This a photo of present day Monahan. The Connolly family came to America from Monahan.

Decendents of John Connolly

Descendants of John Connolly 1 John CONNOLLY b: Abt. 1804 in Monahan Co. Ireland ...... 2 James CONNOLLY b: Abt. 1825 in Liseraw County Monaghan, Ire. d: in Monaghan Town County Monaghan, Ire. .......... +Anne CAULFIELD b: Abt. 1825 in Scotstown County Monaghan, Ireland d: in Monaghan Town County Monaghan, Ire. m: 1847 in Scotstown County Monaghan, Ire. ............... 3 John CONNOLLY b: 1847 in Liseraw County Monaghan, Ire. d: in Monaghan Town County Monaghan, Ire. ................... +Rose LENNON b: Abt. 1850 m: 1880 ....................... 4 James CONNOLLY b: Abt. 1881 ....................... 4 Edward CONNOLLY b: Abt. 1882 ........................... +Wife of E. CONNOLLY b: Abt. 1882 m: Abt. 1902 ................................ 5 James CONNOLLY b: Abt. 1903 .................................... +Wife of James CONNOLLY b: Abt. 1903 m: Abt. 1923 ........................................ 6 James CONNOLLY b: Abt. 1924 ........................................ 6 Girl CONNOLLY b: Abt. 1925 ................................ 5 John CONNOLLY b: Abt. 1903 d: Abt. 1954 age at d: 51 est. ................................ 5 Female CONNOLLY b: Abt. 1904 ....................... 4 Annie CONNOLLY b: Abt. 1883 ....................... 4 John CONNOLLY b: Abt. 1884 ....................... 4 Mary Elizabeth CONNOLLY b: Abt. 1885 d: Abt. 1981 age at d: 96 est. ....................... 4 Nellie CONNOLLY b: Abt. 1886 ............... 3 Mary Anne CONNOLLY b: Abt. 1850 in Liseraw County Monaghan, Ire. ................... +Husband of Mary Ann CONNOLLY b: Abt. 1850 ............... 3 Catherine CONNOLLY b: October 16, 1857 in Liseraw County Monaghan, Ire. d: 1885 in Omaha, Nebr age at d: 28 est. ............... 3 [10] James A. CONNOLLY b: 1860 in Liseraw County Monaghan, Ire. d: September 19, 1891 in Omaha, Nebr age at d: 31 est. ................... +[9] Rose Ann SMITH b: March 03, 1860 in Wenterset, Madison Co. IA d: February 28, 1938 in Omaha, Nebr m: October 24, 1888 in Omaha, Nebr. Holy Family Church age at d: 77 ....................... 4 [11] James Joseph CONNOLLY b: February 14, 1890 in Omaha, Nebr d: December 11, 1969 in Omaha, Nebr age at d: 79 ....................... 4 [12] Cornelius Francis CONNOLLY b: January 19, 1892 in Omaha, Nebr d: October 23, 1972 in Omaha, Nebr age at d: 80 ........................... +[13] Ellen Jane COULTON b: January 22, 1892 in Marshalltown, Marshall Co. IA d: September 20, 1963 in Omaha, Nebr m: August 30, 1916 in Omaha, Nebr. Sacred Heart Church age at d: 71 ................................ 5 [1] Rosemary Catherine CONNOLLY b: September 01, 1917 in Omaha Douglas Co. NE d: June 11, 1997 in Omaha Douglas Co. NE age at d: 79 .................................... +[14] Frank BEHRENS b: Abt. 1915 d: 1969 in Cozad, Nebr m: Abt. 1935 age at d: 54 est. ................................ *2nd Husband of [1] Rosemary Catherine Connolly: .................................... +[15] John Arthur JOHNSON b: Abt. 1915 d: July 28, 1985 in Omaha, Douglas Co. NE m: December 10, 1976 in Omaha Douglas Co. NE age at d: 70 est. ................................ 5 [16] Margaret Helen CONNOLLY b: May 03, 1919 in Omaha, Douglas Co. NE d: April 1987 in Clearwater, Pinellas Co. Fl age at d: 67 est. .................................... +[17] John Aloysius MORIARTY b: August 20, 1914 in Garrison, Butler Co. NE d: January 16, 1981 in Pinellas Park, Pinellas Co. Fl m: July 28, 1945 in Omaha, Nebr age at d: 66 ........................................ 6 [2] Ellen Jane MORIARTY b: April 15, 1946 in Omaha, Nebr ............................................ +[18] Lenord SMITH b: Abt. 1950 d: June 15, 1975 in Canton, Oh m: May 12, 1973 in Omaha, Nebr age at d: 25 est. ................................................. 7 [3] Margret SMITH b: November 10, 1974 in Omaha, Nebr ........................................ *2nd Husband of [2] Ellen Jane Moriarty: ............................................ +[19] Stan Bruce RICHARDSON b: Abt. 1945 m: December 01, 1979 in Omaha, Nebr ................................................. 