Pedigree Charts

I. Pedigree Charts

Pedigree Chart #1 - Sharon Louise HERRINGTON

Pedigree Chart #2 - John Marion HERRINGTON

Pedigree Chart #3 - Martha J. (Mattie) CELY

Pedigree Chart #4 - Joseph Smith EVANS

Pedigree Chart #5 - Charity ELROD

Pedigree Chart #6 - Francis Marion FREEMAN

Pedigree Chart #7 - Rachael Caroline RICHARDSON

Pedigree Chart #8 - Elias Franklin ELROD

Pedigree Chart #9 - Dora Frances COOK

Pedigree Chart #10 - Abraham ELROD

Pedigree Chart #11 - Margery STAUNTON

Pedigree Chart #12 - Mary Howard DOUTHIT

Pedigree Chart #13 - Josiah FREEMAN

Pedigree Chart #14 - Susannah HAWKINS

Pedigree Chart #15 - Charles MARTIN

Pedigree Chart #16 - Patsy MOON

Pedigree Chart #17 - Thomas HARRINGTON

Pedigree Chart #18 - William WILLINGHAM

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Descendants of Thomas & Mary Whitmel Harrington | Other Harrington Researchers

| Alabama | Arkansas | Florida | Georgia | Illinois | Kentucky | Louisiana | Missouri |
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