Sept. 19/98
The Guinea Pig Page
Hi, My name is Matthew and I hope you enjoy my page. I have two tortoise shell guinea pigs. One is four years old while the other is three years old. Hydy (the eldest) is gray and white while Seek is brown and white. I know a fair bit about them and I try to help people out with their problems. Picture of Hydy and Seek now here!! I am looking to redo this site and I need some ideas on graphics and whether or not I should use frames, please e-mail me with your suggestions!
FAQ page (Frequently
Asked Questions)
Characteristic Page
(i.e. whistling, purring,etc.)
Training your guinea
Hydy and Seek (This is
about my two guinea pigs.)
Also e-mail me with comments and suggestions for my page. Click
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Last edited - Aug 19/00