Welcome to my Guestbook! Any comments, requests or suggestions are appreciated.

MARTHA PORCO - 12/18/00 02:22:45
My Email:al152@millry.net

hi judy well i really like your site. im glad to see it. when i go to my sons for christmas im going to make a web page also. i am collection all the cemeterys in washington county alabama. and as i update them im going to put then on my web page. i have over 80 cemeterys already. but i have only updated 6 of them so far. but i dont have any help so i know that it will take time. i see some of the names that u are looking for and there are lots of them buried in the washington county cemeterys so if i can help u let me know and ill be glad to do lookups for u. and if u want ill let u know when i get my web site going. i love genealogy also i have been doing it for over 28 years. and im writeing volumes on the washington county cemeterys. this is an exp here is what is going to be in my books. ill give u one person for an exp. GEORGE WILSON DUNN BORN 7/15/1926 OAKMAN,ALABAMA DIED 7/17/1963 MOBILE, ALABAMA BURIED CALVERT METHODIST CEMETERY, CALVERT, ALABAMA MARRIED 5/19/1927 IN CHATOM ALABAMA HIS FATHER JOHN GAITHOR DUNN HIS MOTHER LILLIE BELL HOLLAND HIS WIFE RUBY INEZ HOVELL HIS SON VAN WILSON DUNN HIS SON GORDON STEWART DUNN HIS SON JACK DONALD DUNN HIS SON TED ANCLE DUNN HIS DAUGHTER MARGIE ELIZABETH DUNN HIS DAUGHTER MARTHA ANN DUNN HIS STEP DAUGHTER RACHEL ALINE HOVELL HIS BROTHER WILLARD DUNN HIS SISTER VIRGIE DUNN. PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT U THINK ABOUT THIS I NEED SOME INPUT. I HAVE BEEN WORKING ON MY FIRST VOLUME FOR OVER ONE YEAR NOW. GOING TO THE LIB AND THE COURT HOUSE GETTING INFO. ON WHO THE MOTHER, FATHER, SISTER'S, BROTHER'S CHILDREN AND SPOUSE. ARE FOR EACH OF THE DEAD. AND I HAVE HAD LOTS OF HELP ON THE INTERNET. IF U WOULD LIKE TO SEE THE NAMES I HAVE POSTED GO TO http://cgi.rootsweb.com click gen connect in middle under board finder query board's only surname. u.s.county, or in international region TYPE IN- washington IN U.S.COUNTY, click. AL then click find. and it will take u there and go the the message check out names by martha porco. if u see any names u can use let me know and ill send u what i have on them . or if i dont have anything yet ill beglad to look them up for u. when i go to the court house are the lib. hope that u have a very merry christmas and a happy new year. my eamil address is al152@millry.net hope to here from u soon.

Dolores Hollyfield Guinn - 12/16/00 14:50:16
My Email:guinn@livingston.net

Have been here before. Mindit informed me that there may be new info so I'm BACK! Your site is great and I appreciate all the effort you have spent to share your data. Dee

John K. King - 12/13/00 20:30:59
My Email:johnkking@netusa1.net

Doing Cleveland,Copeland, Cook, etc.

Patricia Gerbig - 12/06/00 16:21:17
My URL:/coleyscott/genealogy/index.html
My Email:Ufopdg@aol.com

You have a great site. keep up the good work. Am looking for Alain Lesage COLEY.

Patricia Gerbig - 12/06/00 15:51:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/coleyscott/genealogy/index.html
My Email:Ufopdg@aol.com

You have a great site. keep up the good work. Am looking for Alain Lesage COLEY.

Anna Heard - 11/02/00 16:24:35
My Email:SH8859@aol.com

Thanks for all of your hard work on the cemetery pages. I didn't find what I was looking for, but I'm not through looking yet. I will be back soon. Thank you.

Jeanette Anglin - 10/12/00 01:40:59
My Email:janglinteacher.@esc4.com

Oct. 11, 2000 I would love to access your pages, but Yahoo says in essence they are unavailable. I'm looking for Burkes and Thomas' in the 1830's on up.

John C. Driver - 10/10/00 02:39:25
My Email:john.driver@worldnet.att.net

When I try to access your cemetary pages I get a note from Yahoo-GeoCities saying it is not available. Those are not the exact words. In the past I have gotten to these pages.

William Brent Underwood - 10/04/00 16:27:57
My Email:wbu@mail.com

Researching Underwood Family History. My Grandfather William Bell Underwood was born in Marion, AL. I am looking for proof of that. His fater was Edward Alexander Underwood, which may be in the Marion Cemetary listed as E.A.U.

GRACE SWARTZ - 09/29/00 22:54:26
My Email:GSW1717@AOLCOM


Caroline Horton - 09/14/00 14:30:38
My Email:carolineh@knology.net

great site, put on favorites, never know when a cousin in Perry will surface. Thanks.

Irby Pope - 09/12/00 18:41:47
My Email:irbypope@mindspring.com


Jim McKinley - 09/09/00 03:51:21
My Email:popsnmimi@riverrats.net


Aunt Christine - 09/07/00 02:54:47
My Email:C.Poe@mindspring.com

I am glad I have a niece who is smart enough to do all this..Now about all I can do is "click" and often I "click" and lose everything!! I wish I could visit you this easily!! But not in a cemetary!!!Not for a long, long time!!!

tania perez - 09/05/00 17:19:13
My Email:tperez@cmp.com

Great website! I will check it out often!

Lezlee Jawahreh - 09/05/00 14:47:26
My URL:http://www.nebsnow.com/heirloomsewing
My Email:heirloomsewing@usa.net

I like your website and I am going to bookmark it. I plan to resume working on my family tree in the near future. In the meantime I am trying to learn all I can about making websites. You did a good job on yours. Lezlee Jawahreh, Eutaw Alabama

- 08/29/00 19:04:11


bedgar - 08/29/00 04:48:52

You have done much hard work!

