Tasha Yarf was purchased as an older pup from a backyard breeder who planned to keep her for their next brood bitch. A hundred dollar bill changed their minds and she was ours. She was a fun pup; an early duty was to empty the shoe box in the garage by carrying each shoe out the dog door into the yard. Nothing was chewed on, just relocated. Tasha was energetic, bouncing off walls to retrieve her ball. Agility training followed basic obedience with classes at Dallas Agility Working Group. She finished her USDAA AD (novice) title in 1995 and earned two legs toward her AKC open title. That fall, she played agility dog on the kitchen table one too many times and ended up with a dislocated back leg the day before we were leaving for a show. After surgery and nearly a year of rehab, she came back to finish her OA at her next show. Her AX was more work and took 6 months of trying. She retired with 4 Excellent legs earned in a row! Tasha has also tried her 'paw' at herding. She had a great time rounding up and smelling those woolie butts! Tasha is currently recovering from a FCE - similar results as froma slipped disk - partiallly paralyzed rear end- she should recover fully in a few months and be back chasing rabbits