Hi, my nickname is shishi! My nick is part of my name *yushi* So I take it as *shishi* I dislike using *yushi* coz it sounds more like the Japanese food called *sushi* heard it before? (Don't laugh at my name yeah!) I was born in The Republic of Singapore on September 18th, 1974. I love reading, I luv to read love stories and at times horror. But most of the time, I read law books and those which involves political coz' I wanna show the
world what it actually mean by freedom one day. That is my
ambition. I love to sing in the bathroom, travelling, not many
places actually. All the places in malaysia and singapore. I've
went to Japan when I was a little baby. There is where my
parents got my name coz' they went for honeymoon at the same
place. I love making new friends, watching movies, taking photos
and chattin' in Alamak. sherry made my day happy in Alamak yesterday by granting me colors coz' so far that was the day that I actually see the power of colors!!! They are juz' great. There are no words which can
ever describe it in a better way except they are
tremendously superb and wonderful. My favorite color is pink!!
I have a boyfriend (which means I am still single). He is an
advocate in practice but don't worry coz' he won't take legal
action for no reason. He is very nice and he is a Chinese.
I luv to sleep when I am sad or angry coz' in that way I can
relax myself and I won't simply hurt people feelings with harsh
words. But the my favourite is doing cross-stiches and give it
as a present to my love ones like my best friends.
I luv sentimental, rock and pop. My best music at the moment is
sang by the group called "Firehouse" and "Michael Learns To Rock."
I used to luv the song by Celine Dion called " Because u loved
me" and I dedicate that song 2u...*smiles*
I love polar bear coz' it is cute. The cartton character that I
like is "tweety bird" I believe that even though we're getting
more matured as days goes by, it shouldn't stop us from enjoying
the things we like, agree? Do you like to watch cartoons?
Believe me, you'll luv it once you get hang to it..