Lori Bordas - 08/22/00 07:21:58
My Email:lbordas@gateway.net

Thank You for all of your hard work! Because of all of your work I have found my gggreat-grandfathers grave in Marion Cemetery and also the graves of one of his daughters and one of his grandchildren. Edwin T. Winkler was minister at the Siloam Baptist hurch. I wonder if it still is in existence? Thank You So Much! Lori Bordas

ANGEL PATRICK - 08/15/00 06:35:17
My Email:angelpatrick2@hotmail.com

Dr. Travis, I didn't really find anything, but it was interesting to see all of the hard work you have put into this page. Very creative and unusual!!

Patsy Seay - 08/14/00 05:42:37
My Email:Rayseay@aol.com

Although I didn't find my ancestors I think you have a wonderful site. Thank you so much for taking the time to post the cemeteries.

Mattie Thomas - 08/12/00 22:28:59
My Email:Mattie Thomas @ web . net

Out standing! There is a Mt. OLive Primitive Baptist Church and cemetery on highway 183 in

Earline Crowell Stewart - 08/12/00 14:42:00
My Email:earlinestewart@aol.com


Jackie Kersh - 08/11/00 00:36:23
My Email:jkersh@stetson.edu

A very helpful site. Thanks for sharing all your hard work.

Patsy Kling-Black - 08/09/00 15:45:17
My Email:kpt1938@aol.com

Haven't looked it over yet.

Charlotte Hamilton - 08/09/00 13:49:59
My Email:dchamilton@mindspring.com

Great website!!! Thanks for all the work that you have done and are doing to help us advance our knowledge of our families.

Earline Crowell Stewart - 08/06/00 21:04:26
My Email:earlinestewart@aol.com

Thank you for your cemetery information. While searching for my Morton (Moton) ggrandmother, I checked out the Mt. Olive Cemetery. To my surprise I believe I have found my husband's Hamm relatives. My husband's grandfather Stewart established Stewart P ttery in 1888 - the pottery is still in operation today - our son is a full-time potter. My husband has stated that our son must have mud in his veins because he has potters on both sides of the family - Hamms, Crowells and Stewarts. Can't wait to show his information to my husband. Again, THANKS

Earline Crowell Stewart - 08/06/00 01:45:45
My Email:earlinestewart@aol.com

Hi Dr. Judy I am searching for the family of my great grandmother Lecia (Lacy) Jane Morton - married my ggrandfather, John Marion Crowell in Perry County AL 26 Dec 1859. She is buried here in Winston County Mississippi, but I know nothing about her family - I was t ld she was a Moton, but found the marriage record as Morton.

Barbara Eades - 07/26/00 21:21:32
My Email:bleades@qwestinternet.net

I have not had an opportunity yet to view all your site, but in my opinion anyone who takes on such an endeavor needs congratulated, thus my congratulations to you. Barbara Eades

Ronnie Russell - 07/26/00 16:02:03
My Email:gronnier@hotmail.com

Thank you for your time and effort, I was able to track down some records of the Russell's in Perry County. Thank You

Steve Williams - 07/25/00 02:34:13
My Email:autaugaman@aol.com

Really great site!!! Thanks for all your hard work. Found most of my relatives resting in Perry Co. Williams Edwards Jackson Dunkin

Mattie Thomas - 07/22/00 11:17:23
My Email:Mattie Thomas@webtv.net

My grparents George & Ellen very good1

Pam - 07/22/00 00:54:59
My Email:rstahl@brightok.net

I appreciate you furnishing all this information. I knew some of my Duncan/Dunkin's had went to AL. This data is very helpful. Keep up the good work.

David Lee Mitchell - 07/20/00 17:22:09
My Email:dlm_35045

Great site! Lots of important info and like my brother who had written you earlier,I also will be making my residence at Ivey"s Chapel at a later date so ya"ll drop by and visit sometime.

Don Logan - 07/18/00 02:06:24

I am just starting, and will add more later.

Stan Ward - 07/09/00 14:04:47
My Email:stanward@bigfoot.com

I finally found my ggggrandparents burial site on your cemetery list.

Steve Williams - 07/06/00 02:48:02
My Email:autaugaman@aol.com


- 07/06/00 01:12:52


Denise Whisenant - 07/05/00 12:18:02
My Email:cdwdenise@aol.com


wandajoe - 07/05/00 00:45:37

Looks good, DR. J. Keep up the good work!!

wandajoe - 07/05/00 00:39:05
My Email:wandajoe@m-y.net

Have not looked, yet, but I will come back and tell what I think!!

Patsy Kling - 07/04/00 23:13:21
My Email:kpt1938@aol.com

Just beginning to look at it. Herman Sent me.

James A. Holifield - 07/04/00 03:17:14
My Email:JAH8863@worldshare.com

Hello Dr. Judy-Haven't visited your webpage since around the time of Old Belmont Church Homecoming Service in May 1999. Bless you for your dedication to our families heritage.

James A. Holifield - 07/04/00 03:13:43
My Email:Jimshere2@juno.com


dalemitchell - 07/03/00 04:05:54
My Email:dmitchell@pinebelt.net

good and interesting site. it must to have taken you a lot ot time investigating the cemetaries. I plan to take up residence at Ivey's chapel at a later time. Thanks for the information. Dale Mitchell

Grace Reid - 06/27/00 06:44:01
My Email:gracereid@c4.com

Thank you, and your sister, for listing St. Wilfred's!

martha dunn - 06/11/00 03:25:46
My Email:al152@millry.com

you are doing a very good job keep it up. i love genealogy and if were not for people like u we could not get info. without going to the grave yards. thenself. i just found this site and i love it. well u have a nice day and take care. and keep up the goo work.

