEE JONES 3h GREGORY BENEDICT FRAYSER b. April 9, 1961 Tucson, Pima Co., AZ. m(1) THERSA PREDA 1983 divorced m(2) DONNA ALEXANDER b. Nov. 4, 1962 Sea Isle City, Cape May Co., NJ. Donna has two children from a previous marraige, Heather, and Tyler. 5 Children: m(1) James m(2) Cory, Alysha Donna's m(1) Heather, Tyler 1i JAMES EDWIN FRAYSER b. Dec. 13, 1985 2i CORY FRAYSER b. Aug. 15, 1992 3i ALYSHA SUMMER FRAYSER b. Oct. 8, 1993 4i HEATHER GOMEZ b. June 1, 1989 5i TYLER ALEXANDER b. Aug. 10, 1991 4h REECE LYTELL FRAYSER b. Oct. 20, 1963 Denver, Denver Co., CO. m. MARY JO ADUDDEL 1984 b. ? Monroe, Monroe Co., MI. divorced 1994 2 Children: Jennifer, Justin 1i JENNIFER LORENE FRAYSER b. Oct. 11, 1984 Denver, Denver Co., CO. 2i JUSTIN THOMAS FRAYSER b. Aug. 28, 1988 5h MAUREEN TALLEY FRAYSER b. Nov. 1, 1964 Denver, Denver Co., CO. m. OLIVER DWAYNE MAEZ b. Nov. 26, 1961 2 Children: Jade, Issac 1i JADE CRYSTAL MAEZ b. Sept. 3, 1993 Denver, Denver Co., CO. 2i ISSAC DUANE MAEZ b. Sept. 8, 1995 Denver, Denver Co., CO. 2f EHTEL TENNESSEE COWSERT b. April 4, 1907 d. March 27, 1960 due to diabetes m. WILLIAM OSCAR SPEAR (SPEIR) Nov. 28, 1928 William had four children from a previous marraige to MARGARET SHADOWENS. 11 Children: William's m(1) Elmer, Audrey, Daniel, Robert Ethel & William's: Wilma, Alice, William, Arthur, Ada, Margie, Charles 1g ELMER SPEAR b. Feb 20, 1910 m. ANNIE ESTES 9 Children: Raymond, Sylvia, Lula, Elmer, James, William, Sue, Betty, Mary 1h RAYMOND EUGENE SPEAR b. Nov. 26, 1932 d. about 1 year later 2h SYLVIA LAVERNE SPEAR b. Nov. 28, 1933 3h LULA BELLE SPEAR b. Sept. 3, 1935 4h ELMER AUSTIN SPEAR b. Aug. 13, 1937 d. at birth 5h JAMES OSCAR SPEAR b. Aug. 11, 1938 d. Aug. 29, 1949 6h WILLIAM ORVAL SPEAR b. May 20, 1942 7h SUE ANN SPEAR b. Jan. 11, 1945 8h BETTY LEE SPEAR b. July 5, 1947 9h MARY RUTH SPEAR b. April 7, 1949 2g AUDREY SPEAR b. July 26, 1915 m(1) BILL ROSE Bill was son of FRANKLIN ROSE and META FRAILEY m(2) OMER BLAIR (SHORTY) Shorty had two children from a previous marriage EUGENE BLAIR and GARY BLAIR 2 Children: m(1) Gaylon, William 1h GAYLON ALFRED ROSE b. April 7, 1932 d. Sept. 5, 19?? 2h WILLIAM EUGENE ROSE (BILLY) b. July 12, 1941 3g DANIEL JACKSON SPEAR b. Sept. 9, 1919 d. April 5, 1988 4g ROBERT HERSCHEL SPEAR b. Oct. 2, 1923 5g WILMA SPEAR b. June 29, 1928 d. Nov. 26, 1935 typhoid fever and spinal meningitis 6g ALICE JOSEPHINE SPEAR b. June 27, 1930 m. BILL BRYAN Dec. 9, 1950 3 Children: Leah, Joel, Mary 1h LEAH BETH BRYAN b. Sept. 23, 1952 m. ROGER SCHMIDGALL 2 Children: Andrew, Matthew 1i ANDREW BRYAN SCHMIDGALL b. Nov. 8, 1980 2i MATTHEW BRYAN SCHMIDGALL b. Jan. 31, 1985 2h JOEL KEVIN BRYAN b. Sept. 23, 1953 m. PATRICIA LINDQUIST 4 Children: Charles, David, Mark, Joshua 1i CHARLES BRANDON BRYAN b. June 3, 1977 2i DAVID MATTHEW BRYAN b. Aug. 28, 1978 3i MARK ANDREW BRYAN b. Nov. 19, 1980 d. Nov. 20, 1980 4i JOSHUA MICHAEL BRYAN b. Nov. 13, 1982 3h MARY ELLEN BRYAN b. Feb. 14, 1957 m. ROBERT BANWART 3 Children: Heather, Alison, Beth 1i HEATHER ELLICE BANWART b. Jan 18, 1980 2i ALISON GAIL BANWART b. Dec. 21, 1981 3i BETH CHRISTINE BANWART b. Dec. 25, 1983 7g WILLIAM OSCAR SPEAR JR. m(1) JANE FAULK m(2) HESTER FINLEY Dec. 31, 1964 m(3) CAROLE LANCASTER (PAOLELLA) Nov. 6, 1982 William adopted Hester's son, Kenneth, from a previous marriage. 