We wish to thank All the people that have signed our guestbook.

11/12/99 10:17:02
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Niza. Gracias por dejarme firmar su guestbook

11/01/99 23:55:46
Name: Doug Honeycutt My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 40
State: Kentucky Are you in Sports: Yes

Very nice page. Love the music. Keep up the good work.

02/04/99 19:06:49
My URL: Visit Me


10/03/98 22:12:46
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

10/14/97 20:17:14
Name: Ryan Pugh My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 13 State: Ky School: Grapevine
Are you in Academics: No Are you in Sports: No Are you planning on going to College: Yes

Thanks for YOUR COMMENTS They will help us make this page better

09/28/97 20:23:20
Name: Jesse Adkins My URL: Visit Me Age: 13
State: Ky. School: Grapevine Are you in Academics: Yes
Are you in Sports: Yes Are you planning on going to College: Yes

It looks very cool

09/25/97 05:15:23
Name: Lena Meade My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 33 State: Kentucky School: Grapevine, Fedscreek, MSU,PCC
Are you planning on going to College: Been there, done that

Hi JasonThacker, It looks great. You all did a good job.

09/24/97 00:56:17
Name: Jason Thacker My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 13 State: Ky. School: Grapevine Elementary
Are you in Academics: Yes Are you in Sports: No Are you planning on going to College: Yes


09/24/97 00:56:15
Name: Jason Thacker My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 13 State: Ky. School: Grapevine Elementary
Are you in Academics: Yes Are you in Sports: No Are you planning on going to College: Yes


08/13/97 06:38:00
Name: Jim Pugh My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 47 State: Ky. School: None
Are you in Academics: N/A Are you in Sports: N/A Are you planning on going to College: N/A

Thanks for the Great Looking Web Page. I enjoyed it very Much...

The song playing is 3AM

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