Doug Mathis - 06/05/00 02:10:07
My Email:dmathis@wrldnet.net

Dr. Judy, I just returned from a Johnson family reunion in Heiberger, with a renewed interest in my family history. I stumbled across your sight, and was dumbfounded at all the work you have put into this!..excellent work! I visited an old cemetary that you may no be aware of; I couldn't begin to tell you how to find it, but I could probably get there again when I'm in the area. It's off of Hwy. 5 in Heiberger, deep in the woods on top of a hill which overlooks an area that is being cleared. A lot of infants bur ed there as well as some very old plots, one I noticed with a death date of 1815. I was searching you indexes for my great-great grandparents, James Marlboro Johnson and Mary Burt(Bert?) Johnson. I've seen their plots once, and I believe the cemetary is in Sprott, but I could not find them here. Anyway, great work, and let me know if you are interested in that cemetary mentioned above. doug

MARIE MEHRHOFF - 06/04/00 22:23:37


LINDA SAMMONS - 06/01/00 05:24:49
My Email:bullet@westal.net


Ken Flowers - 05/31/00 02:59:37
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/zipmn99/flowersindex.htm
My Email:zipmn99@aol.com

I appreciate all the hard work.

Dan Allen - 05/28/00 13:43:38
My Email:dan@westal.net

I enjoyed your page. Now I hope to see you at the wellness center.

vivian passmore - 05/26/00 22:11:32
My Email:vjpass@aol.com

Excellent site and alot of useful information has been found.

Steven Haag - 05/21/00 01:24:41
My Email:Stevenhaag@haags.com

Just got here. I'll write more later. Like what I see so far.

Martha Todd Pickering - 05/18/00 11:15:47
My Email:Pick51@juno.com

Most impressive work you have done Dr. Judy. I had been told that there were 8 to 10 Pickerings buried more or less in the town square in Uniontown. I did not find any, is someone working on that area, or are you trudging through Alabama all by yourself?C rpus Christi, Texas

deborah rose - 05/04/00 20:37:40
My Email:deborah540@webtv.net

judy you are doing good job here.i'm starting to find my ancestors,jones,stone,orr.wayne swindle sent me a copy of what he knows.looked for mt. pleasant cemetary in ur page,did not see,u might want to go there sometime,lots of people there.if you see anyt ing on a safornia coward from shelby county please let me know she was half indian she married thomas walter who pastored at mt.pleasant in 1898.find anything please let me know.thank you deborah jones rose

Carl Clark - 04/28/00 19:32:14
My Email:cvc@amaze.net

My mother was the dau. of George Washington Tucker who is buried in Mt. Zion cemetery in Perry County, AL. I have been there a number of times. We visit my cousins in Brent and Centerville who are also his descendants.

Henry K. Duncan - 04/27/00 21:40:34
My Email:henryduncan@freewwweb.com

This is a very good site for information. Thanks for all your hard work. Henry Duncan

Raymond E. Barron - 04/20/00 17:06:08
My URL:http://flash.net/~rbarron2/index.html
My Email:rbarron2@flash.net

I have visited several times and like it better each time. One of the best sites for researching ancestors from Alabama.

- 04/10/00 01:44:07


Linda ELAM POTTS - 03/29/00 04:02:58
My Email:lspotts@flash.net

I just want you to know how much I appreciate the work you have done. I have found several ELAMS, RAGLANDS, ALEXANDERS,on the various cem. listings in Perry Co., Al. Keep up the good work! Linda

Bev - 03/25/00 22:03:38
My Email:artbev@aol.com

What a lot of generous work you have done for all of us with Perry Co Ancestors. Love your site. Thank you. Bev

Chris Gaither - 03/15/00 17:40:32
My Email:crsgnshn@aol.com

Hello Judy. Nice web page. I enjoyed browsing around it and seeing some of your pictures. I periodically receive a bill from your office, that I have ignored for a long time because I thought that was what I was supposed to do with it, but if it is something I need to take care of I will. I didn't know if it was just something that made it's ay through the system that wasn't supposed to or if I needed to deal with it. Please let me know. I look forward to hearing from you. I hope everything is going well with you. Chris Gaither First Baptist Church Maryville, Tennessee

Tammy Couch Kershaw - 03/12/00 18:01:42
My Email:pt-kersh@worldnet.att.net

Hi Dr Judy. I met you years ago when I lived in Demopolis. My Dad, Robert Couch, still lives in Demopolis. At present, I live in New Orleans. I recently opened the South Louisiana Institute of Massage in New Orleans to train massage therapists. It's Sunday morning and I was searching the Net when I stumbled upon your site. GREAT SITE. Take Care & God Bless. TCK

Don Pye - 03/11/00 16:04:45
My Email:RedStar36@aol.com

Great piece of work. It added to my Pye Line. Thanks so very much. Will share any info that I have. Don

Patsy Krah - 03/05/00 17:00:34
My Email:5348krah@msn.com


Stan Ward - 03/04/00 16:03:45
My Email:stanward@pacbell.net


Glenda Bowling - 02/24/00 01:59:51
My Email:tbowling@airmail.net

You have a great page.

Henry K. Duncan - 02/19/00 16:26:19
My Email:henryduncan@freewwweb.com

Your pages are very complete. I will be looking at them often. Henry Duncan

Hubert V. Prettyman - 02/05/00 20:06:40
My Email:hvprettyman@dol.net

Wow!! Impressive. I found Rev. Thomas L. Vaughan at Pine Flats Cem. He was an older bro of Joshua E. Vaughan who m. Martha Frances Edwards, dau of. Nathan and Dorcas (Young) Edwards. Joshua and Frances (Edwards) Vaughan were my g-grandparents. James Vaugh(a)n and wife Mary settled in Perry County by 1830 and in 1835 bought 40 acres at Brush Creek in the northwest part of that county. They had a large family which included sons Thomas L. and Joshua E.

