( A tribute page )

With the release of the Farm Beetles sod busting limited edition debute album, which has changed my life drastically, I is got the moneys for a web-site and I is moving in.....

the FARM BEETLES are: 

with SPEICAL guest:What the critics are saying....



Billy shears: shear

Arnold Ziffle: grunts, squeals



If'un you don't know this small, but socially and muzicially limited body of work, you ain't alone cousin...

Here are sum of the comments my (city slicker) friends have said after hearing just one song from this x-cit'en CD:

Until then, if you is a long lost cousin (and I got plenty) email me ta here.....
Links I Like:
  • The home of the famous "bubble blowing" Pony
  • Our Cozins in the North
  • Trader Mike's (specilizing in non-playing player pianos)


    I guess know one loves me but Jesus, but that ain't bad!


    > HERE WE IS ON YAHOO-GEOCITIES,a fine place to be!<


      Up-Dated Winturd of A.D. 2005