Welcome to the Collie Ring guestbook. We had to switch servers lately, but hopefully I have retrieved all of the messages visitors have left. We really appreciate your comments. If you are looking for a Collie and can provide a great home, be
ure to stop by the various Collie Rescue pages on the Collie Ring. Maybe you have a place in your heart for a homeless treasure.
Mary Fetters - 12/23/00 11:50:44
My Email:mfetters@pacbell.net
Do you have Collies?: no
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: yes
am interested in knowing how the breed has progressed in solving the eye problem. Has there been a DNA marker found yet?
joanne kirisits - 09/18/00 11:08:10
My Email:weinexport@GASchmitt.com
Do you have Collies?: yes
If yes, how many?: 6 + 2 litters on the way
Are you interested in conformation?: definitely
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: agility
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: tri
Think your collie ring is a great idea. My son is just in the middle of creating a home page for our collie kennel - which isn't really a kennel as the collies live in the house and garden with the family. I've been breed for about 20 years with interru
tions and my aim has always been to combine a bouncy character, excellent conformation, health and at the same time not to lose the elegance and expression of a collie. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't but our target has remained the same and mat
ngs which didn't meet the character and conformation criteria, never mind how lovely they were, have never been repeated. I am english but live in Austria and although our collies look different to the American type they are not these fluffy types with t
ddy bear heads and no movement and bad confirmation which one sees around a lot these days.Keep on the good work. Until next time. Joanne
Antoc- Carole Smedley / Aileen Speding - 08/26/00 15:14:12
My URL:http:// tba
My Email:ca.antoc@btinternet.com
Do you have Collies?: Rough.Smooth and Cardigan Corgis
If yes, how many?: 5+4
Are you interested in conformation?: naturally
Obedience?: no
Herding or agility?: no
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: yes
Would be interested in joining all
Sherry Carmichael - 08/05/00 15:05:23
My Email:highenergy@cinci.rr.com
Do you have Collies?: No
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Sable
We have really enjoyed your website and are excited to find a breeder in Pa. I am from Pgh and we are now living in Oh. We are very interested in sable puppy for our family pet. Please contact us and let us know if you will be having any litters in the
near future. Thank you Sherry Carmichael
- 07/25/00 17:53:07
My Email:Strutes@aol.com
Do you have Collies?: yes
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: no
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: I love them all!!!!!!!
Michele James - 06/24/00 02:17:34
My Email:Angel 34 1966
Do you have Collies?: yes
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: no
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: sable
I have a male collie and i'm trying to start breeding collies. Then i would like to maybe start a kennel,in time.
Michele James - 06/24/00 02:10:25
My Email:Angel 34 1966
Do you have Collies?: yes
pam miskey - 04/05/00 00:34:15
My Email:pamiskey@hotmail.com
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: tri color rough female
am looking for a puppy i live on salt spring island b.c. canada
Brenda Mathewson - 04/03/00 23:34:23
My Email:bkm75@hotmail.com
Do you have Collies?: yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: white or black
I currently have a white collie (he is the fourth I have had in 10 years) which I rescued from the pound. Collies are the best with children! Brooks lets my granddaughter climb all over him and he follows her all over the yard. I enjoyed looking at you
sight and the dogs you have listed on it. They are beautiful!
cherise reid - 04/03/00 05:33:44
My Email:cherisereid@yahoo.com
Do you have Collies?: did have
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Tri
our family collie "Lassie" passed away two years ago, she was 15. We are now searching to purchase a collie pup from the ontario region or close by. If anyone has any information on where to find a collie pup please email me at:cherisereid@yahoo.com
A.Kemp - 04/01/00 14:21:27
My Email:freddiemercury@hetnet.nl
Do you have Collies?: yes
If yes, how many?: first 5,now just 2
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: no
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: blue first then tri and sable
I like the american type of collies.you don't see them in Holland.
Julia Drapela - 03/31/00 05:36:19
My Email:enjdrapela@jps.net
Do you have Collies?: Yes
Are you interested in conformation?: When I retire.
Obedience?: Used to. Too busy.
Herding or agility?: Agility.
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Any color. Love Smooths!
Nice website! I was searching for smooths. My two old girls are getting up there. A Tartanside line girl that will be 14 on May 5th, and still loves to go for walks and fetch her toys. My other girl, unknown breeding and age, is a rescue collie -- but
sweet and loving. Both roughs. Will be looking seriously for a smoothie probably in 2001.
Sherri - 03/20/00 03:37:22
My Email:sbverner@aol.com
Do you have Collies?: not yet
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: tri
I am very interested in adopting a retired collie. I have 3 children, ages 2, 4 and 13. I also have 2 cats. The children are good with the cats and we have been talking to them and getting them ready for a dog for about 5 months now.
I have been looking into collie rescue but a friend who breeds Bichons mentioned that sometimes dogs are retired and need homes. If you might have a match for us please email me.
Ken Tropp - 03/18/00 19:16:03
My Email:tropshop@netsync.net
Do you have Collies?: yes
If yes, how many?: one
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Sable/tan
our collie-Lady is the most loveable dog. She lets our grandson do almost anything to her and she still loves him. they play all the time. She loves to chase things, catches frizbees,aand plays soccer with any kind of ball. My wife, Diana and I love her a
SUZANNE - 03/16/00 19:34:51
My Email:suzanne@bestking.org.uk
Do you have Collies?: YES
If yes, how many?: TWO
Obedience?: YES
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: NO
In December my family go a Rough Collie of 6 years we decide to have a pup (he's a border cross)to go with her. She mother's him to bits but he won't leave her alone all he wants to do is play (pulling her) be grateful if any one's got any tip on how to
top this.
