My name is Colleen, I am 38 and am married to Kevin, the
world's most wonderful
husband.(truly). We have four children and one grandson. We are
home schooling our three
youngest children and it has proven to be quite a blessing to us.
I am blessed to know Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. And I am
very thankful that my
children also have given their lives to the Lord and that I am
married to a strong and loving
Christian man. I have been blessed with many loving friends and
family members to share my life
with, and I am very thankful for them all and just wanted to
acknowledge them here. And I have
been lucky enough in my short time in cyber space to make a
couple of very special e-mail pals
who have been a source of fun and inspiration to me. (I hope you guys know who I mean :-) )
I love crafts of all kinds which is why some of you may know me
as "craftilady" from other
places around the net. I have become quite fond of creating my web site which is why you can usually find me here in front of the computer.
I think my family is about ready to pull the plug >G<.
Okay, now let me explain about the picture as some who know me
well have commented on it. :-)
I confess
This is a glamour shot picture taken a couple of years ago. My
oldest daughter gave me the sitting
for my birthday. As most of you who are moms probably understand,
there are very few
pictures of me laying around here that I would want to put up for
the world to see! So this one will have to
do until something better comes along. >VBG<
WOW! It's hard to believe that we have been here almost four years now. My how time flies. The hardest part about having this page this long has been having to change my age each year to keep up. >smile< Maybe I should have just left it at 35. >G<
Well I am adding a picture of my husband and I taken on our anniversary a couple of years ago. It did not scan very well, but that's okay, here it is anyway.
I hope that this site will be a source of joy for families looking for a safe place on the net.
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