6 Children: m(1) Billie, Arnetta, William, Timothy, Mark Adopted son: Kenneth 1h BILLIE JANE SPEAR b. Sept. 16, 1954 m(1) PAUL SMILEY m(2) MIKE MAYER Nov. 2, 1948 5 Children: m(1) Paul, Madonna, Marsha, Kevin m(2) Michelle 1i PAULA SMILEY b. Sept. 12, ???? 2i MADONNA SMILEY b. Jan. 2, ???? 3i MARSHA SMILEY b. Aug. 29, 1976 4i KEVIN PAUL SMILEY b. Jan. 8, 1978 5i MICHELLE MAYER 2h ARNETTA ETHEL SPEAR b. Oct. 17, 1956 m. MARTIN MANDEZ 1 Child: Selena 1i SELENA ETHELENA ARNETTA (or MANDEZ ?) b. July 11, 1975 3h WILLIAM ALLEN SPEAR b. Dec. 22, 1957 m. NANCY ANN GILSTRAP 3 Children: Chrissy, William, Tarina 1i CHRISSY SPEAR b. Nov. 24, 1982 2i WILLIAM TODD SPEAR b. July 8, 1983 3i TARINA MARIE SPEAR b. Sept. 30, 1984 4h TIMOTHY LEE SPEAR b. April 18, 1959 m. KAREN ? 1 Child: Daniel 1i DANIEL SPEAR b. May 10, 1980 5h MARK ANTHONY SPEAR b. July 14, 1960 m. PAT TOLER 3 Children: Mark, William, Tabitha 1i MARK ANTHONY SPEAR b. Nov. 9, 1978 2i JOHN WILLIAM SPEAR b. Oct. 30, 1979 3i TABITHA LYNN SPEAR b. Oct. 16, 1983 6h KENNETH SPEAR (BUSTER) m. PATRICIA SMITH March 26, 1983 8g ARTHUR EUGENE SPEAR b. Nov. 25, 1936 d. March 8, 1937 pneumonia and influenza 9g ADA BERNICE SPEAR m. JAMES RUSSELL JACKSON June 21, 1952 7 Children: Patricia, James, Geneva, Robert, Steven, Kenneth, Billy 1h PATRICIA JEAN JACKSON b. Sept. 21, 1954 m. HAROLD THOMAS 4 Children: Danny, Rebecca, Jeremy, Cynthia 1i DANNY RAY THOMAS b. July 6, 1973 m. GAIL FISHER Sept. 3, 1993 1 Child: Nathan 1j NATHAN LYLE THOMAS b. Aug. 12, 1994 2i REBECCA LYNN THOMAS b. March 8, 1976 3i JEREMY LEE THOMAS b. Dec. 22, 1984 4i CYNTHIA JO ELLEN THOMAS b. Oct. 1, 1987 2h JAMES RUSSELL JACKSON JR. b. July 26, 1956 m(1) CAROLYN DAVIDSON m(2) LINDA UNDERDOWN Note that Linda also has a daughter named ? 3 Children: m(1) Andrew, Jenny m(2) David 1i ANDREW JACKSON b. ? d. in infancy 2i JENNY LYNN JACKSON b. April 14, 1978 3i DAVID JACKSON b. April 19, 1984 3h GENEVA HELEN JACKSON b. Sept. 3, 1957 m. PHILIP RAINES 1 Child: Zandre 1i ZANDRE DAWN RAINES b. Nov. 17, 1983 4h ROBERT DALE JACKSON b. Aug. 20, 1958 m(1) REBECCA LAMPERT m(2) ANGIE SMITH m(3) THELMA BELISUT ? 6 Children: m(1) Melissa m(2) Joshua, Justin m(3) James, Kyle, Jacob 1i MELISSA SUE JACKSON b. June 1978 2i JOSHUA JACKSON b. Feb. 14, 1983 3i JUSTIN JACKSON 4i JAMES ALLEN JACKSON b. July 1990 d. in infancy 5i KYLE JACKSON b. Aug. 19, 1991 6i JACOB JACKSON b. July 24, 1992 5h STEVEN WAYNE JACKSON b. Oct. 8, 1960 m(1) MARY ALICE SMOCK m(2) LINDA CHURCH 3 Children: m(1) Steven, Alicia m(2) Jonathan 1i STEVEN WAYNE JACKSON JR. b. Sept. 7, 1980 2i ALICIA MARIE JACKSON b. Aug. 10, 1981 3i JONATHAN JACKSON b. Aug. 26, 1981 6h KENNETH CLIFFORD JACKSON b. May 26, 1963 m. ROXANNE WINTERS 2 Children: Scotty, Heather 1i SCOTTY DALE JACKSON b. Aug. 16, 1981 2i HEATHER LYNN JACKSON May 2, 1984 7h BILLY GENE JACKSON b. Sept. 24, 1966 10g MARGIE HELEN SPEAR b. Feb. 3, 1940 m(1) LEONARD HARRISON JACKSON (brother of JAMES RUSSELL JACKSON) m(2) GLEN HICKS (BUD) Feb. 26, 1966 Glen adopted Beverly Joan Jackson. 