7 [20] Mary Catharine RICHARDSON b: Abt. 1980 ................................................. 7 [21] Steven RICHARDSON b: December 27, 1983 in Omaha, Douglas Co. NE ................................................. 7 [3] Margret SMITH b: November 10, 1974 in Omaha, Nebr ................................................. 7 [22] Ann Marie RICHARDSON b: March 17, 1981 in Omaha, Nebr ........................................ 6 [23] Charles Patrick MORIARTY b: November 07, 1947 in Omaha Douglas Co. NE ............................................ +[24] Michele Ann HAMMER b: June 12, 1950 in Omaha Douglas Co. NE m: May 16, 1970 in Omaha, Nebr,Sacred Heart ................................................. 7 [25] Christopher Patrick MORIARTY b: August 28, 1971 ................................................. 7 [26] Melissa Anne MORIARTY b: September 02, 1972 ........................................ 6 [4] Mary Catharine MORIARTY b: April 23, 1949 in Omaha, Douglas Co. NE ............................................ +[5] Richard Earl MATHER b: June 03, 1950 in Norfolk, Madison Co, NE m: March 13, 1971 in Omaha, Douglas Co. NE ................................................. 7 [6] Sean Patrick MATHER b: October 31, 1974 in Iowa City, Johnson Co. IA ................................................. 7 [7] Scott Ian MATHER b: June 09, 1980 in Sarasota, Sarasota Co. FL ........................................ *2nd Husband of [4] Mary Catharine Moriarty: ............................................ +[5] Richard Earl MATHER b: June 03, 1950 in Norfolk, Madison Co, NE m: July 29, 1996 in Venice, Sarasota Co. Florida ................................................. 7 [6] Sean Patrick MATHER b: October 31, 1974 in Iowa City, Johnson Co. IA ................................................. 7 [7] Scott Ian MATHER b: June 09, 1980 in Sarasota, Sarasota Co. FL ........................................ 6 [27] Melanie Ann MORIARTY b: July 10, 1950 in Omaha, Nebr ............................................ +[28] William T. ELLERD b: December 29, 1949 in Tarpon Springs, Pinellas Co. FL m: June 23, 1972 in Dunedin, Fl ................................................. 7 [29] Matthew Lee ELLERD b: April 18, 1975 in Dunedin Pinellas Co. FL ................................................. 7 [30] Amanda Christine ELLERD b: December 07, 1977 in Dunedin, Pinellas Co. FL ........................................ 6 [31] John Cornilus MORIARTY b: March 02, 1952 in Omaha, Nebr ............................................ +[32] Barb L. ELDER b: Abt. 1952 m: September 07, 1973 in Omaha, Nebr ................................................. 7 [33] Jason Carl MORIARTY b: November 13, 1976 in Omaha, Nebr ................................................. 7 [34] Brian Joseph MORIARTY b: October 25, 1978 in Omaha, Nebr ........................................ 6 [35] Daniel Joseph MORIARTY b: December 25, 1953 in Omaha, Nebr ............................................ +[36] Patty Ann PARR b: Abt. 1955 m: November 23, 1984 in Omaha, Nebr ........................................ 6 [8] Theresa Rose MORIARTY b: March 05, 1956 in Omaha, Nebr ............................................ +[37] Sam HANSEN b: Abt. 1949 m: 1975 in Omaha, Nebr ........................................ *2nd Husband of [8] Theresa Rose Moriarty: ............................................ +[38] John Wendell DAVIDSON b: June 24, 1947 in Omaha Douglas Co. NE m: June 24, 1983 in Omaha, Nebr ................................................. 7 [39] Hope Christine DAVIDSON b: April 26, 1985 in Omaha Douglas Co. NE ................................................. 7 [40] Rose Emily DAVIDSON b: November 03, 1986 in Omaha Douglas Co. NE ................................................. 7 [41] John Michael DAVIDSON b: December 12, 1988 ........................................ 6 [42] Michael Francis MORIARTY b: December 03, 1958 in Omaha, Nebr ............................................ +[43] TINA b: Abt. 1960 ................................................. 7 [44] Jacob MORIARTY b: Abt. 1991 ........................................ 6 [45] Mark Gerard MORIARTY b: April 02, 1960 in Omaha, Nebr ............................................ +[46] Crystal MORIARTY b: Abt. 1960 ................................................. 7 [47] Unknown MORIARTY b: Abt. 1995 ................................ 5 [48] Cornelius Francis CONNOLLY b: December 24, 1921 in Omaha, Nebr d: December 14, 1984 in Johnson Co. Kansas age at d: 62 .................................... +[49] Rhea KEARNEY b: Abt. 1921 m: February 05, 1947 ........................................ 6 [50] Jane Marie CONNOLLY b: Abt. 1948 ........................................ 6 [51] Christopher CONNOLLY b: Abt. 1949 ........................................ 6 [52] Mary Margret CONNOLLY b: Abt. 1950 ........................................ 6 [53] Michael Joseph CONNOLLY b: November 03, 1958 ............................................ +[54] Lisa GROLL b: July 30, 1960 m: November 28, 1980 ................................ 5 [55] Jeanne Frances CONNOLLY b: May 26, 1924 in Omaha, Nebr .................................... +[56] James N. LUST b: Abt. 1924 d: Abt. 1984 in Napa CA. m: May 14, 1955 age at d: 60 est. ........................................ 6 [57] David Patrick LUST b: October 13, 1956 ........................................ 6 [58] DIana Kathleen LUST b: September 20, 1957 ........................................ 6 [59] Kevin Michael LUST b: April 20, 1959 ............................................ +[60] Shirley J. ROLAND m: April 28, 1984 ........................................ 6 [61] Kimberly Anne LUST b: February 13, 1961 ................................ 5 [62] David William CONNOLLY b: January 23, 1929 in Omaha, Nebr d: August 28, 1952 in Omaha, Nebr age at d: 23 .................................... +[63] Katherine CORBOY b: Abt. 1929 ............... 3 Rose Ann CONNOLLY b: March 05, 1860 in Liseraw County Monaghan, Ire. ................... +William MCCAULEY b: Abt. 1860 m: in Ireland ............... 3 Margaret CONNOLLY b: May 1860 in Liseraw County Monaghan, Ire. d: April 17, 1923 in Omaha, Nebr age at d: 62 est. ................... +Cornelius C. SMITH b: Abt. May 1825 in County Cavan, Ireland d: March 30, 1903 in Omaha, Nebr m: June 18, 1888 in Omaha, Nebr age at d: 77 est. ....................... 4 Edward F. SMITH b: Abt. 1889 d: March 05, 1974 age at d: 85 est. ........................... +[64] RUTH b: Abt. 1895 ....................... 4 Theresa SMITH b: Abt. 1890 d: December 13, 1976 age at d: 86 est. ........................... +Patrick J. ....................... 4 Mary Lusa SMITH b: May 27, 1856 in Winterset, Ia. ........................... +Male DONAHUE b: Abt. 1856 m: Abt. 1876 ....................... 4 [9] Rose Ann SMITH b: March 03, 1860 in Wenterset, Madison Co. IA d: February 28, 1938 in Omaha, Nebr age at d: 77 ........................... +[10] James A. CONNOLLY b: 1860 in Liseraw County Monaghan, Ire. d: September 19, 1891 in Omaha, Nebr m: October 24, 1888 in Omaha, Nebr. Holy Family Church age at d: 31 est. ................................ 5 [11] James Joseph CONNOLLY b: February 14, 1890 in Omaha, Nebr d: December 11, 1969 in Omaha, Nebr age at d: 79 ................................ 5 [12] Cornelius Francis CONNOLLY b: January 19, 1892 in Omaha, Nebr d: October 23, 1972 in Omaha, Nebr age at d: 80 .................................... +[13] Ellen Jane COULTON b: January 22, 1892 in Marshalltown, Marshall Co. IA d: September 20, 1963 in Omaha, Nebr m: August 30, 1916 in Omaha, Nebr. Sacred Heart Church age at d: 71 ........................................ 6 [1] Rosemary Catherine CONNOLLY b: September 01, 1917 in Omaha Douglas Co. NE d: June 11, 1997 in Omaha Douglas Co. NE age at d: 79 ............................................ +[14] Frank BEHRENS b: Abt. 1915 d: 1969 in Cozad, Nebr m: Abt. 1935 age at d: 54 est. ........................................ *2nd Husband of [1] Rosemary Catherine Connolly: ............................................ +[15] John Arthur JOHNSON b: Abt. 1915 d: July 28, 1985 in Omaha, Douglas Co. NE m: December 10, 1976 in Omaha Douglas Co. NE age at d: 70 est. ........................................ 6 [16] Margaret Helen CONNOLLY b: May 03, 1919 in Omaha, Douglas Co. NE d: April 1987 in Clearwater, Pinellas Co. Fl age at d: 67 est. ............................................ +[17] John Aloysius MORIARTY b: August 20, 1914 in Garrison, Butler Co. NE d: January 16, 1981 in Pinellas Park, Pinellas Co. Fl m: July 28, 1945 in Omaha, Nebr age at d: 66 ................................................. 7 [2] Ellen Jane MORIARTY b: April 15, 1946 in Omaha, Nebr ..................................................... +[18] Lenord SMITH b: Abt. 1950 d: June 15, 1975 in Canton, Oh m: May 12, 1973 in Omaha, Nebr age at d: 25 est. .......................................................... 8 [3] Margret SMITH b: November 10, 1974 in Omaha, Nebr ................................................. *2nd Husband of [2] Ellen Jane Moriarty: ..................................................... +[19] Stan Bruce RICHARDSON b: Abt. 1945 m: December 01, 1979 in Omaha, Nebr .......................................................... 8 [20] Mary Catharine RICHARDSON b: Abt. 1980 .......................................................... 8 [21] Steven RICHARDSON b: December 27, 1983 in Omaha, Douglas Co. NE .......................................................... 8 [3] Margret SMITH b: November 10, 1974 in Omaha, Nebr .......................................................... 8 [22] Ann Marie RICHARDSON b: March 17, 1981 in Omaha, Nebr ................................................. 7 [23] Charles Patrick MORIARTY b: November 07, 1947 in Omaha Douglas Co. NE ..................................................... +[24] Michele Ann HAMMER b: June 12, 1950 in Omaha Douglas Co. NE m: May 16, 1970 in Omaha, Nebr,Sacred Heart .......................................................... 8 [25] Christopher Patrick MORIARTY b: August 28, 1971 .......................................................... 8 [26] Melissa Anne MORIARTY b: September 02, 1972 ................................................. 7 [4] Mary Catharine MORIARTY b: April 23, 1949 in Omaha, Douglas Co. NE ..................................................... +[5] Richard Earl MATHER b: June 03, 1950 in Norfolk, Madison Co, NE m: March 13, 1971 in Omaha, Douglas Co. NE .......................................................... 8 [6] Sean Patrick MATHER b: October 31, 1974 in Iowa City, Johnson Co. IA .......................................................... 8 [7] Scott Ian MATHER b: June 09, 1980 in Sarasota, Sarasota Co. FL ................................................. *2nd Husband of [4] Mary Catharine Moriarty: ..................................................... +[5] Richard Earl MATHER b: June 03, 1950 in Norfolk, Madison Co, NE m: July 29, 1996 in Venice, Sarasota Co. Florida .......................................................... 8 [6] Sean Patrick MATHER b: October 31, 1974 in Iowa City, Johnson Co. IA .......................................................... 8 [7] Scott Ian MATHER b: June 09, 1980 in Sarasota, Sarasota Co. FL ................................................. 7 [27] Melanie Ann MORIARTY b: July 10, 1950 in Omaha, Nebr ..................................................... +[28] William T. ELLERD b: December 29, 1949 in Tarpon Springs, Pinellas Co. FL m: June 23, 1972 in Dunedin, Fl .......................................................... 8 [29] Matthew Lee ELLERD b: April 18, 1975 in Dunedin Pinellas Co. FL .......................................................... 8 [30] Amanda Christine ELLERD b: December 07, 1977 in Dunedin, Pinellas Co. FL ................................................. 7 [31] John Cornilus MORIARTY b: March 02, 1952 in Omaha, Nebr ..................................................... +[32] Barb L. ELDER b: Abt. 1952 m: September 07, 1973 in Omaha, Nebr .......................................................... 8 [33] Jason Carl MORIARTY b: November 13, 1976 in Omaha, Nebr .......................................................... 8 [34] Brian Joseph MORIARTY b: October 25, 1978 in Omaha, Nebr ................................................. 7 [35] Daniel Joseph MORIARTY b: December 25, 1953 in Omaha, Nebr ..................................................... +[36] Patty Ann PARR b: Abt. 1955 m: November 23, 1984 in Omaha, Nebr ................................................. 