Marycarole - 03/10/00 05:54:46
My Email:MCBRAN909@aol.com
Do you have Collies?: Yes
If yes, how many?: 2 smooth
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: yes
Hi, I am anxious to hear from your website and keep in touch with other collie fanciers like myself. I have had collies for over the last 30 years, mainly as my pets and companion dogs. My last 5 collies have been smooths who I just love. I am looking
forward to seeing your websites. thanks
Deb Golletti - 03/01/00 01:31:33
My Email:TGolletti@aol.com
Do you have Collies?: Yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Sable & White
I have had numerous dogs over the years and have found collies to be the most beautiful, loyal, loving, friendly dogs out of all the other breeds. This is my second collie and I will only ever own a collie in the future.
anja - 02/12/00 01:13:04
My URL:http://tba
My Email:trenk@global.co.za
Do you have Collies?: yes
If yes, how many?: one, but a sheltie who looks like a rough
Are you interested in conformation?: no
Obedience?: yes, but primerly working trials
Herding or agility?: yeas, he shows all signs of being a good herding dog
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: no
I owe two german sheperds (import from netherlands and UK (Olderhill-cornfields).Also have a Sheltie
(import UK Wonderful Ben) which is the only one who has qualified in South Africa in Working Trials). Now I have purchased a Rough Collie
(Chellert Tracys Memory). I do not use my dogs for breeding, but for working purposes only. I have always favoured Rough Collies.
Paula Dredge - 02/02/00 12:39:08
My Email:cmdredge@lantic.net
Do you have Collies?: yes
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: brown
Susan E. BERRY - 01/27/00 01:56:59
My Email:silverLnCollies@webtv.net
Do you have Collies?: Yes
Are you interested in conformation?: Yes
Obedience?: Not at this time
Herding or agility?: Not at this time
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Tris
W. H. Kendall - 01/23/00 04:52:16
My URL:http://www.macromind.org/maps/nz/a-christ.htm
My Email:whkendall@hotmail.com
Do you have Collies?: Yes
If yes, how many?: Three
Are you interested in conformation?: Yes
Obedience?: No
Herding or agility?: No
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Sables
This is a terrific web site, I could read it all day long and not become bored. Being in my late forties I do find it difficult to show like I once did but if I don't soon I'll go crazy!
Wendy Middleton - 01/19/00 19:40:49
My Email:MWMiddleton@cs.com
Do you have Collies?: yes
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: no - love all!
Wendy Middleton - 01/19/00 19:29:08
My Email:MWMiddleton@cs.com
Do you have Collies?: Yes
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: no
Wendy Middleton - 01/19/00 19:27:05
Do you have Collies?: Yes
Andrea B. - 01/18/00 19:39:40
My Email:ccandy@netins.net
Do you have Collies?: I have one that I am trying to learn something about. I have never heard of a smooth coated collie nor has anyone else I know. She is about 6 months o
d, a rescue from someone and is joining my German Shepherd male who is also a rescued animal. He is young at 29 months and really was lonely. He has a lot of puppy in him and needed someone he could "share" me with. "Pearl" as I have chosen to name her is
ideal for him. Currently, as I just got her last night, I am crate training her. She is a resued animal and no one here was interested in her because they didn't know there was such an animal. Collies in general are not common pets here. She is going to h
ve to be spayed and I will train her extensively to meet my needs as I have and continue with Max. She visited my veterinarian yesterday and has a sad case of demo...mange which I understand is not impossible to cure. Her right eye seems to be affected s
mewhat by the mange as well. I understand there may be some kind of eyelid problem that would cause the same runny eye. My veterinarian is guiding me and she was worth the cost of the visit, as she did not cost me anything more than the spay. I have no ht
p site so I do not know if there is an email list I can get on or not.
If yes, how many?: One
Are you interested in conformation?: Somewhat
Obedience?: YES
Herding or agility?: No
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Sable/White
Please tell me where to get more information and support. I would like to get on an email list of some kind, but know not what to do.
I have birds as well, cats too. They all get along well.
Misty - 01/15/00 02:39:06
My Email:vtspn@aol.com
Do you have Collies?: Has a sheltie
Thank you so much for making my day. I lost my beloved Sam at Thanksgiving and miss him so much.
Maarit Ljung - 12/31/99 20:22:28
My Email:Maarit.Glenn@swipnet.se
Do you have Collies?: yes
If yes, how many?: one
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Obedience?: yes,little
Herding or agility?: no
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: three coulered
We have one collielady whos name is Phoebe.
We live in middle of Sweden.
Jill Abrams - 12/23/99 00:58:41
My Email:jckjill@AOL
Do you have Collies?: YES
Are you interested in conformation?: YES
Obedience?: YES
Herding or agility?: NO
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: NO
laurie dodge - 12/03/99 14:25:47
My Email:laud@compaq.net
Annette - 11/15/99 02:49:07
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca4/frostypage/
My Email:DesignBlitz@cs.com
Do you have Collies?: Yes
If yes, how many?: Too Many :-)
Are you interested in conformation?: No
Obedience?: No
Herding or agility?: No
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Yes
http://www.angelfire.com/ca4/frostypage/ is just being launched so be patient, please. Photograpghs are still being scanned and uploaded. Thanks!
Dagny - 11/14/99 20:23:22
My Email:Dwangen@online.no
Do you have Collies?: yes
If yes, how many?: only one
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: no
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: tricolor
Iàm from norway,and Collie are my faviorit.
PAULA MEACHAM - 10/17/99 22:30:39
My Email:paula@zellamere.freeserve.co.uk
Do you have Collies?: yes
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: yes agility
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: no all are lovely
lovely to see all the smooth's
shame the uk smooth collie site was unavailble
chris milroy - 10/04/99 05:54:39
My Email:aolCmi4073307
Do you have Collies?: yes
If yes, how many?: 3 adults,2puppies
Are you interested in conformation?: yes,have shown.