3 Children: m(1) Beverly, Rita m(2) Jerry 1h BEVERLY JOAN JACKSON b. Dec. 10, 1959 m. ROGER CLAY CULLUM 2 Children: Judith, Andrea 1i JUDITH APRIL CULLUM b. July 23, 1978 2i ANDREA BROOKE CULLUM b. Nov. 7, 1981 2h RITA FAYE JACKSON b. Sept. 25, 1961 d. Sept. 26, 1961 3h JERRY LYNN HICKS b. Jan. 3, 1967 adopted Feb. 1972 11g CHARLES EDWARD SPEAR b. Aug. 31, 1941 m(1) MANUELA RIOS CRUZ (MANOLI) m(2) SONJA ALICE MCMASTER June 15, 1974 4 Children: m(1) Elena, Charles m(2) Deborah, Julie 1h ELENA SPEAR b. Feb. 9, 1965 m. GENE ? May 15, 1993 2h CHARLES SPEAR b. Aug. 4, 1967 m. ? 1 Child: ? 1i ? SPEAR 3h DEBORAH DARLENE SPEAR b. March 13, 1976 4h JULIE ANN SPEAR b. July 28, 1980 3f ARZA COWSERT b. March 5, 1909 d. ? complications following surgery 4f EMMA MARIE COWSERT b. Nov. 24, 1911 m. HENRY LINDSEY Dec. 16, 1926 b. June 24, 1896 Henry had one child from a previous marriage, HENRY ALLEN LINDSEY. 10 Children: Henry's m(1) Henry Emma & Henry's: Barney, Della, Mary, Everett, Shirley, George, Billy, Robert, Patsy 1g HENRY ALLEN LINDSEY b. July 20, 1921 m. NORA VALENTINE April 20, 1949 Henry's mother is CARRIE DILLS. 2 Children: Charles, Allen 1h CHARLES ALBERT LINDSEY b. Nov. 3, 1951 m. JANET O'CONNER 2 Children: Chastity, Carrie 1i CHASTITY KAY LINDSEY b. May 15, 1973 2i CARRIE ANN LINDSEY b. April 24, 1977 2h ALLEN RAY LINDSEY b. Feb. 12, 1954 m. DEANE KAY GOWER 3 Children: Kenneth, Amber, Christopher 1i KENNETH SCOTT LINDSEY b. Feb. 27, 1977 2i AMBER KAY LINDSEY b. Oct. 26, 1978 3i CHRISTOPHER ALLEN LINDSEY b. April 20, 1982 2g BARNEY LINDSEY JR. b. Sept. 24, 1930 m. NORMA ELDER May 20, 1950 1 Child: Pamela 1h PAMELA SUE LINDSEY b. June 29, 1952 m(1) NOEL WRIGHT May 18, 1972 m(2) KENNY TEAL June 12, 1981 2 Children: m(1) Tonya, Noel 1i TONYA ROSEANN WRIGHT b. Dec. 14, 1973 2i NOEL MATTHER WRIGHT b. June 12, 1975 3g DELLA MAE LINDSEY b. Dec. 16, 1932 m. JOHN G. CLARK Oct. 10, 1949 John had one child from a previous marriage, Connie. 4 Children: John's m(1) Connie Della & John's: Kathy, Brenda, John 1h CONNIE JEAN CLARK b. July 24, 1947 m(1) VAL GENE JOHNSON Nov. 23, 1963 m(2) LAWRENCE JOHNSON 3 Children: m(1) Tammy m(2) Larry, Tina 1i TAMMY LYNN JOHNSON b. Sept. 10, 1964 2i LARRY WAYNE JOHNSON b. Sept. 9, 1966 3i TINA RENA JOHNSON b. Aug. 5, 1970 2h KATHY MARIE CLARK b. April 26, 1962 m. STEVE LAWRENCE Nov. 21, 1970 3 Children: April, Scotty, John 1i APRIL MARIE LAWRENCE b. June 11, 1970 2i SCOTTY RAY LAWRENCE b. May 27, 1972 3i JOHN DONALD LAWRENCE b. Aug. 5, 1976 3h BRENDA MAE CLARK b. March 24, 1953 m. TOMMY THOMPSON Feb. 27, 1971 2 Children: Cindy, Sandra 1i CINDY MAE THOMPSON b. Sept. 27, 1971 2i SANDRA SUE THOMPSON b. July 28, 1974 4h JOHN DAVID CLARK b. Sept. 24, 1957 m. KAREN HORN April 7, 1977 1 Child: Derek 1i DEREK ADAM CLARK b. July 4, 1980 4g MARY ELIZABETH LINDSEY b. Jan. 16, 1935 m. BOBBY DALE CLARK Jan. 12, 1952 Bobby is brother of Della Mae Lindsey's husband John G. Clark. 2 Children: Michael, Vicky 1h MICHAEL DALE CLARK b. Dec. 14, 1953 m. JOY WISEMAN June 25, 1976 1 Child: Amanda 1i AMANDA DAWN CLARK b. May 21, 1976 2h VICKY LYNN CLARK b. April 15, 1955 m. JAMES A. NEEDHAM June 24, 1973 3 Children: Mary, James, Victoria 1i MARY LYNN NEEDHAM b. Sept. 28, 1974 2i JAMES DALE NEEDHAM b. June 27, 1977 3i VICTORIA ANN NEEDHAM b. Aug. 6, 1983 5g EVERETT EUGENE LINDSEY b. April 23, 1937 m(1) MARLENE GRAVES d. 1956 m(2) SUE WEBB 4 Children: m(1) Everett, Jimmy, Kimberly m(2) Rebecca 1h EVERETT LINDSEY JR. 2h JIMMY DEAN LINDSEY 3h KIMBERLY LINDSEY 4h REVECCA LINDSEY 6g SHIRLEY ANN LINDSEY b. Dec. 1939 d. 15 months later 7g GEORGE WILLIAM LINDSEY b. March 10, 1941 m(1) WRETHA PARTON Oct. 31, 1959 m(2) LEATHA JOE WILD 3 Children: m(1) Steven, ?, ? 