Saint Faustina: the humble instrument...

Sister Faustina Kowalska was a polish nun who received a series of revelations from Jesus beginning in 1931. She was born and raised in a small village in Poland and when she was twenty years old, she entered the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy. She lived a simple life in the convent until a dramatic event occurred, one that would change her deep spiritual life forever, and influence many people throughout the world.


It was on the 22nd of February, 1931, the Sister Faustina had a vision of the Merciful Christ in the town of Plock, Poland. He entrusted her with a three-fold mission: to remind the world of the known yet forgotten truth of the merciful love of God towards man; to convey new forms of devotion to the Divine Mercy and to initiate a movement that would renew Christian life according to the spirit of trust and mercy.


She wrote a diary of some 600 pages recording the revelations she was receiving about Jesus's mercy. Sister Faustina died on October 5, 1938, at a convent in Krakow. Her mortal remains lie in the convent chapel beneath the miraculous image of the Divine Mercy. She was beatified on April 18, 1993 and canonized on April 30, 2000 by the Pope John Paul II.

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