Danny Perry - 02/05/00 15:05:01

Appreciate your sharing of information and your comments. I will return after I learn what I am clicking. Old enough to be literal, not the new computer language. Thanks DWP

Katherine E. Davis - 02/02/00 04:42:37
My URL:http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/d/a/v/Katherine-E-Davis/index.html
My Email:KatDavis1@aol.com


Ruth S. Johnson - 01/31/00 17:37:29
My Email:Ruthsjohns@aol.com

I certainly enjoyed your page. I have Ivie's in my family. Nancy Ivie was Alfred Ivie's sister. She was one of my greats. I'll visit your website again.

Jean Hoggle - 01/31/00 02:20:01
My Email:j3985hoggle@aol.com

Dr. Judy, You have done a great job. although I have been to all of the cemeteries in Perry County that you have on this page, I am proud to have it in front of me on my computer. I have inventoried most of the cemeteries, even in remote woods, in Hale Co nty and would like to do this same thing. Just don't know how to start. Jean

Katherine E. Davis - 01/27/00 16:51:54
My Email:KatDavis1@aol.com

I found the names Rueben Lockett, James Massey and Arthur Massey. They are my people. I will send you what I have on them and if you can add anything to what I have, I would very much appreciate it. Also I found the name Rebecca Perry. I have some info on her and Sion Tubb. I will send what I have.

Susie - 01/16/00 05:06:25
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/misc/riccomom/southernwelcome.html
My Email:sheadley@darientel.net

Thank you again Judy for posting the new cemeteries. This allowed me to find some very wanted birth dates, and death dates for my STONE family.

Charlotte Elrod - 01/15/00 18:34:32
My Email:CAELROD@aol.com

I really do appreciate the work that you have done. A couple of years ago my husband and I went to Perry Co. to visit the cemeteries to do genealogical research. I was looking for Hanson, Radford, Oaks, and Huff.

Margaret Bills - 01/13/00 17:35:07
My Email:josephgbills@yahoo.com

Came across your webpage quite by chance and was glad I did! My great-grandmother, Lenora Clayton Howze Bryan was born and raised in Marion during the latter part of the 18th century. It was interesting "going thru" the city cemetary and recognizing names of family members that my grandfather used to talk about!

fredika yeager bolling - 01/11/00 14:06:02
My Email:Bollingaj@aol.com

could you list Bethel ch. cem. in Bibb co ala /h umorous interesting nice site, i tried not to waste too much time

- 01/02/00 21:19:05


Kathy Warren Hammonds - 01/02/00 04:39:47
My Email:Suttle61@aol.com

I enjoyed browsing and recording my grandfather's brothers and sisters. Thanks for all your hard work.

Roy Hartzell - 12/29/99 22:20:34
My Email:millyard@pinebelt.com

Your page is great. Keep up the good work. I can tell that you have put a lot of time and effort into the project.

Kay Marcus - 12/21/99 02:03:36
My Email:Bankerk@bellsouth.net

Thanks for all your hard work and your sharing of information!

robin tutt - 12/21/99 02:02:06
My URL:http://rob
My Email:rob@westal.net

don't beat yourself up its ok!

your friend Jimmy - 12/20/99 16:03:06
My Email:wjdawson@sympatico.ca

good looking homepage Judy lots of luck

Diane Hamm Sciara - 12/18/99 10:59:43
My Email:dhsciara

You have done a wonderful job. Thanks for addding Mt. Olive where my great grandfather is buried. The pictures were great and I really appreciate you helping people put a part of their history to such a nice memory.

Mark Brislin - 12/18/99 03:33:06
My Email:passage@prodigy.net

Great site! Appreciate the work you are doing. Live in B'ham and first visited Marion @ 15 years ago in search of my family. I was thrilled when I found them at the Marion cemetary (Montague,Mullen, Bates). It was well kept. Visited again this past year and was very upset to see the deterioration of the cemetary. It is very sad. Thanks again you are doing a wonderful job.

Mark Brislin - 12/18/99 03:26:13
My Email:passage@prodigy.net

Great site! Appreciate the work you are doing. Live in B'ham and first visited Marion @ 15 years ago in search of my family. I was thrilled when I found them at the Marion cemetary (Montague,Mullen, Bates). It was well kept. Visited again this past year and was very upset to see the deterioration of the cemetary. It is very sad. Thanks again you are doing a wonderful job.

Angela Boyer - 12/13/99 01:33:56
My Email:aboyer@voyager.net

Dr. Judy, you have done a fabulous job with this website. Sincerely, Angela Boyer

Mildred (Sissy) Dozier Daugherty - 12/03/99 14:10:05
My Email:sissydau@caverns.com


Susan Buck - 12/02/99 23:14:29
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl2/friskyangel/frontpage.html
My Email:friskyangel2@yahoo.com

hiya doc!! I just found your pages here through the westal.net homepage, you have certainly been busy!! Lots of things to explore here, just starting to get into geneology, I am going to enjoy looking around, but wanted to sign the book before I forgot i !! See ya!!!

Betsy Horne - 11/27/99 02:57:23
My Email:m.l.horne@worldnet.att.net

Excellent information! Very helpful!

S. Hays - 11/23/99 16:28:20
My Email:kc-len@swbell.net

Amazing web sight. So much work! Thank you ever so much. I am interested in the location of the Fairview Presbyterian Cemetery in Perry county. My Harper ancestors are buried there. would like to find the place of burial of William T. Harper's second wif , Elizabeth{Perdue?)Harper.

