Back in Croatia
One thing that is consistently true in life and ministry here is that we are constantly working to break new ground. Whether it be striking up a conversation with a student or organizing an outreach in a new city, there is great excitement and adventure in being out on the cutting edge where we get to trust God with our lives to see how He may choose to work in and through us.
Since our return to Croatia in early March, we’ve hardly slowed down and are recovering from a sweet exhaustion. Immediately upon our arrival, Carey had to jump in to MC an English outreach in Zagreb in the evenings, while working to prepare for the arrival of a visiting church team from Oak Ridge, TN during the days. What made this particularly "fun" for LeAnn was that while Carey was gone more than we had planned, she was home with 2 jet-lagged children and an infant. We have never been more grateful for our friend, Marina, who is our kids’ usual babysitter. She came every day that first week to help get the children back into their normal "Zaggie" routine and make sure that LeAnn had adequate time for the most pressing needs of the baby.
The next week saw everyone on a good schedule, as Carey welcomed the Tennessee team. We had 6 of them to remain in Zagreb to help with an English outreach and Carey guided the remaining 7 to the city of Rijeka, on the Croatian coast.
This was the first event of any size that we had attempted to organize in Rijeka as we have had no full-time staff nor ministry presence in the city. The response of the students was overwhelming, to say the least! We had done a lot of prep work, but the actual advertising began on Monday withthe workshop getting underway on Tuesday. At times, Carey was fearful that we may have too many, and as of the first night, when 20 students came, he began to worry that we might not have enough to fill groups for 7 group leaders! As the team continued to work through their jet-lag to get out to advertise and meet students, God blessed their efforts and brought about 50 students to the workshop over the next 3 days. The greatest blessing was to see how the students and the folks from Oak Ridge connected and spent lots of time together outside of class. What remains now is for us to follow-up with these students and trust God to open doors for the gospel and to change lives!
Read more about the ground-breaking in Rijeka here.
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