oilver giles - 12/06/00 16:27:03
My Email:martin@gilesplcfreeserve
Kind of Pet: guinea pig
Your Pets Name: charlie
i thought it was really sad when your guinea pig died, but i enjoyed the web site as i am doing a school project.
Ginny - 08/04/00 19:48:17
My URL:http://geocities.com/virginia_schwab
My Email:vet67@netzero.net
Kind of Pet: 6 guinea pigs, 1 hamster
Your Pets Name: Rusty,Taffy, Onyx,Peeky,WoolyBear,Blimpy
I greatly enjoyed the information you have on your site. Some of our guinea pigs love bananas, some don't. They are all crazy over cantaloupe and of course, they can't live without their carrots and pellets.
Nikki - 07/18/00 23:35:11
My Email:nikkicarrthers@hotmail.com
Kind of Pet: sugar glider/ guinea pig
Your Pets Name: Whiskers/gadget
State/Prov.: Alberta
I think it helped me alot because it helps me kknow what to feed my new guinea pig
Sarah Ferguson - 06/08/00 14:43:55
Kind of Pet: Guinea Pig
Your Pets Name: Tofu
State/Prov.: Massachusetts
(I realy enjoyed your page. My Guinea Pig is an Angora Pig And he has around five inches of hair, people say he looks like a wig. I give him baths and cut his hair. Keep up the good work with the web page
faye - 05/12/00 15:41:04
My Email:totallybarmy@netscapeonline.co.uk
Kind of Pet: 6 guinea pigs i cat i gerbil and i hamster
Your Pets Name: casper charlie 4 unamed babies cuddles guiness and flash
State/Prov.: um london
hi me again i have a question if any one can answer it please contact me at totallybarmy@netscapeonline.co.uk,
how do you build a web page i'm dying to know i realy want to build one.
faye - 05/12/00 15:40:56
My Email:totallybarmy@netscapeonline.co.uk
Kind of Pet: 6 guinea pigs i cat i gerbil and i hamster
Your Pets Name: casper charlie 4 unamed babies cuddles guiness and flash
State/Prov.: um london
hi me again i have a question if any one can answer it please contact me at totallybarmy@netscapeonline.co.uk,
how do you build a web page i'm dying to know i realy want to build one.
faye - 05/12/00 15:12:31
My Email:totallybarmy@netscapeonline.co.uk
Kind of Pet: 2 guinea pigs
Your Pets Name: casper, boy charlie, girl
i think this site is really cool and guinea pigs are the best, well cats gerbils hamsters and horses aswell, oops!
Frances - 04/28/00 16:38:26
My Email:spiritwind@texoma.net
Kind of Pet: none
State/Prov.: TX
I enjoyed your web page. I'm thinking of getting a guinea pig. i would like some more information about how to train them. i also have four kids,are guinea pigs good with kids??
nicola - 04/16/00 11:35:01
My Email:nicola.evans3@ntlworld.com
Kind of Pet: guinea pig,(long-haired)
Your Pets Name: Lucky
State/Prov.: S.Wales, UK
Your page is really FAB! I'll definitley be visiting again.
Also, my friend recently bought two female guinea pigs which are very friendly but keep fighting over their food. Any suggestions?
Aaron - 04/16/00 07:44:28
Kind of Pet: g pig
Your Pets Name: rosy
State/Prov.: UK
my brother Nicky and myself have just got a piggy called Rosy she's magic.
nicky - 04/15/00 17:48:23
Kind of Pet: piggy
Your Pets Name: rosy
State/Prov.: U,K.
i love my rosy our dog loves to lick her and she always squeeks with enjoyment
g-pig lover - 04/13/00 00:48:35
I love your page! your g-pigs are so cute!
- 04/12/00 18:31:23
Alison villeneuve - 04/12/00 18:30:16
Your Pets Name: Rocky
State/Prov.: Ontario
- 04/12/00 18:29:24
Heather - 04/12/00 03:36:47
Kind of Pet: Guinea Pig
Your Pets Name: Nibbles
State/Prov.: Mesa, Arizona
We just got our new pet 1 month ago and he is really a lot of fun! He loves to eat carrots, oranges, apples, broccoli, lettuce and bananas.
Your web site is neat!!!
Rob Anderson - 04/11/00 01:55:35
Kind of Pet: Guinea pig
Your Pets Name: Piggy
State/Prov.: Colorado
Desiree - 04/10/00 05:12:48
My Email:Morley@ktn.net
Kind of Pet: Guinea Pig
Your Pets Name: Turk& Spook
State/Prov.: Alaska
Thank you for your web page.....I just purchased two Guinea pigs. I was wondering about the spinning weel do Guinea pigs enjoy them as much as hamsters?
I also run a daycare...will it scare the pigs to have them in the daycare room? They are out of reach of the children!
Sarah Phelps - 04/09/00 19:26:33
My Email:S.Phelps@chickmail.com
Kind of Pet: guinea pig
Your Pets Name: peanut
State/Prov.: MD
Great page!! I have a question for you. My guinea pig has sharp claws and is constantly scratching me up. Is there any way I canclip his toenails safely and effectively? Please email me if you know the answer to this question:
- 04/06/00 21:37:43
This is good page.I love those guinea pig graphics you got.They are so cute!!!
- 04/01/00 16:00:20
Kind of Pet: G-pig
Your Pets Name: Sooty
hey, guinea pigs are so cute and cool and funny
Hayley - 03/31/00 15:01:21
My Email:hazilvry@cwcom.net
Kind of Pet: 8 gueni pigs
Your Pets Name: poly ,Doly,nora,pixi,pibbles,eric,osca and bruce
State/Prov.: what does that mean?
