February 2000
Nanette is about where she should be for a year old pup, and is
finally starting to have sufficient house manners. We hope that soon she will have run of most of the house.
January 2000
We got work from Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind that
one of the pups from Image's first litter has made the grade.
Marsh, a yellow female Lab is now a guide dog! They sent us a photo of Marsh in harness which try to get online. Our dream
has come true, even if "once removed". Now, if more of Image's
pups make it...
May 1999
We took another pup, not Image's, named Nanette. She is also
a yellow female lab. She is very different than Image. We'll
see if she has what it takes.
March '99
Image's pups will be undergoing the first, of many, evaluations
to see if they are suitable for placement with raisers. One
will be our foster pup as soon as all parties are ready.
February '99
GEB is considering taking the pick of Image's litter
and has asked us to raise it! We have decided to accept
the offer.
January '99
Image gave birth to her second litter, this one all black.
There are 6 male, and 4 female pups. Mom and pups are all
doing fine.
December '98
Image was bred to Guiding Eyes for the Blind stud Levi
at the GEB Breeding Center in Patterson, NY. She was only
15 minutes from home, so we were able to visit her for a couple
of hours. We have not seen her in over a year, so this was a nice treat. She looked good, and you can definitely tell she has matured. She is as sweet as ever, and got along very well with be little 'brother'. She head back to Canada the next day. Her pups are expected in early February.
April '98
10 of Image's pups have been placed with puppy raisers.
This was an M litter. Some of the pups names are:
Magic, Merlin, and Mia.
January '98
Image gave birth on January 23 to a litter of 11 puppies, 4 yellow females, 4 black males and 3 yellow males. She is
doing fine.
November '97
Image is in heat, and will be bred to Guiding Eyes for the Blind
stud Lee. She will be back in the States during this time,
at the GEB Breeding Center in Patterson, NY. She will only
be 15 minutes from home, so we will be able to visit her.
We have not seen her since August, so this is a nice treat.
October '97
Image was doing so well in her guide dog training that
CGDftB has decided she would make a fine brood for them!
September '97
Image is now undergoing formal guide dog training with Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind, in Manotick, Ontario. This phase takes
approximately 5 months. If she completes it successfuly, she will
be matched up with her person for additional training as a team.