1h STEVEN LINDSEY b. Feb. 11, 1961 2h ? LINDSEY b. Nov. 1964 3h ? LINDSEY b. April 2, 1967 8g BILLY RAY LINDSEY b. July 7, 1943 m. GAYLA ANN MAYER Dec. 16, 1964 3 Children: Timothy, Angela, Jason 1h TIMOTHY RAY LINDSEY 2h ANGELA LINDSEY 3h JASON LINDSEY 9g ROBERT GENE LINDSEY b. July 21, 1945 m. PATSY JEAN MARKS Oct. 4, 1962 3 Children: Charlotte, Roberta, Teresa 1h CHARLOTTE ANN LINDSEY b. Oct. 21, 1963 2h ROBERTA JEAN LINDSEY b. July 13, 1965 3h TERESA SUE LINDSEY b. Feb. 1, 1967 10g PATSY RUTH LINDSEY b. Oct. 4, 1948 m. BOBBY JOE BOZARTH Nov. 23, 1962 5 Children: Ricky, Mary, Sheliah, Bobbie, Emma 1h RICKEY JOE BOZARTH b. Feb. 9, 1965 m. TERRY PIERCE Oct. 10, 1981 at the home of BUD HICKS and HELEN HICKS 2 Children: Benny, Dusty 1i BENNY JOE PIERCE b. April 7, 1982 2i DUSTY PIERCE 2h MARY ANN BOZARTH b. Sept. 28, 1967 3h SHELIAH MAE BOZARTH b. July 2, 1969 m. JIMMY RAINES 1 Child: Vern 1i VERN RAINES 4h BOBBIE RUTH BOZARTH b. Jan. 23, 1971 5h EMMA LOU BOZARTH b. Sept. 13, 1976 5f MABLE JEWELL COWSERT b. May 9, 1913 m. ? SHELTON 6f JOSEPHINE COWSERT b. Nov. 7, 1915 m. ? HOGAN 5 Children: Velma, Margie, Roy, Rose, Fred 1g VELMA HOGAN 2g MARGIE HELLEN HOGAN 3g ROY LONZO HOGAN 4g ROSE MARIE HOGAN m. ? RIEGEL 5g FRED HOGAN m. LYDIA ? 1 Child: Elizabeth 1h ELIZABETH HOGAN 7f LAWRENCE COWSERT b. ? d. about the age of five 3e JAMES FRANKLIN COWSERT m. BERTHA TURNER Bertha is sister of JOHN O. COWSERT wife, ETTA TURNER 4e LYDIA EVA COWSERT m. STEVE RUSH 5e GEORGE ALVIN COWSERT m. ILEY HENSON 6e ROSA COWSERT m. JESSE DAVID HENSON Jesse is brother of GEORGE ALVIN COWSERT wife ILEY HENSON 7e ELLA COWSERT m. BEN COWSERT (a cousin) 7d BENJAMINE FILMORE COWSERT b. Aug. 4, 1856 d. Dec. 4, 1934 burial Cowsert Cemetery, Rosiclare, Hardin Co., IL. m. NANCY PARROTT b. Oct. 2, 1854 d. June 14, 1934 burial Cowsert Cemetery, Rosiclare, Hardin Co., IL. Nancy was daughter of JOSEPH PARROTT and MATTIE PERRY 7 children: Lonnie, Rosa, Roxie, Alice, Gertrude, Willie, John 1e LONNIE COWSERT 2e ROSA COWSERT 3e ROXIE COWSERT 4e ALICE COWSERT 5e GERTRUDE COWSERT 6e WILLIE COWSERT 7e JOHN COWSERT (TOBY) 8d ELIZABETH KATHERINE COWSERT b. about 1959 Illinois 9d HENRY R. COWSERT b. Dec. 2, 1861 Illinois d. Aug. 2, 1933 burial Stone Church m. MARY MORGAN (SUSAN) Aug. 6, 1884 b. April 8, 1860 Kentucky d. April 20, 1933 burial Stone Church 10d NANCY COWSERT b. about 1862 Illinois d. in infancy 11d LYDIA CAROLINE COWSERT b. about 1864 Illinois 12d ? COWSERT b. ? d. in infancy 3b JAMES COWSERT b. about 1780 Armagh County, South of Belfast, Ireland d. Oct. 28, 1832 Pope County, Illinois m. ELIZABETH HAMILTON before 1809 b. about 1782 d, after 1870 According to James naturalization papers (1806), he immigrated to the U.S. in 1790. The 1860 census shows Elizabeth (age 78) living with her daughter Jane. In 1826, records show that James was charged with assault and battery, and another time for slander. 7 Children: Thomas, George, Samuel, Matthew, James, Jane, Mary 1c THOMAS COWSERT b. 1809 m. JANE PARKINSON April 5, 1829 Pope County, Illinois Thomas was the first Justice of the Peace in Hardin County, Illinois. 