This is a very good site mathew i enjoyed looking at it .You should put some real pictures of them on the site.
Stacia Argetsinger - 03/25/00 07:17:25
My Email:MisStinger@cs.com
Kind of Pet: 2 Guinea pigs, 3 Cats,1 Dog
Your Pets Name: Patches, Abby, Thomas, Felix, Autumn, Tanner
State/Prov.: Twin Lake, MI.
I really liked your website. It had some very helpful and intresting information and I plan to visit again.
Jodie - 03/24/00 05:57:56
My Email:rickyec2@gateway.net
Kind of Pet: want a guinea pig!
State/Prov.: MS
Great info!! I have had a GPig before....now I have a five year old who wants one.
liviu-cojocaru - 03/22/00 16:52:12
My Email:livsc@k.ro
Kind of Pet: guinnea pig, fish
Your Pets Name: enrique
State/Prov.: romania, iasi
i like your page. I woud like some more information about guinea pigs.I aspect them on my e-mail.THANK YOU!!!!!
Angela - 03/19/00 04:33:10
My Email:AMULL217@cs.com
Kind of Pet: cats, dogs, birds & guinea pig
Your Pets Name: Angel, Smokey, Shelby, Peanut, Zach, Opus, Snoopy
State/Prov.: PA
I recently purchased a guinea pig that is 2 months old. Your web page was cool, it gave me alot of ideas for my guinea pig, Snoopy.
mel - 03/19/00 02:41:14
My Email:biscuit_luv@hotmail.com
Kind of Pet: guinnea pig,rabbit,dog,cat and hamster
Your Pets Name: biscuit,buttons,max,sassie(ti minoux) and kasper
State/Prov.: bonville
this iz a good page.
my guinnea pig iz a great pet, hes the best.
the coolest thing iz that we both have the same colour of hair!!
sally - 03/18/00 21:53:29
My Email:sarah&dyfedtmn@freeserve.co.uk
Kind of Pet: Guinea Pig
Your Pets Name: Toffee
State/Prov.: Wales, UK
Your pages are really good, and you really do love your Guinea Pigs. I feel sad as my Guinea Pig Timmy died yesterday. We have no idea what was wrong with him, and maybe you have some ideas? perhaps you would e.mail me back if you are able to help....bye
for now Matthew
------------------- - 03/14/00 20:29:44
My Email:Candee5432
Kind of Pet: guinea pigs
Your Pets Name: hunny and eddie
i think your web page is cool because i like the pictures and there is good info.:)
Michaela - 03/08/00 01:03:07
My Email:mjvc@springmail.com
Kind of Pet: hamster and dog
Your Pets Name: cookie
State/Prov.: Arizona
We are very interested in guinea pigs. We are going to get 2 females in the near future. We just loved your web site. We is me and my mom.
Sara - 03/04/00 04:23:27
My Email:imlively@hotmail.com
Kind of Pet: guinnea pig
Your Pets Name: bribery
State/Prov.: Ia
Hi, we just got a 3 year old guinnea pig. She was already named when we got her. We know absolutely nothing about them and really appreciate your page. Thanks!
Victoria Murfin - 02/27/00 21:36:22
My Email:arizona@britneyspearsmail.com
Kind of Pet: G.Pig
Your Pets Name: Spunky
State/Prov.: Michigan
My G pig is 9 weeks old and I just got him this weekend. His Mom and Dad live across the street. So far he likes his new home and my cats seem to be curious but afraid of him. He does not seem to be afraid of the cats, but I will not find out. Thanks for
ll the information. Vicki
Justin - 02/27/00 15:30:56
My Email:JUSTIN8610@aol.com
Kind of Pet: Guinea Pig
Your Pets Name: Cappachino
State/Prov.: Princeton MA.
I like your page It is layed out very well, I have a uinea pig too. I was wondering if you could send me something on how to train the? Or anyone else who could, i would enjoy.
