Eternal Father, strong to save
Whose arm hath bound the restless wave
Who biddest the mighty ocean deep
Its own appointed limits keep
Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee
For those in peril on the sea...

Lord God, our power evermore
Whose arm doth reach the ocean floor,
Dive with our men beneath the sea,
Traverse the depths protectively,
O hear us when we pray, and keep
Them safe from peril in the deep
David B. Miller, 1965

Final Sailing List

CDR Francis Atwood Slattery, Commanding Officer
LCDR David Bennett Lloyd, Executive Officer
TMC Walter William Bishop, Chief of the Boat

LCDR Daniel Peter StephensP02 Julius Johnston. III
LT John Patrick BurkeFN Patrick Charles Kahanek
LT George Patrick FarrinP02 Donald Terrv Karmasek. SR
LT Robert Walter FleschMMCS Richard Allen Kerntke, SR
LT William Clarke HarwiP03 Rodney Joseph Kipp
LT Charles Lee Lamberth P03 Dennis Charles Knapp
LT Laughton Douglas SmithP01 Max Franklin Lanier
LT John Charles SweetP01 John Weichert Livingston
LT(JG) James Walter Forrester, JRP02 Kenneth Robert Martin
LT(JG) Michael Anthony OdeningQMCS Frank Patsy Mazzuchi
PO2 Keith Alexander Martin Allen P01 Michael Lee Mcguire
PO2 Thomas Edward AmtowerP03 Steven Charles Miksad
PO2 George Gile Annable P03 Joseph Francis Miller. JR
FN Joseph Anthony Baar, JRP02 Cecil Frederick Mobley
PO2 Michael Jon BaileyP01 Raymond Dale Morrison
PO3 Michael Reid BlakeEMC Daniel Christopher Petersen
PO1 Robert Harold BlockerP03 Dennis Paul Pferrer
PO2 Kenneth Ray BrockerP03 Gerald Stanley Pospisil
P01 James Kenneth BrueggmanP03 Donald Richard Powell
MMC Robert Eugene BryanP01 Earl Lester Ray
SN Daniel P. Burns, JRP01 Jorge Lois Santana
P02 Ronald Lee ByersHMC Lynn Thompson Saville
P02 Douglas L. CampbellP02 Richard George Schaffer
P02 Samuel J. CardulloSN William N. Schoonover
P02 Francis King Carey. IIFN Phillip Allan Seifert
SN Gary James Carpenter ETC George Elmer Smith. JR
P01 Robert Lee ChandlerP02 Robert Bernard Smith
P02 Mark Helton ChristiansenP01 Harold Robert Snapp. JR
P01 Romeo S. ConstantinoP02 Joel Candler Stephens
P01 Robert James CowanP02 David Burton Stone
P01 Joseph CrossP02 John Phillip Sturgill
RMC Garlin Ray DenneyP03 Richard Norman Summers
FN Michael Edward DunnSN John Driscoll Sweeney. JR
PO2 Richard Phillip EnglehartP02 James Franks Tindol. III
SN William Ralph Fennick SN Johnny Gerald Veerhusen
PO3 Vernon Mark FoliP03 Robert Paul Violetti
SN Ronald Anthony FrankP03 Ronald James Voss
SN Michael D. GibsonP01 John Michael Wallace
P02 Steven Dean Gleason P01 Joel Kurt Watkins
P02 Michael Edward HenryFN Robert Westley Watson
P02 Larry Leroy HessP02 James Edwin Webb
P01 Richard Curtis HogelandYNC Leo William Weinbeck
PO1 John Richard HougeMMC James Mitchell Wells
P02 Ralph Robert HuberSN Ronald Richard Williams
P02 Harry David HuckelberryP03 Robert Alan Willis
P03 John Frank JohnsonP01 Virgil Alexander Wright. III
RMCS Robert JohnsonP01 Donald Howard Yarbrough
SN Steven Leroy JohnsonP02 Clarence Otto Young. JR

Page maintained by Bob Bale, Copyright(c) TE Rogers. Created: 12/12/97 Updated: 06/04/01