Howdy, Y'all!

Caed Mille Failte
Kom herein und mach dich zu Hause!
Welkom op de homepage van Brunetta Lafara Lingg

You are guest since 10 January 1998
Here in St. Helens,Oregon, where my real world home is, it is now:

To navigate your way through the rooms in my Homestead or to follow one of the trails I've blazed from my Homestead to other sites on the internet, just click on the underlined text. I don't use any underlining except for the hot links (other than in the transcribed documents, that is)!

To an extent, I'm a perfectly normal individual. In other words, ye ole Homestead is definitely & obviously still - correction - always - under construction. Please be patient, and kind, and understanding as you make your tour. I'm not a Webmaster, I'm just a WebApprentice. So there's ALWAYS room for improvement. If you find any broken links or encounter any other problems, please E-Mail me. My Mailbox appears at the bottom of every page. And I DO accept comments & suggestions! I also accept spelling corrections.

There are now five sections in my Homestead that are open to the public, with three more in the preparation stage: