Welcome to Image's Guestbook!

Lois' Family - 01/05/00 03:01:33

Lois was our latest puppy from GEB. She went in for testing in Nov. but had a career change and is now living with a family in Baltimore. We'll be raising again soon-maybe one of Image's pups!

Jama Drapeau - 11/23/99 04:30:29
My Email:jama@unforgettable.com

I am a fellow GEB raiser from NH and I just found out my dog BLOSSOM is on track to graduate in Feb. I am so happy, what a terrific program this is. Good for you and your commitment.

11/12/99 11:05:42
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Cool page. Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook

Mikyla - 10/27/99 02:54:37
My Email:bdurnin@home.com

I like the Dogs. They are cute. I LOVE Dogs.

Debbie Royer - 03/25/99 00:35:55
My Email:droyer@ccpl.carr.org

I loved reading about Image. I noticed you said she was bred to Levi. We were his puppy raisers! That is so cool. We had heard that he had been bred to a dog in Canada, but didn't know who. What a great site.

David Gerrior - 11/13/98 23:20:40
My Email:gerrid@islandnet.com

Hi, Just a note to say hello. I'm a longtime volunteer with CGDB in Ottawa and now Victoria BC. Nice to see your web page. Cheers, Dave

10/03/98 22:16:53
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Tim Graf - 06/23/98 06:33:54
My URL:http://www.netcom.com/~connie.g/catoctin.html
My Email:connie.g@ix.netcom.com

I love reading about Image. We are currently raising an M puppy named Meadow, but I think her mom's name is Lucy. My wife Connie is the Area Coordinator for the Catoctin Region for Guiding Eyes. Please feel free to write us if you like. Tim Graf

Theo Mattingly - 05/31/98 03:57:07
My Email:theorm@aol.com

We have a co-worker with a German shepard bitch that is a guide dog breeder. It doesn't leave much time for being a pet, but it is a very noble cause.

jim urban - 01/31/98 00:03:12
My URL:http://islacc.com
My Email:jimu@islacc.com

This may be a twist for you but here goes. My wife and I are lifelong dog lovers. The love of our life is our 10 year old Boston Terrier "cheeto" Last week he suddenly developed blindness due to occular pressure. We are now trying to train him to respond to voice commands and to enjoy his favorite pastime playing ball. You can imagine his frustration. I am seeking Toys for the ageing and blind dogs. As an Engineer none exist I will develope toys that make sounds so cheeto and I can continue to play as e have for years. Any info on such items. Jim

Jodie - 09/30/97 22:58:27
My Email:Roadtd78@aol.com

This web is so neat.. The picture of Image is so adorable.

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