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This is the guinea pigs frequently asked question page if you have anything you would like to have put up here e-mail me.

Q: How do I hold my guinea pig?

A: The right way to hold your guinea pig is to make sure that you are not scared when handling it because it will not feel secure and will more than likely squirm or try to get away. So to get yourself and your g-pig used to eachother put him/her on your lap or between your legs on the floor. It will also enjoy being groomed when it gets used to it.

Q: How long will my guinea pig live?

A: Guinea pigs have a life span of 5-8 years. There is no significant difference in the life span of a male or female. As for most mammals though, there is a tendency for the male to have a slightly shorter life expectancy. Males tend to be the "weaker sex" so to speak. Guinea pigs are social, herd-living creatures, so it is probably wrong to keep one apart from its own kind.

Q: My guinea pig makes a variety of noises such as squeaks, chirps and whissels what do these mean?

A: I have made a list of most of the sounds a guinea pig makes and what they mean at this link.

Q: I just bought another guinea pig for my older female which was alone. They are of the same breed yet they fight like crazy. What can I do?

A: Seperate the guinea pigs immediately if you see that they are fighting. I would put them in two adjacent cages and put a splash of the same perfume on them for a few weeks. Make sure it is safe for them though. Strangers will fight even if they are herd-living creatures. Those raised together are more than likely going to keep peace so its best to buy two g-pigs that have been raised together.

Q: My guinea pigs nails are very long and I would like to trim them. How far back should they be cut and can I use any kind of clippers?

A: Dog clippers or even nail clippers will do fine. But you'll need another person's help - someone to hold the guinea pig gently but firmly. Extend it's leg and hold the claw up to a light. You should see a red or pinkish quick toward the base of the claw. Cut a short distance away from this to avoid bleeding. The process is painless, unless you accidentally cut this sensitive quick. If your g-pig struggles it's not because it hurts but because it is afraid and doesn't know what is going on.

Q: My guinea pig loves to eat greens but everyone says its bad for her. Is this true? Should guinea pigs be in the sun?

A: Your guinea pig should have a variety of foods to choose from these are all listed on my food link. You should find your food answer there. Guinea pigs will enjoy basking in the sun, but there should be some shade available.

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