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Bethlehem Primitive Baptist Church is one of the oldest churches in Upson County. Bethlehem was constituted on March 6, 1824 in what was then a part of Pike County. The original minutes for February 6, 1824 read as follows, "We, a few scattering Baptists in this wilderness country, feeling our lonesome situation as sheep having no Shepherd, often having conferred together, agreed to have a meeting house on Lot No. 17 in the District 10, formerly Monroe, now Pike County, on the west side of the [Tobler] Creek." The use of "Primitive" in the name denotes original, reminding all who pass by that we have not detoured from the faith of our ancestors. Since God does not change and the Bible is always true, Bethlehem Church holds to the past with uncompromising faith and looks toward the future with unwavering confidence in God.
Links to other sites on the Web
Bethlehem Photographs
Bethlehem Church's Articles of Faith
Bethlehem Church's Statement of Traditional Family Values
Churches and Ministries: Elder Bill Taylor's Web Site
Out of Bondage Newsletter (Khomer's Domain)
Heather Glen Publishing (Betty's Domain)
The Shield of Faith by Elder Greg Philips
Primitive Baptist Web Station
Primitive Baptist Page
Olivebranch21 Elder Charles Taylor
Macon State College, Macon, GA
Elder Chris Hill is pastor of Bethlehem Church. Bethlehem is a friendly and loving church. The pastor and congregation warmly welcome you to visit with us. We have Bible Study every Sunday at 10:00 am and Worship service at 11:00 a.m. We have an evening Bible Study at 6:30 pm on the first, third, and fourth Sunday nights. Jesus said, "I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst." John 6:35
© 2007