loll - 02/24/00 22:38:17
My URL:http://------------------
My Email:----------------------
Kind of Pet: guinea-pigs
Your Pets Name: XENA & PADDLEPOP
State/Prov.: --------
sarah costa - 02/20/00 22:26:10
My Email:liz_costa@hotmail.com
Kind of Pet: guinea pig
Your Pets Name: finnigen
State/Prov.: ontario
i love guinea pigs so much
Samantha Fisher - 02/20/00 17:41:09
speed - 02/20/00 04:47:23
My URL:http://geocities.com/speed400m
My Email:speed400m@hotmail.com
Kind of Pet: cat
Your Pets Name: lucky
State/Prov.: d8d d8a
pig suck
Erika - 02/19/00 08:43:06
My Email:kazan@gci.net
Kind of Pet: just cats now but I want to get a G-pig
Your Pets Name: Jessaballe, Caesar, Nickademus and Dutchess
State/Prov.: Alaska
I loved your site. I was unable to get the links on the training page to work. I have some questions but my email was returned as undeliverable. Please email me and let me know how to contact you. Thanks alot. And again you have a great page and cute
G-pigs! Looking foward to hearing from you, Erika
Marlies - 02/12/00 17:16:19
Kind of Pet: Guinea Pig
Your Pets Name: Winnie & Gabber
State/Prov.: The Netherlands
Ashley - 02/08/00 00:44:01
My Email:Acsweety08@hotmail.com
Kind of Pet: Guinea pig & dog
Your Pets Name: Duster
State/Prov.: Pa
Hey i love this page. I love guinea pig's they are so cute a cuddly i hvae a boy name duster he is 1 year old and a wonderful pets. I love him alot
Jami - 02/07/00 23:08:01
My Email:sisterangel_16@hotmail.com
Kind of Pet: Guinea Pig
Your Pets Name: Buster
State/Prov.: NC
This is a cute page. I just adore my guinea pig...I actually raised my guinea pig and watch its mother give birth to them all and I raised them! :o)
dj_zlipy - 02/03/00 16:39:56
My Email:dj_zlipy@yahoo.com
Your Pets Name: jhonny
State/Prov.: romania
no comment
gfchfghf - 01/30/00 06:23:49
My URL:http://cvfxgfx.com
My Email:cghbng
Kind of Pet: ghbghg
Your Pets Name: vghgcbh
State/Prov.: ghnfghn
your web page is realy stupid
Kelly Dalton - 01/29/00 01:21:20
My Email:swksd@bellsouth.net
Kind of Pet: tutoise shell (I think)
Your Pets Name: Oreo
State/Prov.: Florida
I love your sight. We just bought a guinea pig today and I think he's terrified of us. He's very young and I want to do what I can to comfort him. I have two small children, one six and the other two and they love him, too. What can I do to get Oreo us
d to us and comfortable around us? He's squeeling a lot when we try to hold him and has only seemed really content when I hold him on my chest and cuddle him. He's not demonstrating the gurgling happy sounds that I think he should have. I also read som
where that if I tickle his but he'll laugh, but he just seems to be annoyed when I do that.
All your help would be appreciated, Thanx -Kelly
Jen - 01/27/00 19:30:11
Kind of Pet: guninea pig
Your Pets Name: Toast, Zebra-D, Noodles, Fudge, Syrup, Treacle, Toffee, Caramel, Midnight, Dusk and Dawn
State/Prov.: UK
Sharla - 01/24/00 21:26:03
My Email:21751981@3web.net
Kind of Pet: long-haired g-pig,2 Cockateils, 1 Wh sheppard, 1 kitten, 1 cat, and 1 goldfish
Your Pets Name: simba, sparkle, spice, zeke, godzilla, buttons, goldie
State/Prov.: calgary, alberta, canada
my g-pig has not been eating to much lately, he squeaks at night, and I do not know what is wrong.
He is about 4 1/2 years old. He really like corn on the cob, green beans, pears, and lettuce. If you can think of what might be wrong please e-mail me. thank you.
your information so far has been great.
Sabrina - 01/21/00 19:44:14
My Email:jiala@hotmail.com
Kind of Pet: Guinea Pig
Your Pets Name: Harry (a.k.a Thadeous)
State/Prov.: Michigan
I have never had a pet of my own before. I received Harry for my birthday and he is such a joy to have. i would recommend a guinea pig to someone who wants a first pet.
chris - 01/19/00 19:54:39
Kind of Pet: Guinea pig
Your Pets Name: Guiness
I love it but I think you shoud have more Photos and cartoons
Rachel - 01/17/00 01:49:27
My Email:sailormoon123123@hotmail.com
Kind of Pet: hamsters/guinea pigs/fish/
Your Pets Name: hamsters=sunflower,daisy,buttercup . fish don't know lol guinea pig= radney if boy snickers if girl
State/Prov.: florida
lol alot of animals
Ben Thumm - 01/16/00 19:22:29
Thanks for all your information. I'm doing a science project on guinea pigs at my school.
Sue Kirkpartrick - 01/15/00 23:27:10
My Email:suellen@uswest.net
Kind of Pet: longhaired g. pig
Your Pets Name: Cinnamon
State/Prov.: IA
Thank you for your web page.My grandson (Jacob-9
yrs)lives with me and his grandpa.We just pur-
chased our g.pig. He is so cute!! He is only 8 wks
old. Jacob would like to hear from you. Maybe you
can give him some more tips. Just use my email
address. Thanks and God Bless. Sue
Karen - 01/15/00 01:20:33
My Email:Dreamer430@AOL.com
Kind of Pet: guinea pig
Your Pets Name: Oreo
State/Prov.: Tennessee
Great page!! My Oreo LOVES carrots, too. Looks almost exactly like Seek - black & white.
matthew - 01/13/00 23:23:41
Kind of Pet: cat
Nice page now I am going to bye one.
GOOD PAGE!!!!!!!!
matt - 01/13/00 23:16:18
Kind of Pet: getting a g-pig
State/Prov.: man
whitney meader - 01/08/00 21:03:27
Kind of Pet: guinea pigs
Your Pets Name: mo & zo
State/Prov.: TX
great page i love it!!!!
Mark Detsch - 01/08/00 18:26:57
My Email:jdetsch@msn.com
Kind of Pet: guinea pig
KARA - 01/08/00 14:18:41
Kind of Pet: ??
Your Pets Name: ??
State/Prov.: PENNA USA
Neil - 01/07/00 21:40:54
My Email:neilandnyla@aol.com
Kind of Pet: Rabbit/Guinnea pig/Hamster/Goldfish
Your Pets Name: Truffles/Fudge/Snowball/(fish dont have names)
State/Prov.: Glasgow
Loved the site. Learned alot of new things. When I stroked my g-pig(fudge)it always makes a purring sound. I always thought that was because it was scared! Fudge is now 6 months old.