7 [8] Theresa Rose MORIARTY b: March 05, 1956 in Omaha, Nebr ..................................................... +[37] Sam HANSEN b: Abt. 1949 m: 1975 in Omaha, Nebr ................................................. *2nd Husband of [8] Theresa Rose Moriarty: ..................................................... +[38] John Wendell DAVIDSON b: June 24, 1947 in Omaha Douglas Co. NE m: June 24, 1983 in Omaha, Nebr .......................................................... 8 [39] Hope Christine DAVIDSON b: April 26, 1985 in Omaha Douglas Co. NE .......................................................... 8 [40] Rose Emily DAVIDSON b: November 03, 1986 in Omaha Douglas Co. NE .......................................................... 8 [41] John Michael DAVIDSON b: December 12, 1988 ................................................. 7 [42] Michael Francis MORIARTY b: December 03, 1958 in Omaha, Nebr ..................................................... +[43] TINA b: Abt. 1960 .......................................................... 8 [44] Jacob MORIARTY b: Abt. 1991 ................................................. 7 [45] Mark Gerard MORIARTY b: April 02, 1960 in Omaha, Nebr ..................................................... +[46] Crystal MORIARTY b: Abt. 1960 .......................................................... 8 [47] Unknown MORIARTY b: Abt. 1995 ........................................ 6 [48] Cornelius Francis CONNOLLY b: December 24, 1921 in Omaha, Nebr d: December 14, 1984 in Johnson Co. Kansas age at d: 62 ............................................ +[49] Rhea KEARNEY b: Abt. 1921 m: February 05, 1947 ................................................. 7 [50] Jane Marie CONNOLLY b: Abt. 1948 ................................................. 7 [51] Christopher CONNOLLY b: Abt. 1949 ................................................. 7 [52] Mary Margret CONNOLLY b: Abt. 1950 ................................................. 7 [53] Michael Joseph CONNOLLY b: November 03, 1958 ..................................................... +[54] Lisa GROLL b: July 30, 1960 m: November 28, 1980 ........................................ 6 [55] Jeanne Frances CONNOLLY b: May 26, 1924 in Omaha, Nebr ............................................ +[56] James N. LUST b: Abt. 1924 d: Abt. 1984 in Napa CA. m: May 14, 1955 age at d: 60 est. ................................................. 7 [57] David Patrick LUST b: October 13, 1956 ................................................. 7 [58] DIana Kathleen LUST b: September 20, 1957 ................................................. 7 [59] Kevin Michael LUST b: April 20, 1959 ..................................................... +[60] Shirley J. ROLAND m: April 28, 1984 ................................................. 7 [61] Kimberly Anne LUST b: February 13, 1961 ........................................ 6 [62] David William CONNOLLY b: January 23, 1929 in Omaha, Nebr d: August 28, 1952 in Omaha, Nebr age at d: 23 ............................................ +[63] Katherine CORBOY b: Abt. 1929 ....................... 4 Sarah Jane SMITH b: January 27, 1865 in winterset, Ia. d: January 21, 1937 in Omaha, Nebr age at d: 71 ....................... 4 Agnes Frances SMITH b: 1867 in Winterset, Ia. ........................... +John BYRNE b: Abt. 1867 m: Abt. 1887 ....................... 4 Edward SMITH b: August 1894 in Omaha, Nebr d: December 31, 1909 in Omaha, Nebr. St Mary's age at d: 15 est. ........................... +[64] RUTH b: Abt. 1895 ....................... 4 Thereas SMITH b: November 1895 in Omaha, Nebr ........................... +Male KINNEY b: Abt. 1895 ............... 3 Helen CONNOLLY b: March 08, 1862 in Liseraw County Monaghan, Ire. ................... +Male MCADAM b: Abt. 1862 ............... 3 Edward CONNOLLY b: Abt. 1848 ....................... 4 Brendan CONNOLLY b: May 24, 1878 ....................... 4 Eleine CONNOLLY b: August 07, 1879 ....................... 4 Fintin CONNOLLY b: November 04, 1881 ...... 2 Henry CONNOLLY b: Abt. 1826 ...... 2 Catherine CONNOLLY b: Abt. 1827 ...... 2 Mary Ann CONNOLLY b: Abt. 1828 1