Welcome to Tuffmutt's New Guestbook. Thanks for visiting.

John and Julie Tucker - 07/27/00 12:21:56
My Email:jrtucker@goconnect.net
Breeds: Keeshond
Do you show in Agility?: No
Are you an Obedience buff?: No
Your dogs are great, I just love Keeshonds their the most lovable friend you could ever want. Keep up the good work

Jean Kroll - 10/13/98 12:58:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/3632
My Email:jkroll@sgi.net
Breeds: Belgian Tervuren
Activities: Conformation and Obedience
Do you show in Agility?: not yet!!
Are you an Obedience buff?: I wish!
You keep pretty active with your guys! Very informative about agility. I hope to be training in that soon.

10/03/98 22:16:30
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Anita - 08/25/98 10:47:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/9984
My Email:flicker@aon.at
Breeds: West Highland White Terrier, Tibetan Terrier
Do you show in Agility?: Oh yes
Are you an Obedience buff?: no
Best greetings from Austria ! Your dogs and your homepage are very nice ! Anita with Danny (TT) and Sheila (Westie)

Charlie - 08/14/98 15:19:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/ranch/7378
My Email:Cbarth5632@aol.com
Breeds: all mutts
Do you show in Agility?: no
Are you an Obedience buff?: no
I enjoyed your page. Your dogs are beautiful.

Jen - 05/10/98 12:50:22
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~jr17/
My Email:jr@panetwork.com
Breeds: hmm........
Activities: ..........
Do you show in Agility?: ..........
Are you an Obedience buff?: ........
How did you find us?: huh? oh, sorry, kinda spaced out...
Cool dogs you have! I don't have any dogs or know anything about dog breeding but this page helped me understand a little more 'bout it! Thanx! Good luck in future tournaments!

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