Language                Translation
--------                -----------
Afrikaans               Ek het jou liefe
Afrikaans               Ek is lief vir jou
Albanian                te dua
Albanian                te dashuroj
Alentejano(Portugal)    Gosto De Ti, Porra!
Alsacien                Ich hoan dich gear
Amharic                 Afekrishalehou
Arabic                  Ana Behibak (to a male)
Arabic                  Ana Behibek (to a female)
Arabic                  Ib'n hebbak.
Arabic                  Ana Ba-heb-bak
Arabic                  nhebuk
Arabic                  Ohiboke   (male to female)
Arabic                  Ohiboka   (female to male)
Arabic                  Ohibokoma (male or female to two males or two females)
Arabic                  Nohiboke  (more than one male or female to female)
Arabic                  Nohiboka  (male to male or female to male)
Arabic                  Nohibokoma (m. to m. or f. to two males or two females)
Arabic                  Nohibokom (m. to m. or f. to more than two males)
Arabic                  Nohibokon (m. to m. or f. to more than two females)
Arabic (not standard)   Bahibak   (female to male)
Arabic (not standard)   Bahibik   (male to female)
Arabic (not standard)   Benhibak  (more than one male or female to male)
Arabic (not standard)   Benhibik  (male to male or female to female)
Arabic (not standard)   Benhibkom (m. to m. or female to more than one male)
Assamese                Moi tomak bhal pau
Basc                    Nere Maitea
Batak                   Holong rohangku di ho
Bavarian                I mog di narrisch gern
Bengali                 Ami tomAy bhAlobAshi
Bengali                 Ami tomake bhalobashi.
Berber                  Lakh tirikh
Bicol                   Namumutan ta ka
Bolivian Quechua        qanta munani
Bulgarian               Obicham te
Burmese                 chit pa de
Cambodian               Bon sro lanh oon
Cambodian               kh_nhaum soro_lahn nhee_ah
Canadian French         Sh'teme  (spoken, sounds like this)
Cantonese               Moi oiy neya
Cantonese               Ngo oi ney
Catalan                 T'estim   (mallorcan)
Catalan                 T'estim molt (I love you a lot)
Catalan                 T'estime  (valencian)
Catalan                 T'estimo  (catalonian)
Cebuano                 Gihigugma ko ikaw.
Chickasaw               chiholloli   (first "i" nasalized)
Chinese                 (see the entries for mandarin or cantonese!)
Corsican                Ti tengu cara (to female)
Corsican                Ti tengu caru (to male)
Croatian                LJUBim te
Czech                   miluji te
Czech                   MILUJU TE! (colloquial form)
Danish                  Jeg elsker dig
Dutch                   Ik hou van jou
Dutch                   Ik ben verliefd op je
Ecuador Quechua         canda munani
English                 I love you
English                 I adore you
Esperanto               Mi amas vin
Estonian                Mina armastan sind
Estonian                Ma armastan sind
Farsi                   Tora dust midaram
Farsi                   Asheghetam
Farsi (Persian)         doostat dAram
Filipino                Mahal ka ta
Filipino                Iniibig Kita
Finnish                 Mina" rakastan sinua
Flemish                 Ik zie oe geerne
French                  Je t'aime
French                  Je t'adore
Friesian                Ik hald fan dei
Gaelic                  Ta gra agam ort
German                  Ich liebe Dich
Greek                   s'ayapo   (spoken s'agapo, 3rd letter is lower case
Greek (old)             (Ego) philo su (ego is only needed for emphasis)
Greenlandic             Asavakit
Gujrati                 Hoon tane pyar karoochhoon.
