Name:___________________________AKA_______ Spouse:___________________________
Phone Number:________________ e-mail:_______________________________________
Children/Grandchildren: _____________________________________________________
What Years You Served On The SCORPION : __/ 19__ to__/ 19__
Rank/Rate/Responsibilities, CO, XO, E-Div, A-Gang, etc;_______________________
Highest Rank/Rate held:__________ Did you retire?________When? ______________
Qualified on:___________________________ When?______
Other submarines served on:__________________________________________________
Where have you been and what you have done since leaving SCORPION:
Share a SCORPION Sea Story: (if it's a good story, continue on reverse)
Once upon a time Now this is no _ _ _ _ __________________________________
Do you object to this information being distributed to other SCORPION
shipmates? No____ Yes______
Please mail to: Dene Rogers, PO Box 6304, Silverdale, Wa. 98315. Don't forget the Information sheet.