Dr. Judy's Geneology Gold Mine
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These are links to some of my favorite sites for geneological research. Most of my work is based in the Southeastern United States, but many of these sites are universal. I use some them everyday.
GenForumDo a search on all of your surnames. It is very quick and easy and I have found extensions to many of my lines on these pages, not to mention finding long lost "cousins" to help in the quest.
U.S. Cemetery RegistersThis page has links to every state for the cemetery registration project. Go to the state where your ancestor is buried and see if you can find the transcription of the tombstone. This is a new but rapidly expanding project, so check it often. And remeber "IF YOUR ANCESTOR ISN'T WHERE HE'S SUPPOSED TO BE, HE'S NOT WHERE HE'S SUPPOSED TO BE!!!", so keep looking.
Genelology's Most Wanted Queries and Surnames listed.
Federal Land Records Find out what you SHOULD have inherited. (Our ancestors had slippery fingers.) Listings of original land grants. You will have a bawl on this site. (Pun intended)
Documenting the American South The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has provided on-line listings of documents and personal papers in their collection related to many surnames. (You never knew Great Great Uncle Levi was such an important person)
U.S. GenWeb State Links Links to each state, where projects include area history, census transcriptions, queries by counties, cemetery registries, birth, marriage and death records...you get the idea.
Roots Web Census Look-up Just exactly what it says...by state and county.
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