Herding or agility?: am starting with yng pup
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: sable,but have all.
I am trying to find a home for a 3mth.blue male.
He was stepped on by mom when 10days old which caused nerve damage.It is very slight but he is a
little awkward.He has been Vet-checked and has
every chance at a normal life.He is capable in every way.If there is any help on how to explain
this to people without turning them off,I'd app-
reciate any advice.Thanks!
chris milroy - 10/04/99 05:40:31
Dina K. Miller, M.D. - 09/26/99 21:16:34
My Email:dinamiller@the-beach.net
Do you have Collies?: yes
If yes, how many?: four
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: blue
I have two beautiful, healthy obedience-trained neutered blue-merle males (pets from "show" litters), each 3 years old which would make wonderful pets -especially for children. I would be willing to give one or both to a good home- no charge. It would b
a sacrifice, but with the birth of my second child, in this small house, we have run out of room. We also have two gentle grey-hounds (neutered male/female littermates!) which we rescued from the track and are completely house trained with which I would
also be willing to part.
Help. Contact me at above e-mail: dinamiller@the-beach.net or via phone at (305)532-2439.
Dina K. Miller, M.D. - 09/26/99 21:03:05
My Email:dinamiller@the-beach.net
Kathy Lund - 09/20/99 03:15:58
My Email:srlund@adnc.com
Do you have Collies?: Yes
Are you interested in conformation?: Yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: sable and blue merle
Our beloved 13 year old Blue Merle Collie died a couple weeks ago. She was diagnosed with cancer. I have always had Collies and somewhere down the road would love to have another collie. I know the wonderful breed well. Finding breeders in the San Diego a
ea is rather sparse. We bought our "Tina" at a local collie breeder here in San Diego but, can't seem to locate her. Any info. on local reputable Collie breeders, would be most welcome! I prefer the rough collie- sable and or blue merle. Tri-coat Collies
re nice too. I'm not quite ready to find another Collie just yet, but I know the time will come when i'm ready to give another Collie much love and care. Thanks, Kathy srlund@adnc.com
JUDY LINO - 09/16/99 21:00:11
My Email:ANGELA1013
Do you have Collies?: yes
If yes, how many?: 3 live ones and a collector of over 1000 pcs. of collie things.
Are you interested in conformation?: not at this time
Obedience?: yes, taught for 6 yrs in behavior and did some trails
Herding or agility?: agility
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: blue merles and tris
thank you for letting me talk. i've been a collie
owner for 25 yrs plus. and a collector for 27yrs.
looking for any information on collies etc.
JUDY LINO - 09/16/99 20:40:02
My Email:ANGELA1013
Do you have Collies?: yes
If yes, how many?: 3 live ones and a collector of over 1000 pcs. of collie things.
Are you interested in conformation?: not at this time
Obedience?: yes, taught for 6 yrs in behavior and did some trails
Herding or agility?: agility
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: blue merles and tris
thank you for letting me talk. i've been a collie owner for 25 yrs plus. and a collector for 27yrs. looking for any information collies
Teresa Millo - 09/05/99 21:40:53
My Email:Tcastorina@aol.com
Do you have Collies?: I did
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Sable & white, brown merle
I had to put my collie Riley of 13 years to sleep this week. I've found your site and it brings me pleasure to see all the pictures of the beautiful collies in the world. I hope that one day soon I will be able to get another collie. I have a great need f
r a collie fix right now, as you can tell I'm addicted, and always have been since I saw Lassie for the very first time. Much success to you. Teresa Millo
dis - 07/18/99 19:35:15
My Email:disdepot@aol.com
Do you have Collies?: yes
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: sable and white
- 07/18/99 03:07:58
My Email:mdolli2734@aol.com
Do you have Collies?: yes
If yes, how many?: Two
Are you interested in conformation?: Yes
Obedience?: May be
Herding or agility?: May be
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Hard to pick!
I love this web site! Great idea, and I hope to visit often.
Kathy Hilton - 07/17/99 18:05:42
My Email:gkhilton@bignet.net
Do you have Collies?: yes!!!
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: no
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: tricolor
I am glad you are pulling together all the information about collies on the web. I got my first collie when I was eight years old. I am now fifty and my love for this breed is stronger then ever. While I am not interested in being a breeder or showing
y "boys" I am interested in everything about the breed. Thanks for getting people like me a some places to go!
Kathy Hilton
Melissa B - 07/14/99 00:11:18
My Email:Slichic_6@hotmail.com
Do you have Collies?: did have
If yes, how many?: two
Are you interested in conformation?: no
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: no
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: rough
I had an older rough collie then I had to put him to sleep. I got a pup after he died because I got so attached to them. He was a year old when he past away and I am now trying to find another one. If anyone knows where I could get any please e-mail me. T
Renee Hopper - 07/08/99 19:26:50
My Email:Txcollie99@hotmail.com
Do you have Collies?: Yes
If yes, how many?: a few
Are you interested in conformation?: Yes
Obedience?: Yes
Herding or agility?: Yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: All of them/white
Myrna Shiboleth - 05/31/99 20:26:27
My Email:myrnash@netvision.net.il
Do you have Collies?: yes
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: no
Very well done!
Debbie Abbenante - 05/22/99 04:49:32
My Email:DebsDazzlinK9@webtv.net
Do you have Collies?: yes
If yes, how many?: eight
Are you interested in conformation?: no
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: tri-color
I got my first collie in 1982 from a collie rescue group in South Florida. He was the beginnng of my love of collies, he earned his C.D in three straight trials with scores in the 190s. "Travis" will always have a special place in my heart. The collies
I own now are busy in the obedience ring, herding and agility, they are naturals, and are always wanting to please me. They are also a part of my animal act, everyone who meets them can't help but not want to hug each and every one.
donna zutz - 04/03/99 03:55:13
Do you have Collies?: used to
If yes, how many?: three
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: sable and white
i loved viewing your collies. they are and always will be my ultimate favourite dog, in looks and smarts and temperment. unfortunaltely i did not have the time to groom them the way they should be groomed everyday. i often wonder what the lifespan of the
collie is, cause at 12 1/2 years old, mine got severely crippled up, deaf and blind, and lost all control of their bladders and bowels. so i had to have them put down, which broke my heart. I congradulate you on your dogs. they are absolutely beautiful.