2 Children: James, Andrew 1d JAMES COWSERT b. 1833 2d ANDREW COWSERT b. 1835 2c GEORGE WASHINGTON COWSERT b. 1813 d. ? buried Soward Cemetery in Illinois m(1) MALINDA ASHFORD March 12, 1833 Pope County, Illinois b. 1815 Wilson County, Tennessee d. between 1834 and 1850 m(2) SARAH SOWARD Before 1845 b. 1819 in Illinois or Ohio George was a veteran of the Black Hawk Indian Wars of 1831 1832. 8 Children: m(1) Hiram, George, Elisha m(2) Atwell, Greene, Priscilla, Evaline, Orpha 1d HIRAM DANIEL COWSERT b. 1834 d. 1891 m. AMERICA WALLACE b. 1836 3 Children: Newton, Mary, William 1e NEWTON A. COWSERT b. 1857 2e MARY J. COWSERT b. 1862 3e WILLIAM HARRISON COWSERT b. 1866 m. MARY GIFFIN 3 Children: Rosa, Effie, Lyman 1f ROSA COWSERT b. 1889 m. JIM PRICE 2f EFFIE COWSERT b. 1890 3f LYMAN ELBERT COWSERT b. 1891 d. 1961 m. EMMA EVALINE KEY b. 1890 d. 1956 2d GEORGE WASHINGTON COWSERT JR. b. 1843 m(1) MARY E. WILLIAMS b. April 25, 1849 KY. d. Aug. 17, 1891 m(2) ALICE E. COWSERT May 8, 1892 b. Aug. 31, 1871 d. June 8, 1947 6 Children: m(1) Jesse m(2) Roy, James, Della, Lydia, Arnold 1e JESSE B. COWSERT b. June 26, 1872 d. Jan. 24, 1891 2e ROY COWSERT b. March 3, 1893 d. March 3, 1893 3e JAMES B. COWSERT b. Dec. 20, 1895 d. Feb. 17, 1896 4e DELLA MAE COWSERT b. May 15, 1894 d. 1936 m. CLYDE STONE b. Jan. 8, 1888 d. Aug. 3, 1964 5e LYDIA KATHERINE COWSERT b. Jan. 26, 1899 m. RAYMOND WALKER b. 1895 6e ARNOLD EUGENE COWSERT b. Nov. 25, 1905 3d ELISHA COWSERT b. Oct. 28, 1845 d. July 26, 1898 m. NANCY LUCRESA COWSERT b. Dec. 25, 1845 d. July 26, 1923 2 Children: Malinda, Jacob 1e MALINDA JANE COWSERT b. 1866 m. ? WALKER 2e JACOB M. COWSERT b. 1877 m. CORA E. BIRCH b. Feb. 6, 1874 d. Mar. 6, 1941 4d ATWELL COWSERT b. Oct. 1845 (1850) Elizabeththown, Illinois d. Sept. 12, 1919 m(1) MARGARET ELIZABETH ROGERS (LIZZIE) Nov. 22, 1874 Pope County, Illinois b. 1856 Illinois d. 1891 m(2) JULIA ANN STORY Sept. 10, 1891 Hardin County, Illinois b. 1868 Hardin County, Illinois d. 1900 (1898/1899 ?) m(3) WILDA ALICE BANKS (WILDA ALICE SOWARD BANKS) Nov. 2, 1899 or about 1900 b. 1873 d. 1911 Wilda was previously married to WILLIE SOWARD, Wilda and Willie had 5 children VERGIE SOWARD, VERBIE SOWARD, JERUSIA SOWARD, MARIA SOWARD (died before age 5) and VIRGIL SOWARD (died as infant). Atwell and Wilda were divorced about 1902 and had one child together. Atwell's birthdate is unknown. The 1800 census lists it as October 1850. His war records give it as Oct. 16, 1845. Later is is listed as 1849. He was probably born no later than 1845. His enlistment date in the Civil War was Aug. 11, 1864 which would have made him 18 years old. The 1880 census show Atwell as a farm laborer. Lizzie died about 1891. Atwell and Julia lived in Harrisburg, Saline County, Illinois in 1900. Atwell received a disability pension (1887) for his service in the Civil War. He joined Aug. 11, 1864 at Elizabethtown, Illinois. He joined Company A, 29th Infantry of Illinois Volunteers. His age was listed as 18, height 5'4", light hair and complexion and blue eyes. He mustered out Nov. 6, 1865 in Hempstead, Texas. He served on a boat in the Gulf of Mexico. In July of 1865 he took cold and the disease settled on his lungs or in his chest. Atwell continued to receive partial disability for the rest of his life. One of his children, maybe