Sarah - 01/04/00 17:57:46
My Email:bgraham@desupernet.net
Kind of Pet: Gpig,3 dogs,2 cats,mouse,horse
Your Pets Name: Tinker Bell,Raisin,Tasha,Mikey,Betsy,Rocky,Skittles,Pokey
State/Prov.: Pa
Great page!!!!!!!!!!
Shila Khodaparst - 01/04/00 04:55:42
My Email:shila16@aol.com
Kind of Pet: 2 guinea pigs, 2 dogs, and 2 cats
Your Pets Name: Babe, Rugs, Serenity, Kirby, Arial, Nalla
State/Prov.: Edmond, OK
This is a very good website. It is easy to read and very informative. You did a good job. Things are easily found.
Kathy - 01/01/00 17:41:23
My Email:B4Wolfes@cs.com
Kind of Pet: Abyssinian guinea/male
Your Pets Name: stripes
State/Prov.: MI
Mary Hackney - 12/31/99 01:29:55
My Email:maryh@mtinter.net
Kind of Pet: Guinea Pig
Your Pets Name: Maisy
State/Prov.: Virginia
I enjoyed your web page. It was very helpful being that I just bought one for my little girl.
Thanks Mary
Danny - 12/30/99 22:04:03
My Email:cdannyhill16@hotmail.com
State/Prov.: ms
Hey, I really like your g-pig page
i tried to e-mail u but it didn't work.
I have a question do g-pigs or their cage
stink? U see i don't have one yet but i
want one really bad and my mom says that
they stink which she really doesn't know.
i would like it if u could e-mail me back at
cdannyhill16@hotmail.com thanks and wish me
good luck!!
amanda leigh - 12/30/99 19:16:44
My Email:oat_boats99@hotmail.com
Kind of Pet: guinea pig
Your Pets Name: Sonny
State/Prov.: Va
Levi Deaton - 12/28/99 23:50:32
My URL:http://NOYB
My Email:NOYB
Kind of Pet: 4 Guineas
Your Pets Name: too many letters... look down
State/Prov.: OH
I was a little wired on my last signing. I thought your page was fantastic! I really was wondering about some of the sounds they make. My piggies names: Mr. bigglesworth, Ms. Sophia, Bruce Lee, and Chyna My doggies' names: Harley, Montana, and Scarlet I s
ill love Guinea piggers!!!
Levi S. Deaton - 12/28/99 23:36:26
Kind of Pet: Guinea Pigger
Your Pets Name: Bruce Lee, Chyna, Mr. Bigglesworth
State/Prov.: Ohio
I love Guinea piggers!!!
- 12/21/99 21:39:18
Lynn - 12/19/99 23:32:11
My Email:bocho6@hotmail.com
Kind of Pet: guinea pigs
Your Pets Name: Penelope and Madeline
State/Prov.: B.C.
very cute pics! Are these pics of when they were babies? They look very little. My pigs are both females. Anyways, enjoyed the web site!
Lynn - 12/19/99 23:32:03
My Email:bocho6@hotmail.com
Kind of Pet: guinea pigs
Your Pets Name: Penelope and Madeline
State/Prov.: B.C.
very cute pics! Are these pics of when they were babies? They look very little. My pigs are both females. Anyways, enjoyed the web site!
Susie - 12/19/99 13:12:50
My Email:non of your beeswax
Kind of Pet: Guinea pig
Your Pets Name: Nut Meg
State/Prov.: Isle of Man
Susie - 12/19/99 13:09:39
My Email:non of your beeswax
Kind of Pet: Guinea pig
Your Pets Name: Nut Meg
State/Prov.: Isle of Man
Susie - 12/19/99 12:59:19
My Email:not telling ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kind of Pet: guinea pig
Your Pets Name: Nut Meg
cute guinea pigs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jonathan - 12/12/99 21:59:07
11/12/99 10:18:50
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Website de Nice. Merci pour me laisser signer votre guestbook
Jen - 11/03/99 04:36:07
My URL:http://home.nycap.rr.com/jenbaby
My Email:jlsharp@nycap.rr.com
Kind of Pet: 8 guinea pigs & 2 dogs
Your Pets Name: doug, snugs, beefcake, boo jr, tweed, tinsel, griff, griffey jr, blackie jr, and cinnamin donut
State/Prov.: NY, USA
I like your site. I would like to see more pictures, too! I will check back to see if you update your page. I don't think you should use frames, but that is just my opinion. And, even tho you can always find free graphics to use, or make your own, pic
ures of your guinea pigs doing stuff is the best thing! Try to put pictures and instructions of their tricks!
ann - 10/26/99 14:44:23
My Email:ctherapy99@yahoo.com
Kind of Pet: guinea pig
Your Pets Name: Molly
State/Prov.: Pennsylvania
I think your web page is wonderful. It is full of great information. Molly is now 6 and a half years old and was diagnosed with cancer yesterday. My family is very sad and we want to make the last part of her life as best as possible. We willl be holdi
g her a lot and giving her fresh vegetables such as carrots! along with her guinea pig pellets. She has a friend Sugar that she shares her cage with who is another guinea pig. We were told that the cancer could be transmissible but they have been sharin
a cage for a long while now and they love each other so much and always cuddle next to each other. Thank you for your wonderful web page!
ann - 10/26/99 14:44:13
My Email:ctherapy99@yahoo.com
Kind of Pet: guinea pig
Your Pets Name: Molly
State/Prov.: Pennsylvania
I think your web page is wonderful. It is full of great information. Molly is now 6 and a half years old and was diagnosed with cancer yesterday. My family is very sad and we want to make the last part of her life as best as possible. We willl be holdi
g her a lot and giving her fresh vegetables such as carrots! along with her guinea pig pellets. She has a friend Sugar that she shares her cage with who is another guinea pig. We were told that the cancer could be transmissible but they have been sharin
a cage for a long while now and they love each other so much and always cuddle next to each other. Thank you for your wonderful web page!
