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Dr. Judy

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My children collect Beanie Babies, my sister collects eggs, I collect LINKS..I'm compulsive, I cannot help myself. PLEASE SEND LINKS TO THIS PAGE!!!!!!!

I live in a home overlooking the Demopolis, Alabama Yacht Basin, the City Landing and the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway. Click here to see what's happening or has already happened.

Genealogy Gold Mine As you can tell from the lower parts of this page, I enjoy genealogy and am desperately searching for my family. These are the best sites I've found on the net so far for finding your "Long Departed Loved Ones". These sites are fun and productive. I can't tell you how much time I've wasted wading through junk, but these are the gold nuggets I found in the muck and mire.

June 30, 2000 I have found an incredible treasure. I already knew that the Perry County Court House has great records for genealogists, but I visited the Marion/Perry County Library and met Astrid Knudsen, the librarian, and she introduced me to the best cache of information on our dear departed from Perry County. She prides herself in keeping everything accessible and compact. She has wonderful reference books, census records, internet access, and hundreds of family trees in a file cabinet and on the shelves. Call or write the Perry County Commissioners and the Marion City Councilmen and tell them how invaluble this is so they will continue and increase the funding. They close early on Fridays so that the can be open from 7pm to 9pm on Tuesdays. This was a blessing for me. I found a lot of cemeteries I haven't done yet and I'm adding them to my page.

BOOKAHOLICS ANNONYMOUS..Great Book Recommendations for addicted, compulsive readers. This is my top 10.

HOLIFIELD HOME PAGE....Daniel Holifield and Mary Pye have hundreds of descendents. This page gives the story as I know it. This is part of an on-going quest to DOCUMENT this people, relationships and dates. Because of this page I've learned about the Pye side of my family, and this information has been added to this and other pages. Very soon links will be added to cover the Daniel and Mary Holifield children, grand children, great-grandchildren..etc. Find your line, give or receive proofs. Let's all work together on this.

Reuben Thomas Holifield and Watson Holifield. We were a "two mule" family.

Dr. Judy's Family Tree .. My Pedigree Charts


SURNAME/CEMETERY INDEX....This is an index to learn where you can find specific surnames. If you find any errors, or can't find the name at the cemetery as listed, e-mail me. I've listed some surnames from a couple of cemteries I don't have on my site yet. You may notice that most of these aren't in alphabetical order. The reason for this is that I don't want to deny anyone the joy of the "hunt".

Marion Cemetery..This is a transcription of the tombstones in the Cemetery in Marion, Alabama as of 1960 and based on the work of Flora Dainwood England. NEW PAGES ADDED.....May 26, 2003. Only the back half left to update.

One of the most memorable monuments in the Marion Cemetery is the one erected to a black man , a slave, who I have always heard called "Brave Harry".

The inscription reads: HARRY...... Servant of H Talbird DD President of Howard College who lost his life from injuries received while rousing the students at the burning of the college building on the night of October 15, 1854, aged 23. A consistent member of the Baptist Church he illustrated the character of a christian servant faithful unto death. As a grateful tribute to his fidelity and to commemoratea noble act this monument has been erected by the students of Howard College and the Alabama Baptist Convention. He was employed as a waiter in the college and when alarmed by the flames at midnight and warned to escape for his life replied..I must wake the boys first...and this saved their lives at the cost of his own.

Tabb Plot..Pictures of graves in the Tabb family plot in the Marion Cemetery.

Antioch Church Cemetery... Located in the North-west corner of Perry County, this secluded little church with the crickets and tree frogs singing made a joyful noise.

Benson Cemetery This is the location of the grave of my GGGGGrandfather, Elias Benson. His daughter, Martha Price Benson, was married to Samuel Claudius LeVert. I have pictures of most of the graves on this web page. Thanks to Bill Glass for taking me and my sister, Lacretia Edwards to this site on his property.

Bethesda Cemetery Located in Hieberger, Perry County, Alabama. Based on the work of Flora Dainwood England

Bethlehem Cemetery Located in Hieberger, Perry County, Alabama, the land for the Church and Cemetery was donated by Barnabus and Mary M. Bailey. Based on the work of Flora Dainwood England

Civil War Cemetery Located behind St. Wilfred's Church. There are a lot of "Unknown" markers, but we have listed around 50 names. I'm not sure if they're USA or CSA. There are no dates, just names. Most came from the old hospital that was in Marion during "The" War. Thanks to Lacretia, Catherine and Grace for helping me.

