Welcome to our Family Webpage

Last Update 6/16/2009
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Joshua, Dan, Heather, Joseph, Dan, Hollie holding James, Carter in front of Hollie,
Jacob, Haylee, Jonathan in front of Jacob, Heide holding Hilarie and Liz

For the most current updates on life in the Smith home, go to Liz's Blog.

    About Dan and Liz

  • married 25 years
  • Christians
  • parents to 10 blessings
  • homeschoolers
  • Liz loves to scrapbook, check out her favorite scrapbooking goodies
You may notice that there are extra people in our family photo. Heather is now married to Dan and Hollie and Carter are getting married on June 22, 2009.

    Places for Photos

  • Winkflash This is where we order all of our prints.
  • Photobucket This is where Liz shares some of her scrapbook pages.
  • ImageCave This is where all of our blog graphics and photos are stored.
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