Harry Rutledge was a fine, hard working man. He worked with my Grandfather, Wilbur Allen Cooke, for years and my daddy, Wilbur Orlean Cooke, Sr., considered Harry as one of the finest men he knew. I always called him "Uncle Harry". Harry was a poor, but proud black man, who lived to bury his namesakes, son and grandson. My Daddy always stopped when we went to Papa Cooke's to talk to Harry. I always suspected it was because of the beautiful mules Harry always raised and trained. Harry harvested trees most of his life. He would cut the trees himself and "snake" them out with his mules. One day Harry was working alone and a tree fell on him pinning him to the ground. Harry sent his mule home for help. The mule not only made it home alone, he brought the help back to where Harry lay helpless. When I bought the "Upper Place" from my granddaddy's farm, I got Harry to cut the timber. He was in his nineties and used his mule. Harry just died and his dates aren't on his stone yet, but he must have been over a hundred years old.

Harry Rutledge, Sr.
Eula H. Rutledge, Nov. 7, 1919, Feb. 5, 1993
Harry Rutledge, Jr., Oct. 23, 1928, Sept. 11,, 1950
Harry Rutledge III, Dec. 11, 1950, Oct. 15, 1990
Willie Rutledge, TEC 5, US Army, WWII, 1919-1974
Addie Daniel, May 5, 1914, May 14, 1983
Thomas Daniel, Jr., Jan. 10, 1910, Jan. 17, 1976
Sevoria Daniel, April 1, 1922, March 17, 1959
Ernestine Hawkins, Nov. 23, 1938, March 30, 1993
Ovetta Daniel, Oct. 13, 1920, June 15, 1946
Amos Daniel, Dec. 18, 1895, Sept. 24, 1949
Ethel Mae Daniel, May 1, 1930, Feb. 18, 1973
George Lana Daniel, Feb. 8, 1951
Emma B. Daniels, Dec. 25, 1892, August 8, 1991
Johnny Levepette, Sr., Sept. 29, 1926, Dec. 14, 1987
Magaret Moore, May 26, 1953, Feb. 24, 1999

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