Hi! Thanks for visiting my pages. To help me know how I should develop this site, I'd be really grateful if you would sign the guestbook. God bless you. Steve |
maria lenker - 11/17/99 13:07:36
My Email:lenker@pa.net
Your favourite page on my site: not sure yet
Are you a Christian?: yes
Whhich church do you worship in?: united methodist
Which browser do you use?: dell internet
11/12/99 10:18:14
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Website de Nice. Agradecimentos para deixar-me assinar seu guestbook
Vicki Faber Boyers - 11/09/99 02:48:16
My Email:inmotive@bright.net
Are you a Christian?: Yes
Whhich church do you worship in?: First Christian Church
- 09/26/99 17:55:42
God loves you too
- 09/04/99 03:25:00
RyouHis - 07/23/99 05:28:46
My URL:http://members.aol.com/RyouHis/Must-be-Born-Again.html
My Email:RyouHis@aol.com
Your favourite page on my site: Will let ya know after spend some time on your site
Are you a Christian?: A Big Yes-Romans10:9&10
Whhich church do you worship in?: www.Calvarychapel.com
Which browser do you use?: Netscape - Explorer
Well done...servant of Christ....your site makes one feel welcome and personal.....Praise Jesus for your ministry.....enjoy the anointing Jesus has on your life....In Jesus name....
Gijs van Waversveld - 07/07/99 23:52:04
My URL:http://home.publishnet.nl/~waver
My Email:waver@publishnet.nl
Your favourite page on my site: have nune, like em all
Are you a Christian?: Celtic
Whhich church do you worship in?: none, I believe in a whole other kinda "believe"
Which browser do you use?: IE50
Great page, your link has been added...
see ya on the net
regards Gijs
phil & jo - 05/07/99 14:34:20
just to let you know we poped in. Thanks for the prayer support.
Dave (remember me?) - 04/23/99 17:20:55
My URL:http://www.dcourson@bop.gov
My Email:boop@atlantic.com
Your favourite page on my site: home page
Whhich church do you worship in?: Bible Baptist
Which browser do you use?: Yahoo
Steve, thanks for the E-Mail. Great to hear from you. Hope that everyone is well. In answer to your question about the kids, we currently have 7 yes that's seven!!!!!!!!! Life is great. I only have a second or two right now, but we will be in touch real s
Lee Joyner - 02/22/99 16:20:13
My Email:vent@inet4u.com
Your favourite page on my site: all good ones
Are you a Christian?: Yes
Whhich church do you worship in?: Warren Plains Baptist
Which browser do you use?: Netscape
Enjoyed your pages. Looking forward to the pictures on the fish page. I am glad to see you reaching out to the lost. We need more of that. Keep up the good work.
10/03/98 22:14:12
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
David Chaplin - 09/14/98 12:36:11
My Email:davidc@beacon-ct.co.uk
Are you a Christian?: Yup!
Whhich church do you worship in?: Sawston URC
Which browser do you use?: IE4
Cool site. See you in a fortnight!
Steven A. Venuso - 08/18/98 21:25:06
My URL:http://www.ac.com
My Email:savenus2000@mail city. com
Your favourite page on my site: tropical fish
Are you a Christian?: No
Which browser do you use?: Info seek
Hey Steve just stick with your hobby and keep yor religious feelings to yourself. I think if you did you would have a much better home page.
Steven A. Venuso - 08/18/98 21:22:42
Steven A. Venuso - 08/18/98 21:19:38
Kevin Leeder - 07/04/98 17:11:22
My Email:kevin.leeder@virgin.net
Your favourite page on my site: all
Which browser do you use?: Netsape
Nice to see I have not gone to the US. Fish are a hobby of mine. best of luck in your new area. It will be their gain and Cambrige's loss.
Anne Webel - 04/21/98 11:38:09
My Email:anne.webel@sg.cec.be
Your favourite page on my site: I'm into tropicalfish
Are you a Christian?: yes
Whhich church do you worship in?: Scottish Church in Brussels
Your Christianity page is empty apart for the ad from Reader's Digest. Are you still creating it? I'm looking forward to seeing your fish photos. I too am a beginner and have a community tank. I've got three guppies, three sword tails, five cory pandas, 5
otos (I only wanted three but they're so small I took more), 6 cherry barbs and a school of
flame tetras. I'm looking to introduce a small snail eater as the snails were introduced three weeks before the fish and seem to have got out of hand.