Crystal - 10/15/99 16:39:16
My Email:crystal_ying@theglobe.com
Kind of Pet: Guinea Pig
Your Pets Name: BoBo,Bobby
State/Prov.: Hong Kong
It's very nice.
But i think the pic are not clear to see them.
Becky Gorrell - 10/02/99 04:24:01
My Email:Mmommy5x@aol.com
Kind of Pet: 5gpigs 1cat 2ferretts
Your Pets Name: sammy snowball velvet tutter outho coco sable baby
State/Prov.: CT
Sorry for the inconvenience, my last posting had a misspelled e-mail. Please use the address within this message to insure correspondance.
becky gorrell - 10/02/99 03:57:03
My Email:Mommy5x@aol.com
Kind of Pet: 5 guinea pigs
State/Prov.: CT
Pictures on your site would make it a liitle more interesting. Please leave me a return e-mail address, and when I publish pics this week, you can use any content you wish, for your own site.
A friend and I are just starting to breed them.
Paul - 09/29/99 14:02:19
Kind of Pet: Guinea Pig
Your Pets Name: Patches
State/Prov.: Georgia
nice page.
Karen - 09/26/99 05:10:36
My Email:karenboo@hotmail.com
Kind of Pet: 2 male guinea pigs
Your Pets Name: Oreo and Cappuccino
State/Prov.: Baltimore, Maryland
Thanks for the pictures of Hydy and Seek!! I always like to see photos of other people's pets. I had 2 female guinea pigs when I was growing up and I bought these 2 males for my daughters who are teenagers. The males are just as gentle as my females wer
and one is just as friendly.
Monica - 09/19/99 19:07:48
My Email:mrfolsom@sat.net
Kind of Pet: guinea pig
Your Pets Name: cuddles
State/Prov.: Texas
I really found your website to be very informative we just purchased our first g-pig. I had several questions and happened upon your site and found the answers I needed.
jasmus - 09/15/99 22:40:20
My Email:jasmus@go.net
Kind of Pet: guinea pig ,cat ,dog
Your Pets Name: gabby,tucker,saide
State/Prov.: Co
Bailey - 09/15/99 00:37:45
My Email:JeffKoerner@email.msn.com
Kind of Pet: Guinea Pig
Your Pets Name: Nippers
State/Prov.: IL
I liked this web site. I just got my first guinea pig in May. Can you give me any ideas for presents?
Thanks, Bailey
Tiffiany - 09/12/99 23:37:27
My Email:Lelu60@hotmail.com
Kind of Pet: Guinea pig
Your Pets Name: Scuffy
State/Prov.: South Dakota
I think guinea pigs are a cute and loveable pet. This is my first one I have had him less than a year.
Ally Orwig - 09/11/99 22:45:15
Kind of Pet: Dog
Your Pets Name: Gus and Jack
State/Prov.: C.Springs,CO
I liked it there was a lot of accessable info. Great job.
Rebecca Wheeler - 09/11/99 01:59:24
My Email:pandrwheeler@earthlink.net
Kind of Pet: Guinea Pig (male) & Cat (female)
Your Pets Name: Skittle & Tauny
State/Prov.: CA
Skittle sure likes to eat parsley, which is good for him. Tauny sometimes shares her Kitty Kibbles with Skittle, he likes that too. Skittle loves to have his security blanket wherever he goes.
Sarah Fergie - 09/06/99 22:24:39
My Email:ferggie4@aol.com
Kind of Pet: guinea pig
Your Pets Name: Tofu
State/Prov.: Massachusetts
I was glad to find a web site that had awsome graphics. thanks.
heidi - 09/06/99 14:32:47
Kind of Pet: GUINEA PIG
Your Pets Name: CRICRI
State/Prov.: IL
sheri - 09/06/99 13:51:33
My Email:sage22@snet.net
Kind of Pet: 3 cavys, silky red, agouti, mixed breed
Your Pets Name: rusty, peez, guinzo
State/Prov.: ct
love your page cavys are the greatest
Gaby - 09/05/99 20:12:00
My Email:gabstermania@hotmail.com
Kind of Pet: guinea pig
Your Pets Name: Chester and Jellybean
State/Prov.: Ontario
Well, I have two piggys and they are two months old. Your page helped me figure out new things about Chester and Jellybean.
Manon - 09/03/99 02:21:24
My Email:devils@ntl.sympatico.ca
Kind of Pet: g-pig
Your Pets Name: bouboule
State/Prov.: ontario
I loved your page on g-pigs,,,,I'm a new owner and had lots of questions about them,,,and you helped a great deal,,,but most of all on what kind of treats to give them,,,,*S*
Nina - 08/21/99 09:40:15
Kind of Pet: Guinea Pig (2)
Your Pets Name: Toffee & fudge
State/Prov.: England
I have two guinea pigs toffee and fudge and toffee
is very greedy and funny,and fudge is very shy but can sometimes be the bosy one.I think your page was great I learned a lot from it because some sites don't tell you how to teach your guinea pig tricks.