Grophle Guizenmman - 03/22/99 00:55:12
Ich denke, daß Sie Seite interessant sind. Ich fand sie durch Unfall auf GeoCities. Wievielen Monaten haben Sie GeoCities verwendet? Lebe wohl.
Debi Hoppel - 03/18/99 19:02:20
My Email:Ugogerl345@aol.com
Do you have Collies?: yes
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Obedience?: yes, yes, yes
Herding or agility?: yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: no
I recently acquired a beautiful, 2 year old, female. This is the first Collie I have owned and I just love her. I am interested in resources to learn more about Collies.
Mary Fetters - 03/14/99 20:27:23
My Email:fetterkm@thevision.net
Do you have Collies?: yes
If yes, how many?: 1-age 16
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Obedience?: ??
Herding or agility?: ??
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Yes
I bred and raised Collies for 20 years about 40 years ago and for the past 5 years have been looking for a Tri bitch to show. So far no luck! I don't have a lot of money,probably why I don't have one to show. Prices of quality show stock is unbelievably s
yrocketed since I was breeding. Also I find the breeders to be more aloof and less helpful than they used to be. I would like to recover the friends I used to know when I was "in" collies in the 50's,60's,and 70's. My name then was Mary Vinzant and my ken
el name was Javam Collies. Any one remember me??
Mary Fetters - 03/14/99 20:18:47
My Email:fetterkm@thevision,net
Do you have Collies?: 1 age= almost 16
Solveig Steinnes - 03/09/99 20:04:20
My URL:http://so-stein
My Email:So-stein@online.no
Do you have Collies?: yes,I am a breeder
If yes, how many?: at the moment 8
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: no,I have all colours
Good idea! Hope more people join soon. Will join when my homepage is finished. My Kennelname is
Northern Bones, and I live in Norway.
todd berquist - 03/09/99 02:36:20
My Email:tberq@bellsouth.net
Do you have Collies?: yes
If yes, how many?: one
Are you interested in conformation?: no
Obedience?: he is, very.
Herding or agility?: naturally
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: his. white with sable
i purchased "mac" from ginstar collies in rockdale county, georgia. (near atlanta) he was 8 weeks old his birthday was march 1st 1993. he is registerd as Sir Theobold MacCollie. about twoo weeks ago he was diagnosed with carcinoma of the kidney and it
as mastisized to his lungs. he never once told me he was suffering but i began to see there was something amiss after he had lost about 25% of his body weight. i have the understanding that his average life expectancy is now aout eight months. mac has
een my constant companion and is very well known publically in the athens georgia area as "the dog in the back of the truck downtown". the past six years are impossible to relate in this manner but it is my wish that this dogs life line be continued. i
ever showed this friend except to the general public just about every day of his life and believe me when i say that he has affected many lives as a result. i am requesting help in finding a suitable mate for him to give him at least one pleasure he has
ever experienced. of course all i ask in return is to be granted the honor of having one of his ofspring as my charge. i know that the nature of things may preclude me from finding a mate for him in time, but just the same it is one of the things i can
o for him to improve the quality of his remaining time with us all. it is a little disheartening to have to accept that the one companion/friend/guard/playmate which has for his entire life given to his owner nohing but unconditional love and respect wil
in a short time be gone. one thing i have come to know as fact and truth and that is that there are very few things you can count on in your life. your dog. i have very much enjoyed God (spelled dog backwards) giving me the chance to experience this ki
d of relationshipand would give my all to keep him safe sound and alive. please feel free to respond to my email address listed with this somewhat lengthy comment. any and all responses will be answered via email. again, this collie ring is a wonderful i
ea and i wish i had not happened upon it under these circumstances. thank you for listening to me and for allowing this to appear in this site. sincerely, todd
Donna Robbins - 02/21/99 05:49:02
My Email:gregrobb@comnet.ksc.net.th/robbins.jg@pg.com
Do you have Collies?: use to
If yes, how many?: one
Obedience?: yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: sable
I live in Bangkok, Thailand, but will be returning to Ohio in July. Would like to get the "BEST" collie puppy upon my return. Raised a Tri-color collie from a pup, and finally had to have her put down at age 13. She was the sweetest girl around. I am
ow looking for a sable female as I don't want to try to "replace" Candi, I just want to have another great pet. I am not interested in showing or breeding. I have five acres of woods, creeks, and open spaces for the girl to run and play to her hearts co
tent. I will be installing an invisible fence to surround about 2 1/2 arces.
I was hoping to find some information at this site to help in my search. Any ideas?
Thanks, Donna
Lindy - 02/07/99 00:39:46
My Email:sassy2000@usa.net
Do you have Collies?: Yes
If yes, how many?: Two,(rough coated)males.
Are you interested in conformation?: nope
Obedience?: no, my boys are good.
Herding or agility?: no, they herd each-other
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Tri-colored, and Blue-merle
I love my boys, I have a tri-colored and a
Lucy Hall - 02/07/99 00:33:02
My Email:LovinJAG@hotmail.com
Do you have Collies?: Yes
Are you interested in conformation?: no
Obedience?: no
Herding or agility?: no
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Tri
My oldest collie, Chet, is 11 years old. My puppy, Kodie, is 7 months old. Both of my dogs are very "talkative", they groan alot, I mean when you rub their ears, and when they lie down. I love my boys.