Betsy Horne - 11/21/99 23:22:17
My Email:m.l.horne@worldnet.att.net

Very helpful! I am trying to find a Jesse Horn b.1762 in Germany, moved to Perry Co. Alabama in 1804. I did not find Jesse but found other Horns

Joe Craighead - 11/17/99 10:02:47
My Email:craigheadJ@worldnet.att.net

Greetings from Denver, Colorado. My Grandfather Dr. Joseph Craighead was from Uniontown, with the family moving from Marion just prior to his birth. He lived in Pueblo, Colorado. His mother was Fannie Chapman. Thanks for the two "tomstones" found in your web pages. The "Duvie Verne, infant son of P.A. & Fannie Craighead" would be David V. Craighead. In our family bible the birth date agrees with your information but it has October as his death in infancy not he December date. Perhaps "Duvie" was a baby nickname OR the tomstone was hard to read. We very appreciate all of the Perry County "grassroots" historians. THANKS. Joseph W. Craighead III

Joe B. McKnight - 11/15/99 19:59:53

How is best way to send you a correction? Have several forebears buried at Ocmulgee Cemetery, Perry County, ALA., and some dates are incorrect. Thanks. Otherwise, this is a great service; how can I find similar pages for Marengo and Dallas Counties in Ala

Susie - 11/13/99 15:06:51
My Email:sheadley@darientel.net

My eyes are blurred! I have just spent the last two nights going through each Cemetery! This is better, in some ways, than a Census report or Land Pat. Record! Those records tell us where they lived and who they lived by. But your site tells us who th y wanted to spend eternity with! The longer I do Geneaology, and become more and more fimiliar with the family names, and who everyone married, each time I go in your site I reconigize more and more people's names in the Cem. I guess if ya live long enoug , you will be "kin" to everyone in the Cemetery! I thank you and those that helped you for your long hours of work in making these listings possible.

Kathy Warren Hammonds - 11/09/99 16:36:05
My Email:hammonds@Advent.pvt.k12.al.us

Judy, I'm fascinated with all this information! My sister, Sarah, and I plan to get involved with the cemetary project. My daughter, Kim and I will be doing the Ivey's Chapel cemetary this weekend. You have inspired me! I have sent old obituaries to be re orded and got the records from a couple of family Bibles recorded. Thanks for all you have contributed. You probably don't remember me , but you know the rest of the family. I'm Charles' and Rembert's " big sister." Kathy Warren Hammonds

Shirley Gail Sova - 11/04/99 15:15:10
My Email:ssova@acesag.auburn.edu

Love your site - am a Harper/Hall/Thomas/Russell. In reference to Jeremiah Holifield: Check your source for info on Emaline J. Harper. She is buried in Mt. Zion next to Elizabeth Harper. Elizabeth has god to be Edward Alexander Harper's wife and Emali e their daughter. You said she was born in Illinois. Is this possible? Don't see how unless they were visiting. Quite possible because she was born during the transition from Georgia to Alabama. Jeremiah's and Emaline's orphans you said were raised b the Ivies; they lived right next door to Edward Alexander Harper. Let me know. Thanks for the info, even though it is not possible "she was our first Yankee"! Please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm having a hard time tracking down all Edward's kids.

Raymond E Barron - 10/30/99 15:47:32
My URL:http://flash.net/~rbarron2
My Email:rbarron2@flash.net

This page has been very helpfull to my search for ancestors in more ways than one. Great Page Dr Judy

FRANCES L. BRASHER - 10/27/99 21:48:43
My Email:betjoe@netins.net

I am a rookie, this is my first try at getting Perry Co., Ala. cemeteries. I was able to view Providence Cenetery and while I did find my grand-parents Price, I did not find my great-grandpa B.F. Price which I know is there. I had the old stone restored and had placed a CSA marker there. Thanks for what I hope to find. Especially my CURB ancestors, Carol and Karon Horton Curb. If you give personal attention, please contact me as my senility may prevent my finding things for myself. Thanks again, Franc s

Thomas E. LeVert, Jr. - 10/08/99 16:11:35


rodney turner - 10/07/99 02:55:40
My URL:http://www.pinebelt.net/~june
My Email:june@pinebelt.net

great site.

Teresa - 10/07/99 00:34:24
My Email:topcat@gnt.net

Thanks for putting this kind of info. on the net and not charging for it! I haven't found any of my family (yet) but will keep looking!

Luther & Frankie Pardue - 10/06/99 18:13:07
My Email:lpardue@bellsouth.net

We have a family album of photos with a pic of a Mr. Heard. Do not know who he is, but saw that you are related to the Heards of Perry Co. The Pardue family owned a store at Perryville in the late 1800's. The album belonged to a daughter of this family If you are interested, please contact me. Thanks, Frankie

DrJudy - 09/30/99 19:11:29

Thanks Kay. Dr. Judy

- 09/30/99 02:06:10

I said a prayer for you today. I asked the Lord to touch your heart and open your eyes to the many wonderful blessings he has given you. Healthy children and grandchildren who love you. People to support you, even when you don't act like you really want t eir support. A home. Food on the table. Clothes to wear. Sunrise, sunset. Air. Everything is a gift and is beautiful. Even problems are necessary, otherwise your talents as a physician wouldn't be needed. You have more support than you will ever know. You have a good heart. Open it and let it out. Let it shine through as a beacon for others to come to the Lord. Life is good.

Raymond Barron - 09/28/99 21:43:21
My Email:rbarron2@flash.net

This page has been very helpful for me. I rate it A_One

Susie Hartman - 09/23/99 21:30:33
My Email:susieh@zebra.net

Hi Dr. Judy, great job you are doing. Good luck! If you come across Meredith Slater of New Kent Co. Va. died in/around Uniontown, Al. in 1837 please let me know and I will do the same for you. Thank you, Susie.

Mark L. Buckley - 09/22/99 21:30:49
My Email:mbuckley@netnav.com

Greetings and Salutations, We have spent a good part of the afternoon browsing your site looking for Civil War Veterans. We are compiling a database of our Alabama veterans: name, unit, dob, dod, place of burial. Your site has been a great help. Our next visit will be to track down folks in our Radford, Watters, and Rogers/Rodgers lines. We really enjoyed our visit. Mark L. Buckley

Rebecca Perry - 09/18/99 00:22:05
My Email:BeccaPerAL@aol.com


Josephine Hall - 09/11/99 16:47:34
My Email:ajh43@msn.com

I love your site. Hope to someday get smart enough to make a site of my own. I have visions of doing one something similar to yours. Keep up the good work and God bless you.