Peace be with you
David Chaplin - 01/21/98 09:59:56
My Email:DChap31043@aol.com
Are you a Christian?: Yes
Whhich church do you worship in?: Sawston URC
Which browser do you use?: Internet Explorer 4.0
Interesting spelling of 'Which'!
You'll have to let me know how to set up a web site before you leave.
Nick Faber - 01/09/98 07:34:34
My URL:http://www.lgcy.com/users/n/nickf/index.htm
My Email:nickf@lgcy.com
Your favourite page on my site: Homepage
Are you a Christian?: Yes
Whhich church do you worship in?: LDS, JO 3rd Ward
Which browser do you use?: Netscape 4.0
Hey Bro.
Come see my 'old' page before I re-vamp it - not sure what I'm going to do yet.
Hope you're all doing OK
PIP!! - 11/30/97 13:03:58
My Email:P.M.Bell@music.hull.ac.uk
Your favourite page on my site: I don't really know Steve.
Are you a Christian?: I think so!
Whhich church do you worship in?: SAWSTON
Which browser do you use?: Chris Prowse
Hi Steve,remember me?!Cool website,but I haven't read it all yet.See you soon.
Loads of love from Pip.
donovan - 11/26/97 16:56:36
My Email:dsharpe@sprint.ca
Are you a Christian?: yes
Whhich church do you worship in?: evangel temple,Canada
Which browser do you use?: netscape
Ivan - 11/23/97 19:49:57
My URL:http://WWW.pcs-inet.com/Ivan
clive - 10/17/97 14:53:19
My URL:http://geocities etc
My Email:cla@techprt.co.uk
Whhich church do you worship in?: Gt. Shelford Free
Which browser do you use?: Netsc
Just browsing!
Nice to visit you.
I do youth work at your neighbouring church, so I thought I'd pay a visit.
Gary Brun - 09/23/97 08:35:41
My Email:nightowl@online.no
Are you a Christian?: Yes
Which browser do you use?: Netscape
Jan - 08/31/97 01:21:18
My URL:/`janmichelle
It sounds as if you have a busy, happy family! I will check back to see what else you add, soon. Congratulations on combining technology with religion! Come visit my page and sign my book, too!
Rod Webster - 08/28/97 01:33:01 GMT
My URL:http://www.proaxis.com/~kgal12/
My Email:kgal12@proaxis.com
Your favourite page on my site: all
Are you a Christian?: A lover of God
Whhich church do you worship in?: Many/personalprayres
Which browser do you use?: Netscape 4.02
Keep up the good work! Visit my page and sign!!
jungleofmine - 08/22/97 19:05:53 GMT
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~jungleofmine
My Email:jungleofmine@mindless.com
Your favourite page on my site: The Fish!!!!:)
Are you a Christian?: YES
Whhich church do you worship in?: PLANET EARTH
Excellent page!!!!Will have to stop back to look further!!!!The fish ring seems a good place to start!!!!:)
Mike Stadelmaier - 08/09/97 10:26:25 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Trails/1171/
Found your page searching through GeoCities.
Getting ideas for improving my own page (it's
a hiking page).
Nada - 07/25/97 23:45:14 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/4858
My Email:hopev@hotmail.com
Your favourite page on my site: I liked them all...
Are you a Christian?: yes
Whhich church do you worship in?: UPC
Which browser do you use?: Netscape.
I loved browsing you page very much. I hope to see you around my other home sometiem when you get the chance!!! I found you through the Heartland Ring.
Keith Thomas - 07/21/97 17:14:51 GMT
My Email:g.keith.thomas@faa.dot.gov
Your favourite page on my site: I don't know Just got here
Are you a Christian?: Yes
Whhich church do you worship in?: Galilee Temple Ind Assembly of God
Which browser do you use?: Explorer
Judy Langford - 07/19/97 17:57:55 GMT
My Email:judyl@ssimicro.com
Your favourite page on my site: fish and links
Are you a Christian?: yes
Whhich church do you worship in?: United Church of Canada
Which browser do you use?: Netscape 3.0
Have you had any luck getting the scanner to work? My husband's set one up here which seems to work quite well and could perhaps give some advice. Drop us a line.
Steve - 06/27/97 13:23:01 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/8595
My Email:stevefaber@geocities.com
All of it!
Are you a Christian?: Yep.
Whhich church do you worship in?: Sawston Free Church, Sawston, Nr Cambridge, England
Which browser do you use?: Netscape 2
on - since you bothered to read this, you might as well sign the guestbook yourself....!