Leigh Cohen - 01/25/99 15:22:21
My Email:Leighbee57@aol.com
Do you have Collies?: yes
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: no
This is a great site!!!
Hall - 01/23/99 00:46:58
My Email:flow83@hotmail.com
Do you have Collies?: yes
If yes, how many?: one, in the prosses of getting another.
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Blue Merle/tri-color
Eloise Simons - 01/20/99 21:44:06
My Email:simonse@uwwvax.uww
Do you have Collies?: my girl just died @ 14
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: tri
I will be looking for a new female in a state bordering wisconsin or from canada
Jane Turner - 01/10/99 06:17:40
My Email:jane@askpage.com
Do you have Collies?: Yes
If yes, how many?: 1 male
Obedience?: no, he's very obedient
Herding or agility?: he certainly tries to herd thecats
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Tri & Sable
I have a collie with eplilepsy, he's a wonderful dog, but a late developer of intelligence as the vet thought he had puppy eplilepsy and would grow out of it. Since he was started on Pheno barb. his thinking ability has improved a hundredfold. I know th
collie is known for its intelligence and am happy to see the change in my dog.
Jane Turner - 01/10/99 06:11:44
My Email:jane@askpage.com
Do you have Collies?: Yes
If yes, how many?: 1 male
Obedience?: no, he's very obedient
Herding or agility?: he certainly tries to herd thecats
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Tri
I have a collie with eplilepsy, he's a wonderful dog, but a late developer of intelligence as the vet thought he had puppy eplilepsy and would grow out of it. Since he was started on Pheno barb. his thinking ability has improved a hundredfold. I know th
collie is known for its intelligence and am happy to see the change in my dog.
tonje roennevig - 12/21/98 22:18:12
My Email:tonje.roennevig@c2i.net
Do you have Collies?: yes
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: herding
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: shaded soble
ROBERT WESTCOTT - 12/15/98 23:47:37
My Email:RWEST13513
Do you have Collies?: YES
If yes, how many?: (1) PUP
Are you interested in conformation?: YES
Obedience?: YES
Herding or agility?: YES
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: SABLE&WHITE
Laura Sheposh - 12/14/98 03:02:24
My Email:LauraSpace
Do you have Collies?: had colies for 38 years, none at the moment, and LOOKING
If yes, how many?: usually have 2 males
Are you interested in conformation?: yes-have shown in breed
Obedience?: yes, have shown inobedience, and all my collies have at least CD, or UD
Herding or agility?: no
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Prefer tri, but have had sables or sable merles in past
Was rummaging around some board postings on AOL, and came across a few sites with the Collie Ring . Have been looking for a show pup , as my last male was put down in Sept . Currently have only a rescue dane . Am in NY, but willing to travel to see specia
pup . My last two boys were from different kennels ..one from Valerie Nassetta of Paradice (an Along Came Jones double-up) and Bill Zovickian of Xanadu (a Sultan and Royce grandson and son ) Am looking to get back into the breed and also the obedience sh
wring ,after a layoff of several years for health reasons . I believe the concept of the Collie Ring is interesting, and hope you acquire a large base of people interested in this .
Diana - 11/22/98 02:06:21
My Email:libertyvalley@aic-fl.com
Do you have Collies?: yes
If yes, how many?: 23
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: no
no favorite color- I love em all! I judge mine on brains and their loving temperment. Not currently showing-Love your websites. I'm new on the computer-and still alittle confused. Don't have my own web page yet. Love to hear collie stories.
and look at the collie pictures. Each of mine are unique in their own way-Thats why so many-Don't really want to part with them and they have to go to special people.
Janet Lamont - 10/27/98 06:11:48
My Email:BobandJanet_Lamont @bc.sympatico.ca
Do you have Collies?: Yes
If yes, how many?: one
Are you interested in conformation?: Yes
Obedience?: Yes
Herding or agility?: No
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: No
This site is a wonderful idea. I will be back to visit it often. Thankyou for all your hard work. It is greatly appreciated
tom & sharon cole - 10/27/98 01:21:26
My Email:dirtroad@mint.net
Do you have Collies?: yes
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Obedience?: yes
we've always had dogs, but never a collie until we rescued a pup 13 yrs ago. dylan was a magnificent mahogany sable male. he is gone and now we have three which are each outstanding dogs. glad we ran across your site.....
JEAN DALLY - 10/26/98 10:45:01
My Email:jedford@one.net.au
Do you have Collies?: yes
If yes, how many?: 4 rough, 4 smooth
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: no
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: sable
I hope to be able to share other people's knowledge and enjoyment of our magnificent breed.
10/03/98 22:08:34
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Wendy Jackson - 09/04/98 19:43:14
My URL:http://www.execulink.com/~rokaro
My Email:rokaro@execulink.com
Do you have Collies?: Yes
Are you interested in conformation?: Sort of
Obedience?: Definitely
Herding or agility?: The Best!
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Sable
I'd like to add my site to the Ring, but have to go to my other friends house to do it, she's on holiday so will take a while. Wendy
KatsPaws - 09/02/98 23:50:04
My Email:KatsPaws@MailExcite.Com
Do you have Collies?: Yes
Are you interested in conformation?: Yes
Obedience?: Yes
Herding or agility?: Yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: TriCol
Karen Nitzek - 08/17/98 17:46:12
My Email:knitzek@nshr.hnet.bc.ca
Do you have Collies?: yes
If yes, how many?: one
Are you interested in conformation?: no
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: tri
I am just a new owner of a nonpapered tri collie, and am very impressed with the intelligence and sweetness of my 5 month old pup. I am learning alot about the collie breed by reading books. My pup is very striking looking and on our walks people are in
erested in his breeder. One family has already adopted a pup, so one of his litter mates will be in the neighbourhood.