Samuel G. McKerall - 09/11/99 15:49:39
My Email:lawyer@gulftel.com

Thank you for your research. I e-mailed you before I found your St. Wilfred's listing, in which there are 6 McKeralls, mostly infants. I am following those leads, particularly Martha Macon McKerall, who well could be my great-grandmother. Her husband is not buried in St. Wilbert's, and so remains unknown to me at this time. Thanks, again. Thanks, again.

David Leet - 09/11/99 10:46:25
My Email:david@westal.net


alan warren - 09/09/99 20:27:27
My Email:alan@amwar.com

Researching Stewarts/Stuarts of Perry County. John Stewart bought land 1821-1823, Jehu Stuart bought land 1825-1837. Jehu died circa 1840, leaving land to Manuel. Rosanna, wife of Jehu deceased, moved to Noxubee Co.,Ms. to be with daughter Susan(wife o Joseph Lane Hunter.)

edna king bunn cook - 09/07/99 14:42:12
My Email:rubydee@bellsouth.net

thank you so much for your work, I am a new comp whatyoumaycallit. I am looking for ancestors of Ernest Booth King 1876-1941 m.Viola Blanche Hall 1878-dau.Fannie Booth King-Hillard-Stevens June,1898 is my Grandmother. I believe she is buried in Selma. Wou d appreciate if you have any info. Thanks Again

Kathy Warren Hammonds - 08/26/99 19:59:45
My Email:

I have used your site to browse and search. Thanks for all you have shared.

Hugh Stringfellow - 08/23/99 17:15:24
My Email:


Neva Tull Spencer - 08/20/99 04:44:43
My URL:http://www.flash.net/~delberts
My Email:delberts@flash.net

My great grandfather was L.J. Gray, son of Williamson C. Gray of Perry County Alabama. L.J. was a Civil War veteran who came to Lamar County Texas after the war. He is buried in Fellowship Cemetery. It was great to have those records on line.

Louise Huber - 08/19/99 00:21:02
My Email:louisehuber@hotmail.com

DrJudy, you have done a great job for all to reap the harvest you worked hard to do for us. ABIG THANK YOU from me.

O.Price - 08/18/99 15:39:21
My Email:oprice@pcola.gulf.net

keep up the good work.

O.Price - 08/18/99 15:20:12
My Email:oprice@pcola.gulf.net


Brooke Frost - 08/10/99 16:03:23
My Email:brooke_frost@hotmail.com


Janice Barnett Craft - 08/09/99 10:51:01
My Email:jrcraft@tecinfo.com

I am interested in Barnett and Day tombstones. Is there a listing of wh is buried in the Barnett cemetery listed under cemeteries in Perry Co?

Lucy Rambo - 08/08/99 06:49:50
My URL:http://britcycles.tsx.org
My Email:jrambo@eumachia.com

I'm a Pye researcher. I have E-mailed Dr. Judy. Searching for the parents of Archibald Freeman Pye and Boswell W. Pye "Boss" B.1818 and 1830 resectively. in Georgia or Alabama.

Cyndi Holifield - 08/07/99 18:03:35
My Email:holifield@westal.net

You have a wonderful collection of Holifield geneology. Thanks for letting us share in it. cjh

Cyndi Holifield - 08/06/99 03:34:51
My Email:holifield@westal.net

You have a wonderful collection of Holifield genology. Thanks for letting us share in it.

Alton Caldwell - 07/31/99 20:56:10
My Email:AltonC2@prodigy.net

last names: Caldwell and Langston in Perry Co

Sue Rozell - 07/31/99 20:41:07
My Email:ponghead@msn.com

I"m looking for information on Radsfordsville Beat. Is it a street? A dormatory house, or What? MY GGrandfather was listed on the 1860 census index, on Radsfordsville Beat. Thanks, Sue

George Howell - 07/31/99 03:39:25
My Email:georgeinal@aol.com

You have helped me before. I appreciate it. Any info, ever, on George Washington Howell from Hamburg Station, would be appreciated.

francis young - 07/28/99 21:45:57
My Email:www.westal.net/hp/annyoung

nice, informative website, like it!

Bob Goehring - 07/25/99 15:42:59
My Email:goehringrl@ecsu.campuscwix.net

Nice site. particularly the large print.

Joseph Bailey - 07/24/99 21:55:55
My Email:JRB1932.AOL


- 07/16/99 03:20:09


J. Murphy - 07/16/99 03:19:46
My Email:Jeany4@aol.com

Iloved your page, I am looking for info on Philips and Fuller, If you find any Jesse Fuller's married to Sara Philips, please e-mail me.Probably born around the 1850's. Thanks

Cooper DeRamus - 07/10/99 03:49:11
My Email:JCDeRam@aol.com

Thanks for all the hard work in Alabama

D. Alan Harris - 07/08/99 21:26:56
My Email:aharris@exis.net

Index is easy to use.

Laura Delegal - 07/07/99 01:01:30
My Email:Delegal@mindspring.com

Hello. I searching for information of the Quarles and Toles of Perry County. Does anyone have any info?

Cassandra Glover - 06/30/99 02:45:56
My Email:cglover@westal.net


B&B Sanders - 06/29/99 15:18:50
My Email:Corps@zebra.net

IMPRESSED!!!!!! You have undertaken a "huge" task, and doing a great Job.

Marc Lewis - 06/29/99 14:35:28
My Email:noop@execpc.com

I'm interested in the history of Greene County, Alabama.

Beth Chinlund - 06/19/99 00:28:47

Enjoyed looking around. My husband is in the process of making our web page also. I was born in Selma 1947 and lived in Orrville. My mother, aunts, grandmother and great-grandmother went to Judson. What happened to me? I'm researching Dunaway, Hogue, Hel en, and Lavender. Would like to hear from you. Have been to Marion many times, latest was last Nov. and we went to Hopewell Bapt. Church near the old Hogue home. I got very nostalgic thinking of the many wonderful ancestors that had walked very nearby.

