Great links for newbies and text files of goodies I've found on Roots-L.
Genealogy Surname and Geographic Mailing Lists
The Famous Cyndi Howells Genealogy Page!
Genealogy Gateway [TM] to the web!
Genealogy Help List for the U.S.
Searchable database of Korean war MIA/KIA
Search through the soc.genealogy newsgroup postings
U.S. Genweb Project A project to get all state and county genealogy data on-line.
WV 1890 Veterans Census Schedule Info
Ancestry Be sure to use their free social security, marriage, and other free searches!
GENDEX, a large index of GEDCOMs on the web. Find out what GEDCOMs your surname is in.
Genealogical Archives and Libraries
People who will do free CD lookups See Family tree maker above for a list of CDs.
Helm's Genealogy Toolbox - Searchable Indexes
Library of Virginia's Digital Collection Researchers went abroad for 30 years and summarized original documents
Library of Congress' Local History & Genealogy Room
Search the Library of Congress' web site
Library of Congress' experimental search
On-Line Phone directories of the world
Find out who is also researching a particular surname
Search the newsgroup soc.genealogy.surnames posts for a particular surname
All about Grave Stones and Cemetaries!
List of States and the years they had a census
The Olive Tree - Passenger Ships
Find out concentrations of your surname in the U.S.
Family Tree Maker's Family Finder Index
Genealogical Archives and Libraries