
I recently adopted a wonderful, red/white Border Collie through the Border Collie Rescue Organization of Ohio (now the Border Collie Rescue Organization, Inc. BCRO, I believe). His name is Calen, and he is a wonderful dog! His former owner taught him many things, but he was nearly abandoned when his owner was placed into a nursing home with Alzheimers, and the closest relatives weren't interested in dealing with him (Calen). A neighbor cared for him until he was placed with the rescue organization.

I needed something to help me out at that point in my life, and God decided that the two of us would meet. I'm not sure Calen thought it was so great at first, but we've both learned alot about life. I've taken him to agility classes, I use clicker training with him occasionally (not nearly often enough), I've taken him to sheep herding training sessions, and play frisbee, soccer and anything else that rolls or bounces! Thankfully, he has no interest in chasing cars. Squirrels are prime targets, along with chipmunks, woodchucks (well, digging furiously at their burrows) and an occasional low-flying flock of birds. He tries to get the cats to run, but they've learned that he doesn't do anything if they sit still (grr, darn cats!). Beware if they try to walk past a toy or the dinner bowl; then they get a *growf!*, a nip and a very nasty glare!

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