Hydy and Seek
Hydy and Seek are my two guinea pigs which I own presently. They are both females and I now have pictures of them which are on the bottom of this page.
Hydy as I mentioned on the homepage is the eldest at four years. She is what I think is known as a tortoise shell g-pig and she is gray and white. Seek is the younger one at 3 yrs 1 mths. and is also a tortoise shell. She is brown and white. I have trained Hydy to do many things which I have put on my training page. Seek has not learned much yet because I just bought her but she is catching on. Hydy is a bit over weight and is the shy type of guinea pig. While Seek is still not full grown she is not over-weight and is very curious about everything.
If you have a female or more, like I do you might of noticed that when you take them out they do not like to move unless they are by or near their cage. This is what Hydy is like but not Seek. Most but not all females act like this because they feel they have to stay near their home and take care of it. While males do all the wondering around. Like human ladies (I'm not trying to offend you ladies) the female guinea pig often thinks that you know exactly what they want without them telling you.
Seek on the other hand will run around and play while Hydy sits and watches her. Guinea pigs are also good companions because whenever you walk in they will come up to see you.
Now the pictures of Hydy and Seek! (Remember Hydy is gray and white while Seek is black and white!)
If there's anything else you want to know about Hydy and Seek you can
e-mailwith your questions.