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Stover / Stober Related Sites

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These are links to web sites you might find helpful in your research of the Stober/Stover families.

Sites Which Include Our Stover / Stober Families
red pinFamily Tree of a Good Family John Good shares information on his ancestors, descendants of Julia Ann[5] Jacob[4] George[3] George[2] and her husband Samuel Good.
red pinHof/ftree Family Home Page Bruce Hoffsommer's site includes information on Peter Gerhart and his wife, Magdalena[4] Johannes[3] Valentin[2] Stober.
red pin John Wion's Genealogy John is a descendant of Elizabeth[4] Frederick[3] Jacob[2] and her husband George Grove who was the son of Catherine[4] Wilhelm[3] Valentin[2].
red pin Margie Pearce's Genealogy Margie is a descendant of Johann Peter Neff, son of Eva Christina[2] Stober and husband Johan Jacob Neff.
red pin Kyger Family Genealogy Homepage The Descendants of Christian Geiger
Includes descendants of Eva Barbara[2] and her husband Wilhelm Geiger
red pinThe McLain-Gyger Family Database Includes descendants of Wilhelm Geiger and his wife Eva Barbara[2] Stober.
red pin Stepping Stones Genealogy A web site devoted to the ancestors of Kevin L Sholder, a descendant of Barbara[4] Jacob[3] Jacob[2] who married David Miller
red pin Stovers West Compiled by Dennis Stover, who is descended from Jacob [5] George[4] John[3] Jacob[2] and his wife Rebecca[5] Hess, grand-daughter of Eva Catherine[3] Jacob[2] who married Matthias Hess.
red pin The Musser Stahlhut Home Page Includes some descendants of Matthias Hess and his wife Eva Catherine[3] Jacob[2] Stover
red pin Beeson Family Page Gail Harvey Budda has included some descendants of Daniel Grosscup and his wife Fianna[5] Jonas[4] Johannes[3] Valentin[2] Stober on this page.
red pinAncestors of Todd Bolen Includes Todd's line of descent from Catharine Agatha[2] Stober and her husband John Adam Oberlin.
red pinMock Web Site Includes descendants of Henry Mock who married Eva Christina Oberlin, daughter of John Adam Oberlin and Catharina Agatha[2] Stober.
red pinNeff Genealogy Descendants of Eva Christine[2] and her husband Jacob Neff may want to visit this site.
Pennsylvania and Centre County Sites
red pin Centre County PA GenWeb Page All types of information for those doing genealogy in Centre County PA
red pinCentre County PA Library
A list of some of the genealogical holdings in the Pennsylvania Room of the Centre County Library and Historical Museum
red pinBrenda's Guide To Online Pennsylvania Genealogy A comprehensive list of links, arranged by category, for Pennsylvania Genealogy sources found online
A German Site
red pinStutensee Web Site If you can read German, you may enjoy this site. Click on "Burger" to see a list of residents, with their phone numbers and e-mail addresses. Click on "Stutensee.DE", which opens a new window. From there you can click on the British Flag to read a description, in English, of Stutensee, which includes the village of Staffort.
Other Sites Where the Stover / Stober Page is Listed
red pinCemetery Internment Lists on the Internet Links to burial records on the net, listed by geographical location, surname, etc.
red pinStover Family Genealogy Forum A message board for all Stover lines

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Updated 17 March 2006

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Please send all comments,
corrections, and suggestions
to Pat Stover Fair

© 1997-2006 Patricia Stover Fair

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