Nina - 08/21/99 09:40:09
Kind of Pet: Guinea Pig (2)
Your Pets Name: Toffee & fudge
State/Prov.: England
I have two guinea pigs toffee and fudge and toffee
is very greedy and funny,and fudge is very shy but can sometimes be the bosy one.I think your page was great I learned a lot from it because some sites don't tell you how to teach your guinea pig tricks.
Nina - 08/21/99 09:35:22
Deana Collins - 08/18/99 23:22:20
My Email:surfc10162@aol.com
Kind of Pet: guinea pig
Your Pets Name: Sweetpea
State/Prov.: South Carolina
Your site is really informative and fun. my guniea
pig and I both enjoy it.
Maria Montgomery - 08/18/99 06:34:12
My Email:WELUVK2384@AOL.com
Kind of Pet: G Pig
Your Pets Name: Candi
State/Prov.: WA
Thankyou for all your good information. It helped with Candi who we just got today. She has hair that goes everywhich way. She has white, brown and grey/black colors. She is very loveable and can be held. She feel asleep when she was held. She lives
next to our cockatiels.
Katye - 08/15/99 13:48:52
My Email:Gadgurl2
Kind of Pet: guinea pig
Your Pets Name: Gizmo Gonzo Gus
State/Prov.: Texas
guinea pigs are perfect pets i think
Aaron P Streeter - 08/06/99 18:33:49
Kind of Pet: guinea pig
Your Pets Name: jasmen
State/Prov.: Michagen,Sturgis
I think your guinea pigs are priddy cool!!!!
Tracy - 07/29/99 17:06:28
Kind of Pet: Guinea PIg
Your Pets Name: Pigglet
State/Prov.: MN
This is a cool guinea pig page.
Mr. T - 07/11/99 20:36:13
Kind of Pet: Guinea Pig
Your Pets Name: Pure Power
State/Prov.: FL.
Guinea Pigs are the SHIT
yee - 07/05/99 07:34:16
My Email:fhyee@rocketmail.com
Kind of Pet: dog
Your Pets Name: dicky
State/Prov.: M'sia
Christina Westerback - 04/24/99 17:18:41
lauren - 04/21/99 01:59:06
My URL:http://www.svsu.edu/~rongo
My Email:rongo@tardis.svsu.edu
Kind of Pet: guinea pig
Your Pets Name: Champ
State/Prov.: michigan
thanks a lot!!
Diane - 03/21/99 13:57:12
My Email:flatheadsaf@hotmail.com
Kind of Pet: 3 Alpaca Guineas
Your Pets Name: Pixee,muma and boy
Good page! Can I keep father and son pig together??
tanya kennel - 02/22/99 05:40:35
My Email:dabombxl@aol.com
Kind of Pet: guinea pig(abssynian)
Your Pets Name: Elvis
State/Prov.: el paso, texas
i liked your web site. i have owned 3 guinea pigs in the past and i learmed some stuff i didnt know. good job!!!
Carol Hoffmann - 01/27/99 20:49:50
My Email:sixhoffpeople@juno.com
Kind of Pet: guinea pig
Your Pets Name: Peanut
State/Prov.: WI
Logger - 01/21/99 13:39:55
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mi/LoggerK
Kind of Pet: Dog
State/Prov.: USA
nice GP page
Marilyn - 01/12/99 03:55:44
Kind of Pet: 2 guinea pigs
We liked your page!
Jason Helms - 01/10/99 14:33:25
My Email:jhelms@aol.com
Kind of Pet: 2 guinea pigs, 1 dog, 1 cat
Your Pets Name: Brooklyn, Squeak, Lady and Peeper
State/Prov.: Fripp Island, SC, USA
Enjoyed your page .... you did a great job!
Lindsay Adam - 01/01/99 19:14:53
My Email:dadam@uniserce.com
Kind of Pet: Guinea pig/dog/20 fish/ 4 birds/hampster/4 frogs/crickets
Your Pets Name: Rodney/Barkley/1 fishes name is Spike, the rest are un named/Murphy, Joe, Angle, Andy/Mickey/Doll,Crocker,Toby,freddy/the crickets don't have names they are for the frogs to eat.
State/Prov.: Chilliwack Birtish Columbia
I like your web page.
E-mail me back.
Lindsay Adam - 01/01/99 19:08:40
My Email:dadam@uniserce.com
Kind of Pet: Guinea pig/dog/20 fish/ 4 birds/hampster/4 frogs/crickets
Your Pets Name: Rodney/Barkley/1 fishes name
Hannah - 12/29/98 18:26:14
My Email:sylvester_hoops@yahoo.com
Kind of Pet: guinea pig/dog
Your Pets Name: cupcake/ruffles
State/Prov.: Texas
Andrew - 12/05/98 00:15:02
My Email:johnstone@kermode.net
Kind of Pet: dog
Your Pets Name: ceader
State/Prov.: B.C.
mackenzie - 11/19/98 05:46:13
My Email:kenz@uwyo.edu
Kind of Pet: guinea pig
Your Pets Name: Caliopey
State/Prov.: Wyoming
I love my pig!
PhageMaus - 11/12/98 21:54:47
My URL:/Petsburgh/4961
My Email:phagemaus@geocities.com
Kind of Pet: 2 guineapigs
Your Pets Name: Tiffany and Celine
State/Prov.: Texas
Nice Page!