William, went to Texas as a young man. 10 Children: m(1) William, Richard, Thomas, Mary, ?, Hiram, Annie, John m(2) Atwell m(3) Ethel Ida 1e WILLIAM PAUKNEY COWSERT b. Sept. 1878 d. 1966 2e RICHARD ANDREW COWSERT b. August 15, 1880 Elizabeththown, Illinois d. Feb. 9, 1953 m(1) WILDA ALICE BANKS (WILDA SOWARD BANKS COWSERT) 1898? b. 1873 d. 1911 m(2) BERTHA ADELIE NATION (found in 1920 census) b. 1893 d. Feb. 3, 1962 Wilda is listed above as wife #3 of Richard' father Atwell. The 1910 census shows Richard living in St. Francis, Clay County, Arkansas with his wife Wilda and her daughters, Vergie and Verbie, ages 18 and 16. Jerusia is not listed, she has possibly died. Richard and Wilda show two children of their own, Ethel (* SEE 11e below) and Margie. It appears that Richard and Wilda have been married for 12 years and that this is Richards first marriage and Wilda's second. In 1920, Richard and Bertha lived in Ash Hill, Butler County, Missouri. Richard and Bertha have 3 children living with them in 1920 but not Ethel or Margie. Margie is found living with her brother in law WILLIS J. SCOTT, Verbie Soward's husband. Richard and Birtha moved to California sometime after 1922. They first settled in Orange, Califonia before moving to the Fresno area. They returned to Orange County later and lived in Talbert (now called Fountain Valley) and Huntington Beach before settling in Santa Ana (Gardens). Richard continued to work as a farmer on the Bixby Ranch in Long Beach. 2 Children: m(1) Ida, Marjorie 6 Children: m(2) Elnora, Leora, Omer, Elizida, Dorothy, ? 1f IDA ETHEL COWSERT b. 10 Dec 1900 (age 9 in 1910 census) d. April 4, 1962 Globe, Gila County, AZ m. JOHN DOGGETT 8 July 1916 Information shows Ethel to be Atwell's daughter, but she is also shown to be Richards daughter (SEE 11e below). Ethel is pregnant with twins in 1926 when she is helping her father in law start his crank operated Model T. In an unfortunate accident, the car lurches forward killing Ethel and the premature twins she was carrying. Ethel and her twins are buried together in the same coffin. 3 Children: Roy, Ray, Arvelle 1g ROY ? 2g RAY ? 3g ARVELLE ? 2f MARJORIE JEWELL COWSERT (MARGIE COWSERT ?) b. Jan. 4, 1908 Piggett, Clay Co., Arkansas d. Dec. 30, 1990 Globe, Gila Co., Arizona m(1) ? DAVIS m(2) JIMMIE C. LEAR 3f ELNORA COWSERT b. about 1915 4f LEORA COWSERT b. about 1917 5f OMER COWSERT (RAYMOND) b. about 1919 6f ELIZIDA COWSERT b. Feb. 2, 1921 7f DOROTHY COWSERT b. Nov. 27, 1922 8f ? (a daughter) b. 1931 in California d. 1931 at birth 3e THOMAS FRANKLIN COWSERT (FRANK) b. Jan. 22, 1882 m. NORA MITCHELL Feb. 1902 Frank lived in Harrisburg, IL in 1910 and 1920. 7 Children: Charles, William, Anna, Calvin, Cecil, Oscar, Dosey 1f CHARLES F. COWSERT b. Dec. 1902 2f WILLIAM TAFT COWSERT b. 1908 3f ANNA M. COWSERT b. 1906 4f CALVIN EZEKIEL COWSERT b. 1911 5f CECIL R. COWSERT b. 1914 6f OSCAR C. COWSERT b. 1917 7f DAWSEY COWSERT b. 1919 4e MARY ALICE COWSERT b. Jan. 3, 1884 d. before 1915 m. JAMES A. CARR Nov. 27, 1907 Saline County b. 1885 5e ? (a twin to Mary Alice Cowsert) b. Jan. 3, 1884 d. at birth 6e HIRAM DANIEL COWSERT b. about 1886 d. 1888 7e ANNIE COWSERT b. Feb 7, 1888 8e JOHN COWSERT b. Sept. 1890 9e ATWELL COWSERT JR. b. May 8, 1897 The 1910 census show Atwell living with his cousin WILLIAM THOMAS LAMAR, his wife, LAURA and her brother and mother. Williams first wife was ELIZABETH COWSERT born about 1861, died 1891. Connection to Atwell not yet found. 