I was pleased to find your site on my first searc of the internet and will check back for further updates.
R Garner - 07/24/98 00:15:44
My Email:rgarner02@snet.net
Do you have Collies?: yes
If yes, how many?: 15 roughs and smooths
Are you interested in conformation?: yes 4 ch and 5 pointed
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: yes 1 HIC
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Bule mearl
We have had collies for 11 years but just started breeding 4 years ago. We have about 3 litters per year. We breed both smooth and rough collies and
show many of them in the Bred By Exhibitor class
sherry vaughn - 07/19/98 17:59:09
My Email:sbvaughn@3wave.com
Do you have Collies?: yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: sable and white
marilyn brannon - 07/15/98 16:56:00
My URL:http://www.lauri/coolsites/marilyn
My Email:meb14@hotmail.com
Do you have Collies?: yes
If yes, how many?: one
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Obedience?: no
Herding or agility?: yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: no
I am looking to find if the breeder we got our collie from has a email or website. If anyone knows please let me know Their name is Getz in Texas. My dog is my 2nd child and hero--he saved my life as a puppy.
Valerie Geddes - Ingledene - 07/02/98 15:16:52
My URL:http://personal.inet.fi/koti/lintunen.inkilainen/Ingledene.1.htm
My Email:fikitang
Do you have Collies?: yes
If yes, how many?: lots
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: no
Love all the ring has to offer about our beautiful Collies
Valerie Geddes - Ingledene - 07/02/98 15:15:40
My URL:http://personal.inet.fi/koti/lintunen.inkilainen/Ingledene.1.htm
My Email:fikitang
Do you have Collies?: yes
If yes, how many?: lots
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Obedience?: yes
Valerie Geddes - Ingledene - 07/02/98 15:15:39
My URL:http://personal.inet.fi/koti/lintunen.inkilainen/Ingledene.1.htm
My Email:fikitang
Do you have Collies?: yes
If yes, how many?: lots
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Obedience?: yes
Lee Patten - 06/05/98 19:17:06
My URL:http://MPa2425164
My Email:MPa2425164@aol.com
Do you have Collies?: Yes
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: no
Enjoyed your site. Am new to the computer so I need to learn a lot more.
Barb - 05/28/98 18:49:23
My URL:http://expage.com/page/petsittingforloveandmoney
My Email:intlpub1@aol.com
Do you have Collies?: Not yet. I'm hopeful!
Are you interested in conformation?: Yes.
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Sable, Tri and Blue Merle
First, allow me to say that I absolutely love your webpage. I hope to be able to own a Collie soon; perhaps within this next year. Can't wait!
Barb - 05/28/98 18:49:14
My URL:http://expage.com/page/petsittingforloveandmoney
My Email:intlpub1@aol.com
Do you have Collies?: Not yet. I'm hopeful!
Are you interested in conformation?: Yes.
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Sable, Tri and Blue Merle
First, allow me to say that I absolutely love your webpage. I hope to be able to own a Collie soon; perhaps within this next year. Can't wait!
Barb - 05/28/98 18:49:07
My URL:http://expage.com/page/petsittingforloveandmoney
My Email:intlpub1@aol.com
Do you have Collies?: Not yet. I'm hopeful!
Are you interested in conformation?: Yes.
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Sable, Tri and Blue Merle
First, allow me to say that I absolutely love your webpage. I hope to be able to own a Collie soon; perhaps within this next year. Can't wait!
Barb - 05/28/98 18:48:58
My URL:http://expage.com/page/petsittingforloveandmoney
My Email:intlpub1@aol.com
Do you have Collies?: Not yet. I'm hopeful!
Are you interested in conformation?: Yes.
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Sable, Tri and Blue Merle
First, allow me to say that I absolutely love your webpage. I hope to be able to own a Collie soon; perhaps within this next year. Can't wait!
Barb - 05/28/98 18:48:50
My URL:http://expage.com/page/petsittingforloveandmoney
My Email:intlpub1@aol.com
Do you have Collies?: Not yet. I'm hopeful!
Are you interested in conformation?: Yes.
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Sable, Tri and Blue Merle
First, allow me to say that I absolutely love your webpage. I hope to be able to own a Collie soon; perhaps within this next year. Can't wait!
Barb - 05/28/98 18:48:42
My URL:http://expage.com/page/petsittingforloveandmoney
My Email:intlpub1@aol.com
Do you have Collies?: Not yet. I'm hopeful!
Are you interested in conformation?: Yes.
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Sable, Tri and Blue Merle
First, allow me to say that I absolutely love your webpage. I hope to be able to own a Collie soon; perhaps within this next year. Can't wait!
Barb - 05/28/98 18:50:36
My URL:http://expage.com/page/petsittingforloveandmoney
My Email:intlpub1@aol.com
Do you have Collies?: Not yet. I'm hopeful!
Are you interested in conformation?: Yes.
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Sable, Tri and Blue Merle
First, allow me to say that I absolutely love your webpage. I hope to be able to own a Collie soon; perhaps within this next year. Can't wait!
Barb - 05/28/98 18:50:28
My URL:http://expage.com/page/petsittingforloveandmoney
My Email:intlpub1@aol.com
Do you have Collies?: Not yet. I'm hopeful!
Are you interested in conformation?: Yes.
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Sable, Tri and Blue Merle
First, allow me to say that I absolutely love your webpage. I hope to be able to own a Collie soon; perhaps within this next year. Can't wait!
Carolyn Russell - 05/21/98 22:58:21
My Email:CRuss13891@aol.com
Do you have Collies?: I did
If yes, how many?: I had one
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Mahogony Sable
I had to put my 16 year old collie/friend, "Bandit" to sleep last month, and I am wishing and hoping that I can find a collie (female/female spayed) to share my love and home. I am looking for a collie around a year old. I live in Virginia, and have a f
nced in backyard. Please could someone help me?