Cheryl - 11/06/98 09:12:19
My Email:Cheryl@taff35.freeserve.co.uk
Kind of Pet: Rabbits/Guinea Pig(s)
Your Pets Name: Rhiannon, Merlin, Llewelyn Bendegefran
Great Page!
10/03/98 22:15:01
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
JASON - 09/29/98 06:40:42
My Email:www.daz.bendigo.net.au
Kind of Pet: GUINEA PIGS
Your Pets Name: ARNIE & WILMA
This is the best Guinea Pig site ive seen so far i found out alot about my guinea pigs and yours thank you
Kevin Roy - 09/28/98 15:36:02
My Email:kroy@flash.net
Kind of Pet: Dog, fish, GP
Your Pets Name: Myles, Gizmo
State/Prov.: MA
Nice page. Good information. Keep up the good work.
JULIE HADSELL - 09/27/98 05:42:07
Your Pets Name: ALF
State/Prov.: OHIO
Emma - 09/16/98 11:20:27
Kind of Pet: 1 guinea pig
Your Pets Name: Doris
Cool page I think it is great.
Dani Mclennan - 08/29/98 00:56:06
Kind of Pet: 6 Guinea Pigs
Your Pets Name: Snuggle,Snowy ,Spike, Checa,Chocolate and Squeaky Junoir
Really good site and really interesting.
Miles - 08/29/98 00:32:40
My Email:milestracy@yahoo.com
Kind of Pet: guinea pig
I want to know if long hair guinea pig babies have long hair?
Jenny - 07/31/98 01:29:01
Kind of Pet: 2 Puruvian Guinea Pigs
Your Pets Name: Montego Bay + Dutchess
State/Prov.: Washington
Adria Gunter - 06/08/98 02:49:11
My Email:Chonkiz@aol.com
Kind of Pet: Guinea pig
Your Pets Name: Wiggy
State/Prov.: DC
I'm testing your treat advice on Wiggy tonight. He doesn't know what to think some of it. He likes raisins (my idea!) best. Thanks for the webpage.
Kelsey Landon - 05/12/98 22:32:26
My Email:Callie910@aol.com
Kind of Pet: Haven't got one YET
Your Pets Name: Haven't got one YET
State/Prov.: Oklahama,USA
This page is very helpful and it answered a lot of my questions about my future Guinea Pig.
Kelsey Landon - 05/12/98 22:26:52
My Email:Callie910@aol.com
Kind of Pet: Haven't got one YET
Your Pets Name: Haven't got one YET
State/Prov.: Oklahama,USA
This page is very helpful and it answered a lot of my questions about my future Guinea Pig.
Miss Cubanita - 03/10/98 01:59:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Breakers/8587
Kind of Pet: Puppy (golden retriever)
Your Pets Name: Shaggy
State/Prov.: pittsburgh
you have a great site here :) love the icons and the gifs...your links are also great...although we didnt get the chance to view the whole site...we will bookmark it so w
can...take care and keep up the good work...you are welcome to visit our little world on the web...it has just about something for everyone
take care
Megan - 02/22/98 17:56:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/4200/
My Email:meganspage@geocities.com
Kind of Pet: dogs
Your Pets Name: Princess and Ophie
State/Prov.: USA/KY
Hi! Thanks for signing my guestbook and what you said about my page. Sorry it took me so long to answer but I made my page at my aunt's house and I'm only here on the weekends sometimes. Your page is Great! Thanks again! See ya!
Therrien - 02/17/98 19:39:21
My Email:tpoynter@efn.org
Kind of Pet: Guinea Pigs, Birds, Dogs, Cats, Fish, Rabbit, Rat and Horse
Your Pets Name: 64 Guinea Pigs plus, Duke, Daphnie, Shaddow, Cree (Dogs), Zoomer, Milo, Sylvester, Calvin (Cats), Woody, Windy (Horses), Pearl (Rabbit), Spinnie, Gretta, Ekko, Daphie (Birds), and Plum (Rat)
State/Prov.: Oregon, U.S.A.
Hi, I breed Guinea Pigs to show and as pets, I really like this page. I think it has a lot of good cavy (Guinea pig) information and I like the guinea pig icons.
P.S. I breed Teddies (my specialty), Linghairs, and American Guinea pigs.
Feel free to E-mail me with any Guinea Pig questions!
P.P.S. This page is Really Cool!!!!
Allison - 02/05/98 16:21:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/6728/page1.html
Kind of Pet: guinea pig
Your Pets Name: Marigold
State/Prov.: Ontario
Great page...keep up the good work! I like your links...very useful.
Evelyn - 01/30/98 04:06:33
Kind of Pet: Guinea Pig
Your Pets Name: Pork Chop
Your site is just wonderful. The other links are very interesting... too.
Amethyst - 01/16/98 18:23:57
My URL:/Heartland/Ranch/6243
My Email:eileenlowe@pagosasprings.net
Just dropped in to say Hi! neighbor and to wish you a Happy Birthday
Alana - 01/02/98 23:57:42
My URL:------------------
My Email:kazinski@unibomber.bom
Kind of Pet: I used to have a fish
Your Pets Name: Ed (Edwardo)
State/Prov.: Ontario
This is the first time I have had a chance to look at your page. I'm impressed you know so much about the fascinating world of guinea pigs. The homepage is really well done and formatted though. E-mail my real address soon.
