Cowsert Family Homepage

Cowsert family genealogy and other family info

Welcome to the Cowsert Family Homepage!

This page contains information about the Cowsert family as compiled by many family members. Some genealogist insist that the Cowserts have a French origin. They were protestants who were forced to flee their homeland when the Catholics went into power. They went to Belgium and Holland and then to the United States. Others feel that the Cowserts are from Scotland and then Ireland. They settled in Pennsylvanis, then Virginia, and then South Carolina. Three different Cowsert lines are found in America during the late 1700's. One branch went North to Illinois, one went South to Mississippi, and one went to Missouri and then on to Texas.

The Cowsert Files:

Here are the Cowsert text files for you to browse. While viewing these files, after the file has finished loading, you can select "FILE" then "SAVE AS" to copy this information (use the .txt extension). You may also save the file by using Shift+Click with your mouse cursor on the file name.

News and Information:

Check the News and Information page:
Here you will find news, information, announcements, etc. Please submit any information that you would like to share.

Family Reunion:

Check the family Reunion page:
Here you will find information, photos, and facts about Cowsert family reunions.

Family Photos:

Check the family Photo page:
Here you will find the current featured photo.

Please send me your comments and suggestions. Let me know if you would like to add information, family news, or photos to this web page. You are visitor number:

E-mail Ron Wilson

Links to other Cowsert family information:

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