Thanks for visiting my Net Mates Page.
This is Dave and Nikki from Western Australia , A great couple and lots of fun. And if it wasnt for Dave this page wouldnt be here , He has patients like a Saint..Thanks Dave.
And Nikki what can I say about you , LOTS....hahahaha , We have sure had some great times here and on the phone .
This is Bob , Miss Lizzie hubby , Bob is hoping to be living in Australia real soon.
John , Well what can I say..hahaha We sure have had our laughs mate .
This is Miss Lizzie married to Bob (below) , Miss Lizzie now lives in Sydney about 2 hours south of here.
This is Sharon , a VERY good friend of mine , and a VERY sick sence of humor.Sharon only lives about 10 min from me and we have been friends for many years.
E.G (Hiram) My Texan mate who sounds in between Elvis and Forrest Gump , a very good Friend.EG has told me about the cute little animals he eats , Im a bit worried about that little dog in his hands.LOL