My e-mail address is: CRuss13891@aol.com
Thank you.
Amy Bemboom - 05/21/98 14:31:31
My Email:http://www.bemboom@cloudnet.com
Do you have Collies?: Yes
Are you interested in conformation?: No
Obedience?: Yes
Herding or agility?: Yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Tri
Mystic Kennels breeds guaranteed pet-quality puppies that are of a sound temperament and normal to grade 2 eyes. We are working toward conformation but mostly work with obedience training at this time.
cathie gentz - 05/20/98 02:25:54
My Email:gerrycat@msn.com
Do you have Collies?: no
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: no
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: slight preference to tricolor
I was raised with Collies and Shelties. My mother bred and showed both. I now have Tibetan Terriers - a breed I became interested in when my last Collie, Amber, died. I adore my Tibetans but there is something about a Collie. The stories I could tell
bout Amber! Even her passing was typical Collie - she tried to save one of her beloved barn cats from getting run over by the horse trailer and in turn herself was hit. She died a couple of weeks later from the injuries she sustained. It's been 4 years
nd I'm beginning to see Collies in that same old way again. They are wonderful dogs!
Joan Scialdone - 05/08/98 21:50:42
My Email:kollie@nh.ultranet.com
Do you have Collies?: Yes
If yes, how many?: Two
Are you interested in conformation?: Yes
Obedience?: Yes
Herding or agility?: Yes - Agility
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Tri-colors
You probably know me from the Collie List; I'm the one who owns CH. Grandhill Brookwood Aurora Am/Can CD, CGC, TDI who is a Knockout by Kaiteka daughter and is now 10 1/2 years young. "Rori" is a doll & I'm crazy about her. Her daughter Tiffany is 5 and
I have an Am/Can CH. Karizma Deep River High Flyer, aka "Josh" Blue Merle Boy. We're working in obedience and agility now and just love it!
boehme,sharon - 05/08/98 18:42:10
My Email:kboehme@shaw.wave.ca
Do you have Collies?: no
Interested in temperament traits,ie.good with children,do well outside in colder temps,coat difficut to take care of,how much they bark etc. I am very much of fan the Terhune books on collies and am a dog owner,presently,however of a golden retriever/yel
ow/lab cross,while not a collie is still a most beautiful and wonderful dog. someday however I intend to own a rough collie.
Zhamanuel - 05/07/98 04:18:10
My Email:cardona@worldnetLA.net
Do you have Collies?: yes
If yes, how many?: one
Are you interested in conformation?: no
Obedience?: yes
Herding or agility?: no
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: I like all the types of Collies
I think that your site is the (BOMB).
Natalie - 05/06/98 08:37:47
My Email:penny@iexpress.net.au
Do you have Collies?: Yes
If yes, how many?: One
Obedience?: Yes - she's obedience champion
Herding or agility?: Yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Tricolour (rough coat)
Interested in agility work - my darling Penny is 12 months old, and obedience champion already, - she's not quite old enough to start agility work, but she seems to be a natural herder and is very active, so I think she'd enjoy it!
Love her to bits - she's my baby!!
Hey, great site!!
Britt Franzen - 05/03/98 17:21:56
My Email:britt.franzen@lidkoping.mail.telia.com
Do you have Collies?: Yes
Are you interested in conformation?: Yes
Obedience?: Yes
Herding or agility?: Yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: Sobel ,Tricolor
Elizabeth James - 04/30/98 00:47:03
My URL:http://meena.cc.uregina.ca/~Jamesee/North.html
My Email:collies@geocities.com
Do you have Collies?: yes
Are you interested in conformation?: yes
Obedience?: yes
Do you have a favourite colour of Collie?: no -- any nice natural colour will do
Previous entries in old book -- I hope they are all here! - Elizabeth
From: Pamela Stark
Re: collie ring
Do you have Collies?: i have collies
I have no web page now, but maybe in the future, how do I see the collie pages? Did I mass
something? on my way here. I always look for collie news. and collie people. what did I do wrong?
From: Valerie Garretson
Re: The Collie Ring
Do you have Collies?: Yes
I love this collie ring idea. Good Job!!!
From: austin
Re: collie ring
Do you have Collies?: yes
Congratulations on a great page. It's full of very interesting facts and your dogs are beautiful.
From: Jan R. Hipsher
Re: just visiting new Collie Ring
Do you have Collies?: I have a 5month old Blue Merle male puppy
I think this is a very good idea since it gives the visitor other collie web pages and allows them
a chance to see how other fanciers promote there
love of collie dogs.
From: Julie Mullen
Re: litters for next year
I am looking for a reputable breeder to prchase a puppy sometime next summer. If any of your
breeders know they plan on breeding next year or would like more information about me, my
family, and what we're looking for please e-mail me. We may also be interested in an adult dog.
From: Carolyn Dawson Australia
I do not breed collies, but own one, she is too small to show but has her UD & 2 legs in Agility..
She is a wonderful companion. She is the third Collie (all with Obedience titles) that I have had the
pleasure of living with. One day I want to have a Collie that can achieve her breed championship as
well as her Obedience titles. Nice to visit your site!
From: Feather
Re: Your page
Do you have Collies?: absolutely!!! *L*
I love your webring page, and the images!!!
*sigh* It's a collie fancier's heaven to
see other collie addicts!! Keep up the
good work!
From: Wendy Pfeiffer, Sydney Australia
Re: Collie "talk"
Do you have Collies?: YES
I have had collies (rough)
since 1955, BIS in show winners I specialise in blue merles. I do no have a home page as yet as I
am just learning to navigate the internet. Will contact and join site when I know what I am doing.