Misc. East Perry County CemeteriesMisc. Cemeteries of East Perry County, Including, Pitts/Thurmond/Deyampert, Stewart Family, Suttle Family, Legal/Plummer/Fowler Family Cathey/Locke, Ford/Jacobs/Aycockand Haggard/Dobynes Family Grounds Based on the work of Flora Dainwood England and me.

Fairview Presbyterian Church Cemetery Location of the family of Govenor Andrew Barry Moore. Based on the work of Flora Dainwood England. Updated Dec. 11, 1999 with the help of Carol Clark Kincaid.

Fellowship Cemetery Based on the work of Flora Dainwood England. On July 18, 1999, in wicked heat and alone I challenged the deer ticks and like a complete idiot copied all of the inscriptions in this cemetery...I had a senior moment and forgot I had transcribed Mrs. England's list, so I spent 4 hours doing work that had already been done. However, on comparision, I found a lot of graves in the woods and a lot of new graves too which aren't on Mrs. England's version. Because there are some stones I could not read and I suspect Mrs. England had them, I'm leaving both lists on the net, so you can compare, until I get over the shock of my own stupidity and combine the two files...so to get the new and "improved?" listing click here

Harper Family Cemetery Located on Hwy 14, between Marion and Greensboro.

Heard Family Cemetery Located just outside of Marion, Alabama. These are my people.

Hobson Cemetery Established in 1862, there are only 2 names in this cemetery, Hobson and Colburn. I got the impression from the stone lay-outs that some of these bodies are not buried here. This cemetery is located in North-west Perry County.

Hopewell Baptist Church Cemetery Located in Perry County, Alabama, west of Marion, this cemetery has two of the most pitiful tombstones I've ever seen. Go through the file and find the last words of Richard and J. C. Driver. So many children died before the days of antibiotics, and here is one father's pain, recorded for the future to feel. Based on the work of Flora Dainwood England, we updated it on Dec. 11, 1999, with the able help of Carol Clark Kincaid.

Ivey's Chapel Cemetery Located in Sprott, this hilltop cemetery is truly a place of peace. Thanks to my sister, Lacretia Cooke Edwards and Carol Kincaid for helping record and to Mary Catherine Edwards, Anna Stuart Cramer and Grace Cramer for helping to "chalk" the stones.

Lily Grove Cemetery Located North of Marion. Thanks to my Mother, Maurine Jenkins Cooke.

Mars Hill Cemetery Located just East of Marion. Thanks to my Mother, Maurine Jenkins Cooke.

Medline Cemetery This is the work of Calvin Smith and is used with his permission. Medline Baptist Church was established in 1857. It's located North of Sprott. There are some unmarked graves.

Miles Cemetery This cemetery doesn't actually have an official name on the map, but the Miles family is the most frequent name there. It's well kept and the people buried there were obviously very much loved. Located in North-west Perry County.

Morgan, Watters and Jemison-Wallace Family Grounds These cemeteries I don't know the locations. Based on the work of Flora Dainwood England

Morgan Springs Cemeteries .. In my search for my Great, Great, Great, Great Grand-Daddy, Jesse Holifield (B. August 29, 1797)and his many wives who are said to be buried near Morgan Springs I'm recording these cemeteries as I search. Included are the Griffin Cemetery and the Carter/Legrone Cemetery.

Mt. Hermon Cemetery Thanks to Miss Rebecca Thomas, and Dot and Cooper DeRamus for compiling and sending me this list. Although this is a Hale County, Alabama Cemetery, it is located less than 3 miles from the North-West Perry County Line. When the Cemetery was started it was part of Greene County, Ala. and I was able to find the will of my Great, Great, Great, Great, Great Grandfather, Samuel Patton, who was buried in Mt. Hermon, in Eutaw, Ala, the county seat for Greene County. Anything in parenthesis has been added by family members and is NOT on the stones.

Mt. Nebo Cemetery Located just north of Marion, this little cemetery has a number of graves marked with field stones. It is well tended with many different styles of tribute, from Dogwood and ferns to colored glass. Thanks to Carol Kincaid and Lacretia Edwards for helping.

Mt. Olive Cemetery Located near Sprott, Alabama, this cemetery is the final resting place for some of Perry County's renowned early potters. There are several graves with red clay pottery markers. Done December 10, 1999 with the able help of Carol Clark Kincaid.

Mt. Zion Cemetery Located in Perry County, Alabama, this cemetery is unique in that the family plots are circular. Based on the work of Flora Dainwood England

Ocmulgee Cemetery Located in Perry County, Alabama, this is based on the work of Hugh LeBaron with his permission.

