Welcome to my Guestbook!

Jackie - 12/19/00 06:54:34
My Email:alta-vista
What part of my site did you visit the most?: none yet
How old are you?: 54
Are you married/divorced/single?: married
Where are you from?: Montana

Love the smiley on your main page. JTD

working on it - 10/09/00 04:26:23
My Email:moeaa2000@yahoo.com

Thought it was quite interesting and I learned alot.Keep up the good work that you are doing it helps.

Caroline - 09/30/00 21:14:01
My URL:http://trava1.homestead.com/line.html

You have very nice pages. Greetings from Sweden!

saira - 09/25/00 17:50:24
My URL:http://yahoo.com
My Email:saira81_2002@yahoo.com


Sunny Gregory - 09/11/00 08:22:18
My URL:http://www.sunnygregory.com


Great work!
Keep it up. Anyone can contact me here. Please take a minute to visit my website.
Good Luck,

pamela - 07/20/00 02:11:36
My Email:chocolatine4@caramail.com

salut richard je suis allée visiter ton site web et même si je ne l'ai pas tout vu( car il y a beaucoup de contenu!!!) je le trouve tres interressant il est tres bien fait par contre la version francaise est a ameliorer!! bref ce petit message n'est que pour te dire combien j'apprecie l'importance que tu accordes a tes enfants je voudrais leur dire qu'il ont un bon pere ne lache pas et essaye de finir ta page web!!! sincerement pam

A WEST - 07/01/00 21:45:36
My URL:http://http://www.geocities.com/myawest_ca
My Email:awest@cadvision.com

Cool Site!

Kim - 05/07/00 00:05:13

Looks like you enjoyed making it

Fernando T - 04/03/00 17:28:07
My URL:http://geocities.com/pentagon/9574
My Email:aftimc@total.net

Hope you get to read this, I sent e-mail to-day just a few minutes ago, while it was pouring out now the sun is trying to showm at19:25 here. I tried a copy of the message to Donna, it did not go thru, d_curtis@altavista.com. check it out if you have time Hope to hear from you or -denise or Suzanne I will check my e-mail here in a coiuple of days.Adios.

Goran Andersson - 03/01/00 21:17:11
My URL:http://user.tninet.se/~fte633l
My Email:fte633l@tninet.se

Hi! You´ve got a nice site.I just surfed on in and thougt I should wright some words in your guestbook.Bye bye! from the Andersson family in Sweden

Josée David - 02/27/00 20:37:12
My Email:jo.david@sympatico.ca

Salut Richard, J'ai obtenu mon ID User de Yahoo. Je suis prête pour le reste quand tu pourras. Merci pour tout à l'avance. Josée

Josée David - 02/27/00 20:37:00
My Email:jo.david@sympatico.ca

Salut Richard, J'ai obtenu mon ID User de Yahoo. Je suis prête pour le reste quand tu pourras. Merci pour tout à l'avance. Josée

David - 01/10/00 07:39:48
My URL:http://mexicano.pyar.com
My Email:david_celis@yahoo.com

Hello There My name is David Celis I’m 16 years old, I am Mexican and right now I’m studying high school and, I would like very much to study the Canadian culture and it is very important for me to learn English and French that’s why I want to travel to Canada and I would like very much to live with some family there for 5 months. Can you help me? , If you can’t please send my letter to 3 of your friends in Canada. I learn very easy to play musical instruments and My e-mail is david_celis@yahoo.com my ICQ number (UIN) is 55988184.

Anthony Wright - 01/08/00 22:39:56
My URL:http://home.istar.ca/~awright/index.html
My Email:awright@istar.ca

Hello from the nation's capital. You have a very interesting site!

Tom Abbott - 12/24/99 17:30:26
My Email:abbottt@post.queensu.ca

Great Site Richard.....Keep up the great work! I think your photos are terrific.

Dawn Renee Ivey - 11/26/99 23:49:00
My Email:dawnivey@hotmail.com

Hello from the United States.

Dawn Renee Ivey - 11/26/99 23:07:38
My Email:dawnivey@hotmail.com

here I am, visiting your site again. A big hello from the United States.

Dawn Renee Ivey - 11/26/99 16:39:02
My Email:dawnivey@hotmail.com

I love your page...very friendly and so much information...

George Pylypiak - 11/26/99 11:38:32
My URL:http://homepages.msn.com/twentiescir/pylypiakg
My Email:pylypiakg#hotmail.com

Hi Richard; I hope things are going well. How's PE-EGG treating you?

Anonomouse - 11/24/99 02:49:57

Nice Site!

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