Christie - 01/02/98 21:23:52
My Email:cherwinsk @ msn.com
Kind of Pet: gpig, fish, dog, sea monkeys
Your Pets Name: Chocolate,,Ernie
State/Prov.: Ontario
Stephanie Cherwinsk - 01/02/98 21:15:56
My Email:cherwinsk @ msn.com
Kind of Pet: long haired Guinea pig
Your Pets Name: Vanilla
State/Prov.: Ontario
Pumpkin and Holly - 12/22/97 19:22:47
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~PumpkinandHolly
My Email:freeman@aa.net
Kind of Pet: We are Cats!
Your Pets Name: We are the pets!
State/Prov.: A litter box in Washington
*Meow Meow* Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Holly and Pumpkin. They'd both like a guinea pig, but I'm smart enough to know what they would do if they were given one, so they are out of luck! :*)
Ron (Aussie-Ron) - 11/30/97 23:25:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/5120
My Email:roncol@sa.apana.org.au
Kind of Pet: Pussies
Your Pets Name: Many!
State/Prov.: South Australia
Hi There, we love Hydy and Seek and hope to see more of them soon.
Keep up the Good Work and please visit us soon and sign the GuestBook
Thanks a lot from Ron in South Oz.
Brad the Best!!!! - 11/29/97 04:02:58
Kind of Pet: bear, tiger, elephant, and a moose
State/Prov.: NT
Nice pets don't you think?
Bradley - 11/28/97 23:55:45
Kind of Pet: 3 catz
Your Pets Name: Lisa, Kabik and Buddy
State/Prov.: Yellowknife,NT
My pets rock and yours don"t!!!!!!!!!
Kabiks mine
marieke - 11/26/97 10:39:24
My Email:marieke@stw.nl
Kind of Pet: cats, dog, gpigs, rabbit, degu
Your Pets Name: Ishara, jade, Onyx, Emmi, Git, Iepie, Wietske, Bilbo & Sjoerd
State/Prov.: The Netherlands
Very nice piggy page!! Don't let anyone tell you GPigs aren't cool, we know better, don't we?!
Dutch greetings from my pigs Iepie and Wietske.
Renee Beres - 11/22/97 18:47:45
My Email:Modestyblaise1@rocketmail.com
Kind of Pet: Pappilons dogs,hamster 2 gerbils and fish
Your Pets Name: Caramel,Jeff,Chocalat,Scotty,Hickery,none
State/Prov.: Ontario/canada
hey matt cool page and really like it! i like the name s of ur hamsters! i would like to see a pic one day!well don't forget to mail me one day bub bye!
luv Modesty
BIANCA MONTANEZ - 11/07/97 18:12:39
My Email:montanez@iglobal.net
Kind of Pet: dog:rottwierler,cat :minx , guinea pig
Your Pets Name: India,Fangs,Hershey
State/Prov.: Texas
love your page esp. your pictures
of you guinea pig w/b
Bobby Giroux - 11/03/97 22:23:48
My Email:kmart3@hotmail.com
Kind of Pet: dog
Your Pets Name: rascal
State/Prov.: ontario
HI matt. It is Bobby. A.K.A. kmart. Nice page it is very informative.
- 10/17/97 18:35:41
Kind of Pet: guinea pig
Your Pets Name: whinnie & abby
Elizabeth Goose - 10/17/97 06:18:14
My Email:angela@katipo.co.nz
Kind of Pet: 80cavies,1dog,1cat,tropical fish and gold fish
Your Pets Name: Tui, Fonzy and many more
State/Prov.: New Zealand
Your pages are cool!I don't know about this yellow screen though. I'd love to see your guinea pigs and when i've finished my home page you'll be able to see mine too!
George & Sherry Dudak - 10/16/97 23:59:40
My Email:flyingpigfarms@frs-l.com
Kind of Pet: 33 guinea pigs`
Your Pets Name: Stevie Ray,Connor,Jessie,Elvis,Tilly,Merlynn,Zoe,Grace,Terra,Otis,Tina,Willie,Augie,Iggy,Mason,Dixon,Hamlet,Haley,Sadie,Savannah,Selena,Lilly,Clancy,Patrick,Micheal,Joseph,Trent,Matthew,Beaumont,Dana,Mena,Nigel,Devlin
State/Prov.: Illinois
Weve been raising and rescueing guinea pigs for about 7 years now. I am in the process of writing a web page will send URL when ready. Keep up the good work, will bookmark your page, looking forward to seeing picture of your guinea pigs
PRIEST - 10/15/97 06:06:25
Your Pets Name: KILOBYTE
Da EazyCheeze - 10/13/97 06:45:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Studios/5182
Kind of Pet: Dogs (Does my little brother count?)
Your Pets Name: Cappuccino, Samantha
State/Prov.: N.California
hmmm... Guinea pigs... interesting... but my dogs would eat them if I had some... hmmm... ok bye.
Ryan MacLeod - 10/12/97 21:57:54
My Email:ryanma@ssimicro.com
State/Prov.: NT
Tres Nice, Matt
Lisa - 10/12/97 08:06:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Union/9304
My Email:Lisan29@hotmail.com
Kind of Pet: cats and dogs (I'd also love to own a horse)
Your Pets Name: Bridie - My dog, and my cats - Samuel Davis Jr (Sammy for short) Tabitha, and Sookie
State/Prov.: Canberra, Australia
this page is pretty damn cute *smiles* Keep up the good work *hugs* Catchat later.
Tom - 10/09/97 08:24:05
My Email:coolio@hotmail.com
Kind of Pet: Cat, Dog
Your Pets Name: Cats= Hunter, Missy dog=fern
State/Prov.: Not usa