Hausa                   Ina sonki
Hawaiian                Aloha I'a Au Oe
Hebrew                  Ani ohev otach       (male to female)
Hebrew                  Ani ohev otcha       (male to male)
Hebrew                  Ani ohevet otach     (female to female)
Hebrew                  Ani ohevet otcha     (female to male)
Hindi                   Mai tumase pyar karata hun  (male to female)
Hindi                   Mai tumase pyar karati hun  (female to male)
Hindi                   Main Tumse Prem Karta Hoon
Hindi                   Mai Tumhe Pyar Karta Hoon
Hindi                   Main Tumse Pyar Karta Hoon
Hindi                   Mai Tumse Peyar Karta Hnu
Hindi                   Mai tumse pyar karta hoo
Hokkien                 Wa ai lu
Hopi                    Nu' umi unangwa'ta
Hungarian               Szeretlek
Hungarian               Szeretlek te'ged
Icelandic               Eg elska thig
Indi                    Mai Tujhe Pyaar Kartha Ho
Indonesian              Saya cinta padamu    (Saya, commonly used)
Indonesian              Saya cinta kamu            ( " )
Indonesian              Saya kasih saudari         ( " )
Indonesian              Aku tjinta padamu    (Aku, not often used)
Indonesian              Aku cinta padamu           ( " )
Indonesian              Aku cinta kamu             ( " )
Iranian                 Mahn doostaht doh-rahm
Irish                   taim i' ngra leat
Italian                 ti amo (if it's a relationship/lover/spouse)
Italian                 ti voglio bene (if it's a friend, or relative)
Japanese                Kimi o ai shiteru
Japanese                Aishiteru
Japanese                Chuu shiteyo
Japanese                Ora omee no koto ga suki da
Japanese                Ore wa omae ga suki da
Japanese                Suitonnen
Japanese                Sukiyanen
Japanese                Sukiyo
Japanese                Watashi Wa Anata Ga Suki Desu
Japanese                Watashi Wa Anata Wo Aishithe Imasu
Japanese                Watakushi-wa anata-wo ai shimasu
Japanese                Suki desu  (used at 1st time, like for a start,
                                    when you are not yet real lovers)
Javanese                Kulo tresno
Kannada                 Naanu Ninnanu Preethisuthene
Kannada                 Naanu Ninnanu Mohisuthene
Kiswahili               Nakupenda
Klingon                 qabang
Klingon                 qaparHa' (depends where in the galaxy you are)
Korean                  No-rul sarang hae (man to woman in casual relation)
Korean                  Tangsinul sarang ha yo
Korean                  Tangshin-ul sarang hae-yo
Korean                  Tangsinul Sarang Ha Yo
Korean                  Tangshin-i cho-a-yo (i like you, in a romantic way)
Korean                  Nanun tangshinul sarang hamnida
Korean                  Nanun Dangsineul Mucheog Joahapnida
Korean                  Nanun Dangsineul Saranghapnida
Korean                  Nanun Gdaega Joa
Korean                  Nanun Gdaereul Saranghapnida
Korean                  Nanun Neoreul Saranghanda
Korean                  Gdaereul Hjanghan Naemaeum Alji
Korean                  Joahaeyo
Korean                  Saranghae
Korean                  Saranghaeyo
Korean                  Saranghapanida
Kurdish                 Ez te hezdikhem (?)
Lao                     Koi muk jao
Lao                     Khoi huk chau
Latin                   Te amo
Latin                   Vos amo
Latin (old)             (Ego) amo te (ego, for emphasis)
Latvian                 Es milu tevi (Pronounced "Ess tevy meeloo")
Lebanese                Bahibak
Lingala                 Nalingi yo
Lisbon lingo            gramo-te bue', chavalinha
Lithuanian              TAVE MYLIU (ta-ve mee-lyu)
Lojban                  mi do prami
Luo                     Aheri
Macedonian              SAKAM TE!
Madrid lingo            Me molas, tronca
Malay                   Saya cintakan mu
Malay                   Saya sayangkan mu
Malay/Indonesian        Saya sayangkan engkau
Malay/Indonesian        Saya cintakan awak
Malayalam               Njyaan Ninne' Preetikyunnu
Malayalam               Njyaan Ninne' Mohikyunnu.
Malayalam               Ngan Ninne Snaehikkunnu
Malaysian               Saya Cintamu
Malaysian               Saya Sayangmu
Malaysian               Saya Cinta Kamu
Mandarin                Wo ai ni  (Wo3 ai4 ni3  in tonal notation)
Maori                    Mau aroha ahau
Marathi                 me tujhashi prem karto (male to female)
Marathi                 me tujhashi prem karte (female to male)
Marathi                 Mi tuzya var prem karato
Mohawk                  Konoronhkwa
Navaho                  Ayor anosh'ni
Ndebele                 Niyakutanda
Norwegian               Eg elskar deg  (Nynorsk)
Norwegian               Jeg elsker deg (Bokmaal) (pronouncedyai elske dai)
Op                      Op Lopveop Yopuop
Osetian                 Aez dae warzyn
Pakistani               Mujhe Tumse Muhabbat Hai
Persian                 Tora dost daram
Pig Latin               Ie Ovele Ouye
Polish                  Kocham Cie
Polish                  Ja cie kocham
Polish                  Yacha kocham
Polish                  Kocham Ciebie
Portuguese              Amo-te
Portuguese (brazilian)  Eu te amo
Punjabi                 Mai taunu pyar karda
Punjabi                 Main Tainu Pyar Karna
Quenya                  Tye-mela'ne
Romanian                Te iu besc
Romanian                Te Ador
Russian                 Ya vas liubliu
Russian                 Ya tebya liubliu
Russian                 Ya polubeel s'tebya
Russian (malincaya)     Ya Tibieh Lublue
Scot Gaelic             Tha gra\dh agam ort
Serbian                 ljubim te   (I kiss you/love you,
                                     'lj' pronounced like 'll' in
                                     Spanish, one sound, 'ly'ish)
Serbocroatian           Volim te
Serbocroatian           Ljubim te
Shona                   Ndinokuda
Sinhalese               Mama oyata adarei
Sioux                   Techihhila
Slovak                  lubim ta
Slovene                 ljubim te
Spanish                 Te quiero
Spanish                 Te amo
Srilankan               Mama Oyata Arderyi
Swahili                 Naku penda (followed by the person's name)
Swedish                 Jag a"lskar dig
Swiss-German            Ch'ha di ga"rn
Syrian/Lebanese         BHEBBEK (to a female)
Syrian/Lebanese         BHEBBAK (to a male)
Tagalog                 Mahal kita
Tahitian                Ua Here Vau Ia Oe
Tamil                   Ni yaanai kaadli karen     (You love me)
Tamil                   n^An unnaik kAthalikkinREn (I love you)
Tamil                   Naan Unnai Kadalikiren
Tcheque                 MILUJI TE^
Telugu                  Neenu ninnu pra'mistu'nnanu
Telugu/india            Nenu Ninnu Premistunnanu
Thai                    Phom Rak Khun   (formal, male to female)
Thai                    Ch'an Rak Khun  (formal, female to male)
Thai                    Khao Raak Thoe  (affectionate, sweet, loving)
Thai                    Phom Rak Khun
Tunisian                Ha eh bak                     *
Turkish                 Seni seviyo*rum     (o* means o)
Turkish                 Seni Seviyurum
Turkish                 Seni Seviyorum
Ukrainian               ja tebe koKHAju  (real true love)
Ukrainian               ja vas koKHAju
Ukrainian               ja pokoKHAv tebe
Ukrainian               ja pokoKHAv vas
Urdu                    Mujhe tumse mohabbat hai
Urdu                    Main Tumse Muhabbat Karta Hoon
Vietnamese              Em ye^u anh   (woman to man)
Vietnamese              Toi yeu em
Vietnamese              Anh ye^u em   (man to woman)
Vlaams                  Ik hue van ye
Vulcan                  Wani ra yana ro aisha
Welsh                   'Rwy'n dy garu di.
Welsh                   Yr wyf i yn dy garu di (chwi)
Yiddish                 Ich libe dich
Yiddish                 Ich han dich lib
Yiddish                 Ikh Hob Dikh Lib
Yugoslavian             Ya te volim
Zazi                    Ezhele hezdege (sp?)
Zulu                    Mena Tanda Wena
Zulu                    Ngiyakuthanda!
Zuni                    Tom ho' ichema
Explanation of Languages
Afrikaans       -> People of Dutch heritage in south Africa.
Alsacien        -> french/german dialect (live in france,but speak like german)
Assamese        -> language spoken in the state of Assam, India
Batak           -> North Sumatra province of indonesia
Bavarian        -> Southern state of Germany (actually a German dialect)
Bengali         -> language spoken in the state of West Bengal, India,
                     as well as almost all people of BANGLADESH
Bicol           -> Philipin dialect
Cebuano         -> language spoken in philipino near the town of Cebu
Chickasaw       -> Native American spoken in southeastern Oklahoma.
Friesian        -> they speak the language in Northern Holland
                     in Northern Germany and in some parts of Denmark
                     mainly west coast
Gaelic          -> Irish
Gujrati         -> language spoken in the state of Gujrat, India
Hindi           -> language spoken in the nothern states of India
Hopi            -> North American Indian Tribe (Southwest maybe?)
Kannada         -> Language of Karnataka a state in south India.
Klingon         -> Spoken in Star Trek
Luo             -> Kenya
Malayalam       -> language spoken in the state of Kerala, India
Marathi         -> language spoken in the state of Maharastra, India
Mohawk          -> North american Indian tribe (New England, maybe one of
                     the Sven Nations/Iriquois)
Navaho          -> North american Indian tribe (southwest)
Ndebele         -> Zimbabwe
Punjabi         -> Northern India
Quechua         -> Quecha is a Mayan language
Quenya          -> Elvish language invented by J. R. R. Tolkien for his
                     books, notably _The Lord of the Rings_
Shona           -> Zimbabwe
Sinhalese       -> Language of the non-Tamil (majority) people of Sri Lanka
Sioux           -> North American Indian tribe from the upper Midwest.
Tagalog         -> Filipino language
Tamil           -> language spoken in the state of Tamil Nadu, India
                   and in Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia, Mauritus ....
Telugu          -> southeastern state of India.
                   (eleventh most spoken language in the world.)
Urdu            -> the language spoken in pakistan
Vlaams          -> Belgian Dutch
Vulcan          -> Spoken in Star Trek
Zazi            -> Kurdic dialect
a"              -> a with umlaut
e^              -> ^ above e
a'              -> a with the acute accent (') over it

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