For those of you who enjoy the Celtic sounds, here are some sites that I have found. As for Connie Dover and Roger Landes, I have seen both of them play when they were with the band Scartaglen. You can read all about them at these sites.
ForConnie Dover, check out this great site.
Here is one for Roger Landes.
Roger plays a mean mandolin, check out this site too forRoger at the Mandolin Cafe.Sarah McLachlan is another artist that has grabbed my attention. I first heard her a few years ago, and have since made her recordings a standard in my CD player. Here are two great sites for her.
There are a lot of great sites to visit at the home page of Sony Music. Two artists there that I enjoy are Shawn Colvin and that famous and wonderful duo I see every time they are in town, The Indigo Girls.
When I saw The Indigo Girls on their $10 tour a few years back, the opening act was Michele Malone and Drag The River. Lucky for me, I was already hooked on Michele, so the whole show was enjoyable! Here is a site for Michele Malone and her current band, Band de Soleil. Here is another site at Monsterbit that you can listen to some of her songs. You can order her music from Rainy Day Records in Atlanta Georgia.
Another group that I have gotten hooked on is the cranberries. I found this site for the cranberries and for a link to some Melissa Etheridge.
Melissa Etheridge has so many sites out there and I have not had much time to check out the best ones. BUT, you can check out The Official Fan Club For Melissa Etheridge and this site at Polygram Records.
I will keep checking out the sites and get you a more detailed listing later. Thanks for visiting. Any comments and/or suggestions write me.....