Sandye Penniston - 06/09/99 01:04:41
My Email:sandyep@hotmail.com

Love the new look to the site. Keep up the good work. Remember if you find any Tadlocks in cementaries,please let me know.

Sharon Harper Johnson - 06/02/99 19:35:54
My Email:sharon_johnson@time-inc.com

I was looking at the listings for Marion Cemetary. I found no listing for the "Harper"s. Most of my Daddy's family is buried there. I wondered why they weren't listed? The next time I'm in Marion, I'll go by the cemetary and make a listing and e-mail ou with it. (Unfortunately, my Daddy was not buried with most of his family. He is buried in Uniontown. My sister and I have talked about erecting a monument stone to him in Marion Cemetary, so he will not be forgotten, lying way off down there by hims lf.) I like your web page, although, being a novice also, I never could figure out how to get to that rating thing you mentioned. I was born in Marion. My Daddy was Thomas Edwa d Harper and my Mother is Margie Nell Griffin (Harper) Hatcher. We recently attended a "Griffin" reunion in Selma hosted by Mary "Snookie" Auburtin. They have researched our family back to the early 1700's. It was very interesting. They sure had a lot f children back then -- that makes it even more interesting. Nice to visit with you. Sharon

Sharon Harper Johnson - 06/02/99 19:35:51
My Email:sharon_johnson@time-inc.com

I was looking at the listings for Marion Cemetary. I found no listing for the "Harper"s. Most of my Daddy's family is buried there. I wondered why they weren't listed? The next time I'm in Marion, I'll go by the cemetary and make a listing and e-mail ou with it. (Unfortunately, my Daddy was not buried with most of his family. He is buried in Uniontown. My sister and I have talked about erecting a monument stone to him in Marion Cemetary, so he will not be forgotten, lying way off down there by hims lf.) I like your web page, although, being a novice also, I never could figure out how to get to that rating thing you mentioned. I was born in Marion. My Daddy was Thomas Edwa d Harper and my Mother is Margie Nell Griffin (Harper) Hatcher. We recently attended a "Griffin" reunion in Selma hosted by Mary "Snookie" Auburtin. They have researched our family back to the early 1700's. It was very interesting. They sure had a lot f children back then -- that makes it even more interesting. Nice to visit with you. Sharon

Sharon Harper Johnson - 06/02/99 19:35:44
My Email:sharon_johnson@time-inc.com

I was looking at the listings for Marion Cemetary. I found no listing for the "Harper"s. Most of my Daddy's family is buried there. I wondered why they weren't listed? The next time I'm in Marion, I'll go by the cemetary and make a listing and e-mail ou with it. (Unfortunately, my Daddy was not buried with most of his family. He is buried in Uniontown. My sister and I have talked about erecting a monument stone to him in Marion Cemetary, so he will not be forgotten, lying way off down there by hims lf.) I like your web page, although, being a novice also, I never could figure out how to get to that rating thing you mentioned. I was born in Marion. My Daddy was Thomas Edwa d Harper and my Mother is Margie Nell Griffin (Harper) Hatcher. We recently attended a "Griffin" reunion in Selma hosted by Mary "Snookie" Auburtin. They have researched our family back to the early 1700's. It was very interesting. They sure had a lot f children back then -- that makes it even more interesting. Nice to visit with you. Sharon

Sharon Harper Johnson - 06/02/99 19:35:35
My Email:sharon_johnson@time-inc.com

I was looking at the listings for Marion Cemetary. I found no listing for the "Harper"s. Most of my Daddy's family is buried there. I wondered why they weren't listed? The next time I'm in Marion, I'll go by the cemetary and make a listing and e-mail ou with it. (Unfortunately, my Daddy was not buried with most of his family. He is buried in Uniontown. My sister and I have talked about erecting a monument stone to him in Marion Cemetary, so he will not be forgotten, lying way off down there by hims lf.) I like your web page, although, being a novice also, I never could figure out how to get to that rating thing you mentioned. I was born in Marion. My Daddy was Thomas Edwa d Harper and my Mother is Margie Nell Griffin (Harper) Hatcher. We recently attended a "Griffin" reunion in Selma hosted by Mary "Snookie" Auburtin. They have researched our family back to the early 1700's. It was very interesting. They sure had a lot f children back then -- that makes it even more interesting. Nice to visit with you. Sharon

Sharon Harper Johnson - 06/02/99 19:35:26
My Email:sharon_johnson@time-inc.com

I was looking at the listings for Marion Cemetary. I found no listing for the "Harper"s. Most of my Daddy's family is buried there. I wondered why they weren't listed? The next time I'm in Marion, I'll go by the cemetary and make a listing and e-mail ou with it. (Unfortunately, my Daddy was not buried with most of his family. He is buried in Uniontown. My sister and I have talked about erecting a monument stone to him in Marion Cemetary, so he will not be forgotten, lying way off down there by hims lf.) I like your web page, although, being a novice also, I never could figure out how to get to that rating thing you mentioned. I was born in Marion. My Daddy was Thomas Edwa d Harper and my Mother is Margie Nell Griffin (Harper) Hatcher. We recently attended a "Griffin" reunion in Selma hosted by Mary "Snookie" Auburtin. They have researched our family back to the early 1700's. It was very interesting. They sure had a lot f children back then -- that makes it even more interesting. Nice to visit with you. Sharon