My top collie is Aust Ch Dalwood Hillstreet Blues, 2 BIS All Breeds 12 Working Groups over 120
CCs and BIS under Hazel Slaughter (Canada) Collie NSW Speciality. I also have 2 Shelties Aust
Ch Almaroy Code Blue 2 BIS Sheltie Club of NSW and Res Challenge under Mrs Ternus USA
when he was only a puppy.
Thank you for your time and your informative page, I hope I can design one as good.
Keep up the good work.
From: Ivan Desutter
Re: Rough Collies
Do you have Collies?: Yes, we have 12 Rough Collies Desie Kennels Reg'd
Would like to know where I can get a Computer Program for the Kennel.
Thank You
Please Reply
From: Tammie Yardy
Re: Collie Ring
Do you have Collies?: Yes, I have a two year old male named "Casey"
I would love to talk to anyone about Collies!!
From: Mary Catoir Earthstar Collies
Do you have Collies?: Yes
Enjoyed viewing your web collie ring. I do quite a lot of showing and about one litter a year. Alway
enjoy visiting with other collie fanciers. May have more question later. Keep up the great coverage.
Mary Catoir e-mail catoir@bellsouth.net
From: Hasse and Saga Enbuske
Do you have Collies?: We have five Collies at home (rough)
Please, send us a mail and tell us what you liked our site
From: Cheryl Ellis
Re: Joining Collie Ring
Do you have Collies?: Yes, rough and smooth, and I am a professional handler.
I like this idea, I am having my web page made now, and would like to join and post a link to the
Collie Ring. I'll check back for info when my page is ready...thanks!
From: FOLIAS COLLIES Elisabeth Persson
Re: The Collie Ring
Visit My Guestbook Too!
Do you have Collies?: One smooth and five rough
Love collies, love to train them in all kinds
of works.One of my collies is contracted to
the armys home defense.
Two of the others is traind for search and
tracking in elitclass. Please send me mail and
tell me if there is someone who likes to work
whith collies.
Nice to visit your site.
From: Evelyn Pagella
Do you have Collies?: Yes, 1 female 10 yr. old Sable rough coat
Looking to rescue a male adult collie for pet, not show. Please contact me if anyone knows of one
for sale or free that is in need of a large farm to roam in New Hampshire. Looking in the
N.H.,Mass,Vt., upstate N.Y. or Conn. area . Thanks Evelyn
Darlene Kerr...Kerhaven Collies reg.
My visit to the collie ring
Visit My Guestbook Too!
Do you have Collies? yes currently one normal eyed male a tri and one sable female
I have loved collies all my life. I have shown collies on and off since I was eighteen. I would rather
not say just how long ago that was. but dose the term Jurassic give you a time frame? I have always
dreamed of one day breeding these great dogs. Finally that day has come. From my first litter which
was born in '96 I kept a winsome sable bitch. She has only been in the ring three days in her life.
Entered as Bred by exibitor in the ccc of 96 at eight mos of age she took her class but that was all.
entered only two days at the Prarie Canine Academy shoe last nov. she went WB and BOS both
days for four points in total. Last August I purchased a co-ownership in a Normal-eyed poss.
non-carrier from Valiant Collies in Alaska I will show him in Calgary Jan 30,31, and Feb. 1. I'm
hoping I will have a litter from this lovely Tri male and my own sweet little Gypsy in March. see you
all at the show I hope. I'm so happy to have access to something like the collie ring. I don't yet have
a computer so use my brouthers in stead. would love to hear from anybody and everybody who
wants to talk collie. Oh and one more thing, let's all of us keep on trying to be the people our collies
believe we are.
Sue Rutledge
Visit My Guestbook Too!
Do you have Collies? Yes Right now I have 8 Smooths
I just finished Lea Oaks Unique Design at the washington shows. She out of Storm's Gambit
Exclusive and Lea Oak's Exclusive design
Gerald Martin
New Owner of a Blue Merle
Do you have Collies? Yes, a female blue merle
I am interested in raising and breeding collies. This is my second collie and I had a very difficult time
locating collies in the Oklahoma/Texas area. I would love to talk to anyone else interested in collies.
I would like information about training and showing my puppy in the Oklahoma/Texas area. email
me at oklu@texhoma.net
Collie Ring
Do you have Collies? Yes
I just built my Collie page and am looking forward to joining the Collie Web Ring. It is my
perception that the Collie is the most beautiful, intelligent creature on this planet.
edoardo galmarini
collie ring
Do you have Collies? yes, three wonderful rough (2 dogs + one bitch)
I tried to get in touch earlier on but I do not know whether I succeeded. Congratulations for your
site. this is my first approach and will dig further into internet exchange of ideas,, news , etc. Love
from sunny Italy to all collies addicts
Jeanne Brykalski
Reading your web page, and getting more info
Do you have Collies? My husband and I have 3 collies and 3 cats (our babies) and are members of
the Collie Concern Collie Rescue Organization in East Tennessee. 2 of our collies are rescues. (1
from Collie Concern and 1 from our vet)
Eric Haydock
Just wanted to sign in
Do you have Collies? yes
We have 1 female collie from Connie at Collie Rescue of Atlanta. After spending 11 years with my
first collie (male) I can't imagine my house without a collie. I strongly encourage all interested in
collies to lend whatever help they may to the collie rescue organisations.
Do you have Collies? YES, ROUGH AND SMOOTH
Angele Rowe
Do you have Collies? yes, a puppy
Jenny Roberts
collie rescue
Do you have Collies? yes, 2 males
Ennismoor Reg'd
The Collie Ring
Do you have Collies? yes,check out my website!
your website looks great, great pictures1
Do you have Collies? NO
What very nice backgrounds can you tell me how to make that
Ernie & Margaret Dragan
Just want to say hello
Do you have Collies? No
We just wanted to let you know we have visited your Collie Ring website. Hope you did well in
your exams. Say hello to Flora. Bye for now, Ernie & Marg