Paynes Chapel Cemetery Last night I went to the Marion/Perry County Library and found several cemetery listings I haven't done yet. Presto!!!!Through the magic of Xerox we have new listings. Thanks to Mrs. Astrid Knudsen

Petit/Pack Family Cemetery This is my brother-in-law, Michael Ray Edwards family grave yard. I visited it with him and my sister, Lacretia, my nephew Michael and my niece, Catherine the Great. It's located north of County Road 74 near Sprott, Perry County, Alabama

Pine Flat Baptist ChurchThis is the cemetery with Pine Flat Baptist Church in Suttle. Thanks to Grace Cramer and Carol Kincaid for their help.

Pisgah Church Cemetery Located in Northeast Perry County. thanks to Carol Clark Kincaid and Jordon Grace Ann Cramer.

Providence Church Cemetery Located in Perry County, Alabama, there are a lot of children in this cemetery. The stones list the parents and can be used to verify marriages. Based on the work of Flora Dainwood England

Harry Rutledge Cemetery Thanks to Carol Kincaid and Lacretia Edwards. One of the finest men ever to live in Perry County, Alabama is in this cemetery.

Old Salem Church Cemetery I hope this file helps. I collected these names in 98 degree weather with lightning flashing. Names found in the Old Salem Cemetery in alphabetical order: Averett, Baggett, Bailey, Bamburg, Breland, Cleary, Colburn, Donner, Downey, Fikes, Fisher, Gary, Golden, Hartley, Hobson, Ingram, Johnson, Kinnard, Lake, Lewis, Mitchell, Moore, Palmer, Payne, Perkins, Sims, Stevens, Trott, Tubb, Wiggins

Sardis Church This is the first big cemetery I've recorded on my own. It's located in Heiberger, Alabama and has many Tubb/Tubbs/Tuckers as well as numberous other families. This is for you Eleanor.

St. Wilfred's Episcopal Church Cemetery Thanks to my sister, Virginia Lacretia Cooke Edwards for spending her Labor Day week-end helping me record this cemetery. It's right next to my Mother's home and we played there as kids. Most of the LeVert's in this cemetery are my family. I still can't find Eugene Verdot LeVert, b. 1795, d. 1875, but I keep looking.

Shiloh Church Recorded by Lloyd and Pat White of Dallas, Texas and submitted by J. Hugh LeBaron and used with their permission. Shiloh is located in East Perry County, Section 22, Range 10E and Township 19. It is very overgrown and many of the stones were buried under debris.

Tubbs Cemetery Located in the woods north of Marion near Mt. Zion. Thanks to Kat Davis.

Uniontown City Cemetery ...This is a partial listing based on the work of Floara Dainwood England.

Walthall Family Burial Ground Based on ....you guessed it, the work of Flora Dainwood England, this listing includes Eliza Perkins and all of the others are Walthall. I do not know the physical location of this cemetery in Perry County, Alabama.

Welcome Cemetery Many thanks to John Colburn and his family for this information. Davis and Harris only surnames.

Misc. Family Burial Grounds in West Perry County Includes the DeYampert, Lee, Evans, Turner and Curry Cemeteries. Other surnames found in these plots are Phillips, Williams, Overton, Winfield, Johnson, Little, Worthy, Carlisle, Lamar, Shackelford, Taylor and Nelson. Based on the work of Flora Dainwood England and me.

White Family Cemetery Many thanks to Joe Richardson and Harold Wesley who surveyed this cemetery on 8 August 2000. There are unmarked graves in this cemetery. These are the directions they provided. "This cemetery is located East from Sprott on Hwy 64 go 3.9 miles, then South on Hwy 10 for 1.8 Miles to narrow dirt road on left. 1/4Mile, right over bridge 1/2mile, left 1.4Mile to top of hill, right 100 feet. All are farm/logging/hunting roads. Cemetery is 75 feet wide, 50 feet deep, previously had split rail fence."

Woolley/Edmonds Cemetery Located just off Hwy 5, near the Bibb-Perry County Line.

Free Look-Ups If you will email me with a list of any names you're searching from Perry County, Alabama I will keep looking and notify you if I run across them.

 ATTENTION GENEALOGISTS. If you don't have a web page of your own, get one from Geocities. You can click on the logos at the bottom of this Page or just go to their web site, www.geocities.com. If you already have a home page and you're into genealogy, click on this tree logo to submit your page for membership in the Heartland Genealogy Society. I've already found additions to 2 of my lines by searching Geocities. These personal pages usually aren't included in the big search engines, so be sure to visit Geocities Home Page and search for your family.

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