10e IDA ETHEL COWSERT b. December 10, 1900 d. April 4, 1926 Globe, Gila County, AZ It was not unusual for a husband or wife to quickly remarry after the death of a spouse. Atwell may have gotten some dates confused when relaying this information to the Bureau of Pensions. Atwell claims to have married Wilda and claims Ethel is their daughter, per 1900 Census and per pension applications records; however, his son, Richard, also claims Wilda is his wife and Ethel is his daughter, per 1910 Census and oral family history. * SEE RICHARD ANDREW COWSERT 2e above m. JOHN DOGGETT 1916 5d GREENE COWSERT b. 1853 d. 1908 m. SARAH CATHERINE ROSE b. 1857 d. 1891 7 Children: Charles, Jerry, Oscar, Alice, James, Katherine, Harry 1e CHARLES HENRY COWSERT b. 1875 d. 1959 2e JERRY ELSWORTH COWSERT b. 1876 3e OSCAR OTTO COWSERT b. 1881 d. 1892 4e ALICE COWSERT b. 1884 d. 1884 5e JAMES OLIVER COWSERT b. 1884 d. 1884 6e KATHERINE COWSERT b. 1888 d. 1949 7e HARRY HERBERT COWSERT b. 1891 d. 1941 6d PRISCILLA COWSERT (PERCILLA COWSERT ?) b. 1855 7d EVALINE COWSERT b. 1857 m. JOHN WESLEY BLISS 1875 3 Children: Helen, Adelia, Richard 1e HELEN GERTRUDE BLISS b. 1877 d. 1917 2e ADELIA JOSEPHINE BLISS b. 1880 d. 1959 3e RICHARD PATRICK BLISS b. 1883 d. 1947 m. MARY ELIZABETH (FRASURE) BARGER (Known as Mamie) Richard went with ROY TROUTMAN to Arkansas to work in the timber, that is where he met Mary (Mamie) Frasure Barger. Richard may have been married before with a daughter MARIAH ? I am not clear on the dates furnished, some of the info may refer to another Richard, perhaps this Richards father? I do believe these children are correct. 7 Children: Vernie, Richard, Samuel, Warren, James, Paul, John 1f VERNIE BLISS b. ? d. ? (died as a baby) 2f RICHARD PATRICK BLISS JR. b. ? d. ? m. MARGARET TROUTMAN (SHELTON/BEVERLY) Aug. 3, Gallatin Co. ? 3f SAMUEL T. BLISS b. ? d. ? 4f WARREN H. BLISS b. ? d. ? 5f JAMES E. BLISS b. ? d. ? 6f PAUL C. BLISS b. ? d. Dec. 16, 1989 m. MARLENE BLISS 7F JOHN BLISS b. ? d. ? (died as a baby) 8d ORPHA COWSERT b. 1861 3c SAMUEL COWSERT b. 1815 d. before 1840 m. HANNAH SHELBY Dec. 24, 1834 Pope County, Illinois 21 Children: Frances, Samuel 1d FRANCES COWSERT b. 1838 2d SAMUEL COWSERT b. 1835 m. ELIZABETH C. ? b. 1840 4 Children: William, George, Maranda, Frances 1e WILLIAM W. COWSERT b. 1863 2e GEORGE R. COWSERT b. 1864 3e MARANDA A. COWSERT b. 1866 4e FRANCES COWSERT b. 1869 4c MATTHEW COWSERT b. 1817 d. before 1850 m. MARGARET PARKERSON Sept. 8, 1833 Pope County, Illinois b. 1817 d. Aug. 15, 1880 Margaret died on August 15, 1880 ... the same day her grand-nephew, Richard Andrew Cowsert, was born. 1 Child: Lucretia 1d LUCRETIA COWSERT m. WILLIAM B. ASHFORD 3 Children: Leander, Laura, Mary 1e LEANDER ASHFORD b. 1855 2e LAURA ASHFORD b. 1857 3e MARY ASHFORD b. 1859 5c JAMES COWSERT b. 1819 m. MAHALIA ASHFORD about 1841 5 Children: Julia, Elizabeth, Thomas, Josephine, Emmy 1d JULIA ANN COWSERT b. 1842 m. ? TROUTMAN 2d ELIZABETH JANE COWSERT b. 1847 3d THOMAS TAYLOR COWSERT b. 1851 4d JOSEPHINE COWSERT b. 1855 5d EMMY COWSERT b. 1859 6c JANE COWSERT b. Oct. 12, 1824 d. Sept. 25, 1903 