Welcome to Suzi's family page.
to the Rook Family Home Page
It's the things you could say every day
and didn't,
that you are remembered for!
I want to thank you for stopping by...
Love ya hon!

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Family News
Bob and Robert Robert, seen here with his father, Bob Rook, is still playing softball in his spare time. 
Robert will be receiving a NAM while on the Tiger Cruise.   Bo and Michael are joining Robert on a "Tiger Cruise".  For those of you not familiar to this term, it's where family members go out to sea for a few days.  A real bonding experience.

Michael and Bo, Tiger Cruise Ike99

beautiful Ashli Ashli passed Algebra I this summer. FINALLY!
She's also joined the working force.

A darker shade of Ashli Ashli wanted a new look and has darkened her hair.
Bo, the All Star Bo was selected to play on the Aragona/Pembrook Little League Team.  He was an asset to the team and promoted team spirit.  

"Take me out to the ball game..." 

Bo also passed an advance math course this summer.

Mighty Michael Michael Jack couldn't wait till school pictures were taken and Mom let him get his hair cut.

"Let's get ready to rumble..."

Michael's in 3rd grade this year. And eagerly awaiting for his cousins to move back to Virginia.

A time for love!

My God-Daughter Danielle  married her love (and ours) Jason on August 14th.   I couldn't wait!   It seems like only yesterday she was a baby in my arms.  Now she's all grown up and  married.   

      (sniff, sniff pass the tissues hon!)   


Danielle Sue and Godmother Suzi
Danielle and Jason I love you both and wish you love, understanding and communication. 

 Love ya hon!

Danielle and Jason dancing
Danielle and Jason
Ashli and cousin Cortney helped the wedding guests find their table assignments and sign the guest book. 

Learning from her uncle's wedding, Ashli danced WITH her shoes on at Danielle's wedding.

Ashli and Cortney 8/14/99
Love ya hon!Nick (my sister) and Zoe (me)Love ya hon!
Gina and Suzi
Real Friends
This has been a season for love and weddings... 
My sister Gina (Nick)  
married a terrific man named Kenneth. Welcome to the family Skippy! I was honored to attend their wedding. It was a beautiful day in April. It was a wonderful wedding, magical!  

I made a new friend, DeEtte, Kenneth's sister. Love ya hon! 

Kenneth and Gina
the Helt family My brother married beautiful Mindy in May.   

What a reception! It was really awesome. We all enjoyed visiting with relatives we haven't seen for some time.    

Bubba's Cake .Look at the cake I decorated for Bubba. Bubba and MindyBubba and Mindy
3 beautiful babes!  HAHAHAHA
Denise, Danielle and Suzi
Three beautiful babes!
My 3 sons
Cullen, Bo and Michael
Old Friends (and new ones) contact The Rooks suzirook@verizon.net
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This page last updated on 9/17/99