The information that
follows may help people researching the surname WINTERS. It pertains
only to those WINTERS residing in Michigan during the taking of various
Federal Census. Hopefully, over time, information will be extracted
from the Census records starting in 1830 and concluding in 1920.
COUNTY: Lenawee
LOCALITY: Tescumseh, Roll 207, Page 103
Alphonzo Winters,
age 30 to 40, Wife age 20 to 30, Male chilld under 5 years of age, and
Female child under 5 years of age
COUNTY: Macomb
LOCALITY: Clinton, Roll 208, Page 231
J. Winters, age 20
to 30, wife 20 to 30 years of age, male child under 5 years of age, male
child 5 to 10 years of age, and female child under 4 years
of age.
COUNTY: Calhoun
LOCALITY: Morengo, Roll 208, Page 263
James Winters
COUNTY: Macomb
LOCALITY: Shelby, Roll 208, Page dd121
Lewis Winters (marr.
6 Sep 1840, Betsy Rov)
COUNTY: Lenawee
LOCALITY: Franklin, Roll 297 , Page 116
Samuel S Winters,
age 20 to 30 and male 50 to 60 years of age.
COUNTY: Clinton
LOCALITY: Not Listed, Roll 204, Page 245
Silas Winters, age
50 to 60, male child under 5, male child 5 to 10, 2 males 10 to 15,
male 15 to 20, male 20 to 30, female 10 to 15, and female 15
to 20.
The above
are the only persons recorded with the surname WINTERS residing in Michigan
during the taking of the 1840 Federal Census.
COUNTY: Branch
LOCALITY: Union Township, Roll 347, Page 726,
David P Winters, age
30, born WV, Farmer, Mathilda Avery, age 26, born OH, Cynthia Winters,
age 4, born OH, and Emeline Winters, age 1, born MI
COUNTY: Livingston
LOCALITY: Genoa. Roll 356, Page 771,
Dolphus Winters, age
11, born unknown place
COUNTY: Branch
LOCALITY: Sherwood, Roll 347, Page 562,
John W Winters, age
33, born NY, Carpenter, Anna, age 35, born NY, Mary Winters, age 5, born
MI, and Eber Y Winters, age 5, born MI
COUNTY: Monroe
LOCALITY: Raisinville, Roll 358, Page 68
George Winters, age
28, born NY, Carpenter, Lucy, age 25, born VT, and Emeline Winters, age
2, born MI
COUNTY: Van Buren
LOCALITY: South Haven, Roll 363, Page 343,
Isaac Winters, age
40, born NY, Laborer
COUNTY: Calhoun
LOCALITY: Athens, Roll 348, Page 234,
James Winters, age
44, born NY, Farmer, Theodosia, age 45, born MA, Louisa M Winters, age
23, born NY (*Marr. 4 Jul 1851, in Calhoun Co., John McClean), James
H Winters, age 16, born NY, Farmer, Theodosia F Winters, age 14, born NY
(*Marr. 18 May 1856, in Calhoun Co., Elijah W Rockwell), and Emma E Winters,
age 11, born MI
COUNTY: Jackson
LOCALITY: Jackson, Roll 352, Page 679,
John Winters, age
49, born NY, Carpenter
COUNTY: Branch
LOCALITY: Coldwater, Roll 347, Page 690,
Joseph Winters, age
36, born MA, Laborer
COUNTY: Washtenaw
LOCALITY: Ypsilanti, Roll 364, Page 890,
Lauren Winters, age
34, born Ireland, Farmer, Bridget, age 50, born Poland
COUNTY: Monroe
LOCALITY: Raisenville, Roll 358, Page 681,
Lewis Winters, age
26, born NY, Carpenter, Sylvia, age 18, born NY
COUNTY: Ontongon
LOCALITY: Ontongon, Roll 361, Page 8,
Peter Winters, age
35, born England, Miner
LOCALITY: Lyons, Roll 352, Page 302,
Polly Winters
COUNTY: Lenawee
LOCALITY: Macon, Roll 355, Page 7,
Samuel Winters, age
80, b. NJ
COUNTY: Lenawee
LOCALITY: Macon, Roll 355, Page 9,
Samuel S Winters,
age 32, b. PA, Elsey, age 27, b. NY, Child, age 8, b. MI, Child,
age 7, b. MI, Child, age 2, h. MI, and Child, age 5/12, b. MI
(Names of children not readablel)
CO7UNTY: Ionia
LOCALITY: Portland, Roll 352, Page 280,
Silas Winters
COUNTY: Branch
LOCALITY: Union Township, Roll 347, Page 726,
Sylvanus S Winters,
age 27, born OH, Farmer, Emily Jane Hiler, age 26, born NY (died 1852 giving
birth to child), Emma Jane Winters, age 6, born OH, William Hiram Winters,
age 3, born OH , and John Winters, age 1, born MI
COUNTY: Ottawa
LOCALITY: Spring Lake, Roll 361, Page 152,
Thomas Winters
The above
are the only persons recorded with the surname WINTERS residing in Michigan
during the taking of the 1830, 1840 and 1850 Federal Census.