Sharon Harper Johnson - 06/02/99 19:35:11
My Email:sharon_johnson@time-inc.com

I was looking at the listings for Marion Cemetary. I found no listing for the "Harper"s. Most of my Daddy's family is buried there. I wondered why they weren't listed? The next time I'm in Marion, I'll go by the cemetary and make a listing and e-mail ou with it. (Unfortunately, my Daddy was not buried with most of his family. He is buried in Uniontown. My sister and I have talked about erecting a monument stone to him in Marion Cemetary, so he will not be forgotten, lying way off down there by hims lf.) I like your web page, although, being a novice also, I never could figure out how to get to that rating thing you mentioned. I was born in Marion. My Daddy was Thomas Edwa d Harper and my Mother is Margie Nell Griffin (Harper) Hatcher. We recently attended a "Griffin" reunion in Selma hosted by Mary "Snookie" Auburtin. They have researched our family back to the early 1700's. It was very interesting. They sure had a lot f children back then -- that makes it even more interesting. Nice to visit with you. Sharon

aholifield - 05/28/99 17:02:04
My Email:aholifield@weatal.net


Ruby Hogue - 05/27/99 17:33:22
My Email:rhogue@umich.edu


Joy Scott Tensmeyer - 05/20/99 06:20:34
My Email:enjoyen@cdepot.net

I've just started, and already found several "scott" relatives buried in Fairview Presbyterian Church Cemetery....I'm sooo excited as have had lots of trouble locating these relatives! Now all I have to do is put them together.

Johny W. Jones - 05/19/99 20:25:36
My Email:jwtexian@aol.com

What a great site you have Doctor. I have become addicted to your place on my first visit! Thanks for tons of great information.

annegell burton mccants - 05/10/99 03:35:58
My Email:mccants@charleston.net

I haven't thoroughly explored your site as yet but REALLY appreciate the effort. I have looked at the cemetery records and although I haven't found my lost ancestor I shall continue to look. It means so much when one can not physically do the looking. T enty years ago I couldn't find the cemetery...at that time we thought we had located it in the woods of a hunting club but it got too dark and time gave out. I am looking for Joseph, Ansel or his son Ezra Graves Talbert, died a few years after the Civil ar. I have bookmarked your site.

Devon Townsend - 05/05/99 21:09:13
My Email:Devoncpa@aol.com

Great site. I am looking for directions to Mount Olive Baptist Church/Cemetery to visit grave of great granddad Nathaniel Thomas Townsend who died in 1909.

Lillian Smith - 04/25/99 01:54:41
My Email:smith@penn.com


Louise Huber - 04/24/99 01:08:43
My Email:louiseh@mail.cswnet.com

Your site is great. I am searching for the Jesse Horn and wife, Mary Ann Duke,families. They raised fourteen children in Perry Co.Al. and surounding counties. Surely someone has found their records. They all had large families therefore certainly helped populate the counties

Louise Huber - 04/24/99 01:03:05
My Email:louiseh@mail.cswnet.com

Your site is great

Lydia Hickman - 04/19/99 20:28:08
My URL:http://www.vanderbilt.edu/AnS/amstud/lydia/
My Email:Hickmald@vanderbilt.edu

My father-in-law just told me that one of his g-g--greats was someone named Mary Jane Earline Sarah Jane Kathaline Perry from Perry County, she married a Jett, who married a Bowen, who married a Hickman in Giles Co. TN. I haven't found a Perry Co. TN, and my grandma in-law Effie Bowen Lamar Hickman always said of my husband "if he got one from ALABAMA he's got a good one." If her grandmother was a Perry from Perry Co., AL maybe this was what she was referring to. If you receive this message, and have any i put at all to this comment please e-mail me. Thanks!

James A. Holifield - 04/14/99 23:13:47
My Email:Jimshere2@juno.com

Being a Holifield, i really appreciate the geneology you've done. Thanks for preserving our family histories! Great job!!!

Charlie L. Reynolds - 04/04/99 14:49:13
My Email:chareyn@aol.com

Great website.

Jan Parsons Armstrong - 04/01/99 22:48:23
My Email:JArmstr904@aol.com

Just got here and haven't seen the rest of the page yet!

Diane Ham Sciara - 03/31/99 09:04:59
My Email:dhsciara@aol.com

Ilove your web page. I am searching for my ancestry. My great grandfather - Robert Solomon Ham and his first wife Ella are buried in Sprott by a church. Robert Solomon owned a potter factory near the church. They have several children buried there too. I understand my great great grandfather William Ham and his wife Eliza Mapley are buried in a forest there somewhere. Do you have any records on the Ham's? I would appreciate anything. Sincerely, Diane Ham Sciara at dhsciara@aol.com

Diane Ham Sciara - 03/28/99 02:16:39
My Email:hamhamm

I am looking for the cemetery that my great grandfather Robert Solomon Ham and his family are buried in. All I know is it is beside a church in Sprott. My great grandfather owned a pottery factory there by the church. His birthdate is somewhere aound 18 8 and death 1912. Thanks.

Larry R. Etheridge - 03/24/99 02:36:47
My Email:lray@westal.net

Like your book section. Please continue it.

Bettye Boyles Forster - 03/23/99 22:32:13
My Email:Bforst109@aol.com

Glad to find your page. I am researching Boyles/Holifields in Perry Co AL. Have info on both lines that I am willing to share/exchange/compare.

Susie Hwadley - 03/20/99 04:52:24
My Email:sheadley@darientel.net

You can spend hours in here! And You don't mind staying that long, because you find so much.

Rev. Hilton C. Estes - 03/12/99 03:26:08

When I first found your page I thought I was looking for cemetery lists.

Terry L. Chandler - 03/12/99 01:07:53
My Email:WChand4724@aol.com


Aunt Nannette - 03/03/99 20:32:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/9407/trunk.html
My Email:netthetics@geocities.com

Hi! Back here again looking for Samuel Patton's will and noticed you have guestbook. I can't resist writing in it. Love to surf your pages. Lots of info. Tried to order a book before Christmas but they wouldn't take my credit card. Will have to try gain when I have time. :)

John Carter - 03/03/99 19:45:49
My Email:jcarter949@aol.com

It looks great.

Beth Etheridge - 03/02/99 02:29:28
My Email:jason@westal.net

You may not remember, but Jason, Justin, and I are patients of yours. They got a kick out of hearing you had a home page.

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