Hardin County, Illinois m. JOHN CARROLL ASHFORD 1841 d. 1869 8 Children: Thomas, Elizabeth, Anne, Juliett, William, James, Joseph, Minerva 1d THOMAS NEWTON ASHFORD b. 1842 d. 1851 2d ELIZABETH ASHFORD b. 1845 d. 1848 3d ANNE E. ASHFORD b. 1848 d. 1851 4d JULIETT ASHFORD b. 1850 d. 1851 5d WILLIAM FRANKLIN ASHFORD b. 1852 d. 1908 6d JAMES M. ASHFORD b. 1854 7d JOSEPH LEE ASHFORD b. 1856 8d MINERVA ASHFORD b. 1861 7c MARY COWSERT (POLLY) b. 1820 m(1) JOSEPH SKILES (JOSEPH SLYLES) March 8, 1841 b. 1819 m(2) JOHN BROWN II Feb. 1, 1877 ?? 8 Children: m(1) Elizabeth, Martha, Sara, Mary, William, Amanda, James, Franklin 1d ELIZABETH SKILES 2d MARTHA JANE SKILES b. Dec. 8, 1842 d. Dec. 2, 1923 m. GEORGE FRANKLIN APLIN Dec. 27, 1863 Pope Co., IL. b. June 22, 1842 d. April 11, 1928 Golconda, Pope Co., IL. George and his father were in the Civil war together. 9 Children: Sarah, Mary, James, Rosa, David, Minnie, Hezekiah, Stella, Alice 1e SARAH JANE APLIN b. 1863 ? d. 1945 m. JASPER WEBB May 24, 1891 2e MARY APLIN b. ? d. in infancy 3e JAMES WILLIAM APLIN b. 1869 d. 1896 4e ROSA ELIZABETH APLIN b. 1872 d. 1945 m. LESTER BAKER Aug. 24, 1898 5e DAVID APLIN b. 1874 d. 1885 6e MINNIE FRANCES APLIN b. 1875 d. 1967 m. ROBERT GLASS Oct. 3, 1900 7e HEZEKIAH APLIN (HEZIE) b. Dec. 22, 1879 d. Nov. 19,, 1931 suicide m(1) NELLIE WAGGONER ? Jan. 28, 1900 Pope Co., IL. m(2) FRANCES MAE BOHNENBERGER 1924 Springfield, IL. The marriage record of Nellie may or maynot belong to this Hezekiah but it is possible that it belongs here, IL. records show a HEZIE APLIN married to NELLIE WAGGONER on this date. 8e STELLA MELVINA APLIN b. ? m. ? CLEMENS 9e ALICE MAY APLIN b. ? m. ? REMSHAW 3d SARA SKILES b. 1843 4d MARY SKILES b. 1848 5d WILLIAM SKILES b. 1849 m. SARAH J. APLIN ? Dec. 11, 1873 Pope Co. A record shows a SARAH J. APLIN marrying a WILLIAM SKILES on Dec. 11, 1873... could this SARAH be a sister of GEORGE FRANKLIN APLIN who married William's sister, Martha? 6d AMANDA SKILES b. 1851 7d JAMES SKILES b. 1852 8d FRANKLIN SKILES b. 1855 4b JOHN COWSERT 5b ELEANOR COWSERT m. JOHN HAMILTON 6b GRISSIE COWSERT b. about 1790 d. about 1850 m(1) RICHARD FULKERSON JR. Livingston Co., Kentucky m(2) WILLIAM BROWN b. Pittsburg, PA. 13 Children: m(1) James, Thomas, Eleanor, Nancy, Richard,Susannah m(2) Mary, Margaret, William, Sarah, Lucinda, Henry, Charles 1c JAMES FULKERSON b. Sept. 17, 1811 d. Jan. 29, 1875 m. MARTHA PRISCILLA FLOYD April 24, 1832 2c THOMAS FULKERSON b. Aug. 29, 1813 m. MARY POLLY ARMSTRONG Dec. 22, 1836 3c ELEANOR NELLY FULKERSON b. July 14, 1815 d. July 23, 1852 m. ABRAHAM S. BARGER Oct. 30, 1831 4c NANCY I. FULKERSON b. July 17, 1817 m. JOHN LEE HAMILTON March 12, 1837 5c RICHARD FULKERSON b. Oct. 13, 1819 d. March 28, 1900 m. FRANCIS BALDWIN Jan. 21, 1841 6c SUSANNAH FULKERSON b. Oct. 27, 1821 d. Oct. 13, 1877 m. JORDAN STORY April 1, 1841 b. 1818 d. 1897 1 Child: Thomas 1d THOMAS STORY b. 1849 d. 1927 m. MARY JANE JONES (POLLY) b. 1848 d. 1913 1 Child: Malinda 1e MALINDA STORY b. 1872 d. 1927 7c MARY BROWN m. WILLIAM BELFORD 8c MARGARET BROWN b. 1838 d. 1880 m. W.E. GULLETT 9c WILLIAM BROWN b. ? d. 1863 10c SARAH BROWN m. ISAAC FLICK 11c LUCINDA BROWN m. GORDON BELFORD 12c HENRY R. BROWN 13c CHARLES BROWN 7b NANCY COWSERT m. GEORGE HAMILTON 8b MARY COWSERT m. JOHN MADDEN